[Alb] selling mats

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Eagle Knight
Posts: 803
Joined: Dec 21, 2016 15:28

Postby Stasis » Aug 16, 2017 14:57

Is there any point to try sell lower level mats (stacks of 200) from my leveling from 20-50.

Lets say for a 85% of what i get if i hinge it.
Will any that level a crafter be interessted?
I dont belive CM is a good place. I have sold some leather at cornwall station at release. But not sure atm as we have all mats in capital.

I dont need to hinge it and crafters get a good deal.
I will keep the highest tir to my template. If this dont work out i guess i have a few nights with hinging comeing :)

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Gryphon Knight
Posts: 240
Joined: May 30, 2014 18:46

Postby morry1000 » Aug 18, 2017 01:16

Cornwall Station is a good base from which to farm a lot of mithril, I found material tiers lower than mithril were not really worth the effort to salvage / hinge / sell.

Mithril you can actually start making money from, and the mobs are really close by (for example the hunter camp right out the back of the Cornwall station building (dependent on your level ofc).

So no, I would not bother with the lower tier stuff, plus with the population ever decreasing it is just a waste of time for you to attempt to sell lower tier stuff to other players imho.

Trinket mithril and above and forget the rest (at least as far as metal is concerned). Tbh the same probably holds true for all the materials.

Eagle Knight
Posts: 803
Joined: Dec 21, 2016 15:28

Postby Stasis » Aug 20, 2017 22:28

I salvaged all items from Cornwall and up, i used downtime this weekend to hinge all metal and Wood, still have 2k+ of nightshade cloth and all the leather before im done.

I did it in wrong order, i should started hinge the leather since it have a metal part for hingeing (stupid).
so i guess i make some gloves or something to use it all up.
took its time, but i ge to keep all profit.

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