[b]lvl 51 crafted staff 99%
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i'm searching for a crafter capable of making a 99% lvl 51 staff. I've tried to find one several times on IRC, just got the information that none of the hibernian legendary fletchers is active...
Ich suche nach einem Crafter der nen 99% lvl51 stab mach kann. Ich hab mehrere Male versucht im IRC einen zu finden aber nur die Information bekommen dass keiner der leg Fletchers in hib aktiv ist... |
work in progress ..
my fletcher (Seoman) is still 490. pls, give me another 2 weeks Jiriki, head of the Fey-Clan <img src=http://web48.isp4net.de/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Jiriki&s=3><img src=http://web48.isp4net.de/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Djulaa&s=3><img src=http://web48.isp4net.de/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Seoman&s=3>
or try to ask ohforf...i think he did one for me...
peace Argwal |
got my staff thx to api
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