lol pourquoi il a été fermé l'autre topic?
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Relax, take it easy...
[v2] Toxik - Cabalist 50 <Fromage>
[v1] Phenix - Friar 50 <French Keeper> |
maybe you pointed the problem... law must be the same for all and shouldn't depend of the lawyer... if you can get different decision if a gm or an other see smthg it's a real problem. it would be nice that at least GMs speak to each others before acting. maybe such thing would bring less problem in the community. full power in the end of 1 people is dictature power splited between some people is democracy full power for more than one person is anarchy dictature is oki, democracy is nice, anarchy is the death of community <img src="">
Panachier, come back to the real world. Sure, law should be all the same for everyone but still everyone judges differently. The lawyer will always make a difference thats the case in germany, france, USA and in the whole world.
You can't turn off someones personality. We have defined rules and we have penalties. The GM have the chance to adjust this penalties within the given boundaries and that is not going to change. Where one GM closes one or two eyes another one might act instantly. But thats not the fault of the GM that acts, because the rules demand consequences. It is always the question how a "lawyer" or "gamemaster" weights a situation which is mostly a personal matter. None of us is a judge or lawyer in real life.. so we have to get the best out of things, because IT IS necessary that rules are enforced. |
@Nayru: This day, i say to you in IRC (when you decide to make ALL MY CHARS in jail because Ishida is my char too....) you forget Setsuna, Fjotreid etc... it's my chars too, so, why you don't make them in jail too ? if it's all my chars/accounts ? whereas i said to you it's my accounts...? And this day too, it's Kreya (something like that, the twink of Aisa) and i ask to here if she saw Shaolin kill me or reverse, she said <<no, i'm sorry for that>> So, me and Shaolin wait an answer for that. [sry for bad english, i translate some word but....] <img border="0" src="" />
1 month and no answer ;)
comme on dit par chez moi :" Comme de par hasard , sapristipopette !! " oui on dit ca a Paris !! c la grande classe et ca va envahir la france et la belgique cette expression !! <img src="">
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