[Alb] Wts some stuff, lower lvl and lvl 50 !
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Shark eye ring
18 Str 22 con 15 dex 80 hits 10p Flawless soul forged bracer 88 hits 40 str d/q debuff charge 888 Gold Basalt staff of bedlam 7 matter magic 22 dex 7 power lvl 47 lifedrain proc all fokus lvl 50 2p Gem of the Skulking assasine 9 dex 4 critical strike 3 envenom 3 stealth 399g Artificers stone 10/10 charges 666g Bracer of the stout 30 con 16 hits 6% matter Tp reg charges 150g Directors ring of chaos 15 dex 15 quick 6% spirit Dmg shield charges 250g Doom Leggins af 98 chain leggins 19 con 12% cold 10% heat 21 hits 199g Shimmering granite pulverizer 16.1 dps 3.7 speed 90% qual 15 dex 15 con 15 piety 40 hits lvl 49 dd proc 200g Gem of the Spirit abhorrent 7% spirit 7% body 7% heat 7% matter 60g Shimmering fiery pious bludgeoner 16,2 dps 4,2 speed 90% quali 19 str 19 con 19 piety lvl 49 dd proc 99g Thunder 15.9 dps 4.2 speed 95% qual 1h crush 15 con 4 crush 6% matter lvl 49 ablative proc 99g Stonewatch bracer 18 dex 18 str 18 piety 99g Shimmering dracescale staff 16,2 dps 4,2 speed 95% quali 22 piety 15 dex 40 hits lvl 49 lifedrain proc 199g Barrel strong elixir of power (lvl 40) 100 / 100 charges 499g Barrel of fortitude (lvl 5 base con barrel) 100/100 charges 400g LvL 35 tinderboxes 1 for 15 gold 10 for 100 gold PM plz if u got any questions or other offers All items are available via PM or at house 859 ! Happy shopping ! |
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