Anyone know the formula for resist rates?
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Ie. what is the formula for resist rates for spell level compared to target level? Just wanted to figure out if i'm using a level 43 baseline spell and take mastery of focus 1 making it effectively a level 46 spell, what is the increase in success rate? Thanks.
Resist rate is something like 15% + 0,5% * (target level - spell level).
I think that difference from live (the feeling of a #@~]# too high resist rate) come from piercing, since piercing bonnus reduce resist rate ! (Suprised to see that, but should be true since DoL has added this bonus in formula). Since u can't have a spell level higher than your own level, 15% is the "best" resist rate u can have. 1 resist every 6th time ![]() RIP : Ectoplasme
My own version of Uthgard Character Builder |
Against players of same level best resist rate is 12.5%.
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later. "It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure." Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard" Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand" [Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????" BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..." |
which is = 1 of 8 = 1/8
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Near to 0% miss rate in melee, more than 12.5% of spell resist rate... yes, live like but ![]() ToA introduced a very nice change by reducing the resist rate of spell. RIP : Ectoplasme
My own version of Uthgard Character Builder |
And that is? It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later. "It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure." Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard" Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand" [Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????" BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..." |
% pierce spell
Ok then miss / parry / block / evade / fumble for spells too? ![]() |
At least there are ways around Parry/Block/Evade. There are already resist buffs that take players up to ~40% resists. Resist rates are cruel enough to discourage some players from RvR'ing. The cost of a missed/fumbled style is only a few mere points of endurance lost (which regens fast) while the cost of a resist spell results in not only mana and endurance loss but also the loss of a fight in many cases. Several times I have lost fights simply because the enemy resisted a (sometimes multiple) spell(s). While a caster must try a spell again before being subdued by the enemy or their own power/end pool, a melee player can simply laugh their way to victory with their reliable weapon accuracy (and melee range ![]() Just remember, your biggest enemy is the resist rate. ~ This is just my experience after playing an Bard, Eldritch, and Shaman in RvR (both solo and grouping). . . yes I do run Mastery of Focus. "It's not fair unless I'm winning!" |
Resist buffs have got nothing to do with resist rates. But yes, resist rates are awful on Uthgard, it's too bad I didn't back up my screenshots but I had one with 8 resists in a row with a lvl 47 spec spell in rvr. A lot of fun to play a caster ![]() |
Yes, but I was only simply stating that spell users also face great obstacles. -Melee: Miss, Fumble, Block, Parry, Evade, AF/ABS -Magic: Resist Buffs, Resist Rates, Interruption, Slow Regen Rates, Slow Cast Speed If the resist rates were lowered just a tad we may see more active magic users in RvR (rather than just at Relic/Zerg Events). "It's not fair unless I'm winning!" |
Before this turns into another resist rate rant I would just like to mention that on Uthgard, we have the slowest possible castspeed in the game.
With Old RAs we had Mastery of the Art, which gave up to 15% castspeed when maxed, which is huge. When ToA got released, this got a bit out of hand with the additional %castspeed bonusses, so they removed the ability to spec into it from the RAs when NF got released. Of course as we all know, we don't have ToA here, nor Old RAs. Just like Viper3, nearsight, Charge and maybe some other abilities, it is only our specific setting that is uniquely unfit for them. This is a way bigger issue than the resist rates I believe, which are probably very close to livelike anyway. In defense of truth-to-experience.
That is why I included *Cast Speeds* as an obstacle for casters here. If we could cast faster, we could dish through the resists faster in hopes to finally land a successful spell before the enemy gets to the caster.
Instead we cast slow with a high resist rate. As Zarkor stated, old RA's would benefit casters. Throughout DAoC hasn't Cast%Speed always existed? What brought me to Uthgard about 2 years ago was after hearing they were bringing on Old RA's "soon". Here I am 2 years later still waiting and kinda suffering from it in this setting, as I only enjoy Casters/Support/Hybrid toons. "It's not fair unless I'm winning!" |
Pretty much, yup. In defense of truth-to-experience.
Nice derail of the resists rate topic Zarkor.
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