BM Template
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Hello erverbody i make my first Template and i hope is good. If erverbody a Tip please tell me.
Here is the Template: Moras Ausrüstungsplaner Konfiguration Kurzreport für Jappo Stats: Strength: 76 hitpoints: 204 Const..: 77 Dex.: 76 Quick.: 75 Resis: Crush : 25 Head : 26 Body : 26 Slash: 26 Cold : 30 Spirit : 23 Thrust : 27 Matter: 25 Energy: 23 Skills: 11 Blades 7 Parry 11 Celtic Dual Chest: Imbue Punkte: 35,5 von 32 (100% Qual) Effekte: 5 Blades, 5 Celtic Dual, 10 Strength, 3 Body Resist Nutzen: 62,7 Arms: Imbue Punkte: 35,5 von 32 (100% Qual) Effekte: 19 Constitution, 19 Quickness, 22 Dexterity, 60 Hits Nutzen: 55,2 Head: Imbue Punkte: 36,5 von 32 (100% Qual) Effekte: 25 Quickness, 44 Hits, 7 Crush Resist, 9 Heat Resist Nutzen: 59,8 Legs: Imbue Punkte: 36,5 von 32 (100% Qual) Effekte: 22 Constitution, 19 Quickness, 52 Hits, 9 Crush Resist Nutzen: 58,5 Hands: Imbue Punkte: 36,0 von 32 (100% Qual) Effekte: 3 Crush Resist, 11 Slash Resist, 11 Thrust Resist, 5 Heat Resist Nutzen: 60,0 Feet: Imbue Punkte: 36,0 von 32 (100% Qual) Effekte: 9 Slash Resist, 9 Thrust Resist, 7 Matter Resist, 7 Spirit Resist Nutzen: 64,0 R. Hand: Imbue Punkte: 37,5 von 32 (100% Qual) Effekte: 7 Matter Resist, 9 Spirit Resist, 9 Energy Resist, 4 Parry Nutzen: 70,0 L. Hand: Imbue Punkte: 37,0 von 32 (100% Qual) Effekte: 11 Matter Resist, 3 Parry, 7 Spirit Resist, 7 Energy Resist Nutzen: 65,0 Neck: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace Stufe: 50 Qualität: 91% Bonus: 30% Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Kodo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 28k, 15k 7 Thrust Resist, 7 Body Resist, 48 Hits, 7 Energy Resist Nutzen: 54,0 Cloak: Exquisite Infernal Pyre Walker's Cloak Stufe: 50 Qualität: 91% Bonus: 30% Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Kodo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 28k, 15k 12 Dexterity, 12 Quickness, 12 Heat Resist Nutzen: 40,1 Jewel: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Stufe: 50 Qualität: 91% Bonus: 30% Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Kodo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 28k, 15k 18 Strength, 10 Cold Resist, 10 Body Resist Nutzen: 52,1 Belt: Superior Accursed Belt of Might Stufe: 44 Qualität: 89% Bonus: 25% Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Darbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 33k, 32k 12 Strength, 6 Body Resist, 6 Crush Resist, 6 Slash Resist Nutzen: 44,0 R. Ring: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Ring Stufe: 50 Qualität: 90% Bonus: 30% Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Kodo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 28k, 15k 18 Constitution, 18 Strength, 10 Cold Resist Nutzen: 44,1 L. Ring: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Ring Stufe: 50 Qualität: 90% Bonus: 30% Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Kodo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 28k, 15k 18 Constitution, 18 Strength, 10 Cold Resist Nutzen: 44,1 R. Wirst: Superior Accursed Bracer of Skill Stufe: 43 Qualität: 89% Bonus: 25% Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Darbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 33k, 32k 21 Dexterity, 3 Blades, 3 Celtic Dual Nutzen: 44,1 L. Wirst: Superior Accursed Bracer of Skill Stufe: 43 Qualität: 89% Bonus: 25% Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Darbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 33k, 32k 21 Dexterity, 3 Blades, 3 Celtic Dual Nutzen: 44,1 Last edited by xxOrdnasxx on May 09, 2008 10:32, edited 3 times in total.
[Edit by Nayru: Please do not always quote the full previous post.]
can't help its in german |
Oh sh**. Thank you, i have say to Mora make this in English, but he make the Report in German. I hope so is better.
well good but still not very good, with mp set you can cap all
<img src=";Sumuran;Silen;Silia;Sinius;Silenius">
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