[ALB]OFFER Bslt Bow+Shields of Bedlam,Shark Gem,Worm Wraps..
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.... for: - Basalt Sword of Oblivion (Prince)
- Blood Mist Belt (Megalodon) --------------------------------------------------------- Items i can offer: -Brimstone Bardiche of Oblivion (Polearm Weapon) Spd:5.5 STR+18 QUI+18 body+6% Heat+6% AllMeleeSkills+2 Proc DirectDamage95Heat -Brimstone Hammer of Chaos (Cleric Hammer) Spd:3.8 DEX+15 INT+15 body+6% Heat+6% Rejuv+4 Charge PowRegen: 4 Basalt Bow of Bedlam: Spd: 5,7 Bow: +3 Dex: +19 Quick: +19 Cold: 6% Matter: 6% lvl 50 proc 95DD Basalt Buckler of Bedlam:(small) Spd2,8 Shields: +2 Con: +19 Dex: +19 Matter: 7% Heat: 7% Charge Haste 17% Worked Wormhide Wrap: Dex: +21 Slash: +8% Cold: +8% Spirit: +8% (health regen charge 29hp 20sec dur) Wormskin Wrap: Con: +24 Slash: +8% Crush: +8% Thrust: +8% (health regen charge 29hp 20sec dur) Frenzied Shark Tooth: Strength: 18 pts Constitution: 22 pts Quickness: 15 pts Hits: 80 pts ----------------------------------------------------- those I need: Basalt Sword of Oblivion: (Prince) Lifedrainproc Spd: 4,2 Slash: +2 Str: +19 Quick: +19 Heat: +7% Matter: +7% Blood Mist Belt: (Megalodon) Body: 9% Heat: 8% Spirit: 8% Hits: +60 /send me in game on Nubrin/Lise/Brina/Hesmarc.. |
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