Hibernia Crafterlist
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This is the current list of active crafters in hibernia.
If you have an order, please contact a crafter ingame or via PM in this board (just click on the name). If you are willing to craft for the public and want to be listed here, just reply to this thread and I will update the list. Same goes for skill changes or if you want to be removed from this list. Alchemy: Minipircy (Tommez) - 1150+ Daddysgirl - 1100+ Zrawhk (Zarkor) - 1100+ Lifebane (CalvoHP) - 900+ Spunky (Tommenquar) - 810+ Pandoria (Lazaren) - 800+ Aylii (wazp) 700+ Armorcrafting: Lazaren - 1160+ Dispute - 1110+ Pielroja (CalvoHP) - 1100+ Grendle (thelovemachine) - 1100+ Fletching: Ohforf (Ohfi) - 1000+ Yue (CalvoHP) - 600+ Trigun (Lazaren) - 600+ Spellcrafting: Masche (CalvoHP) - 1000+ Hyrkon (H-Man) - 1000+ Grinor - 1000+ Tailoring: Thraxia - 1150+ Henrir (H-Man) - 1150+ Lufia (Lazaren) - 1130+ Hardy (Scrooge) - 1120+ Kelemvar - 1110+ Groeni (CalvoHP) - 1100+ Asaren (thelovemachine) - 1100+ Haze (Zarkor) - 1080+ Weaponcrafting: Leodien (CalvoHP) - 1100+ Alandir (Shadowstalker) - 1090+ Ronin (Lazaren) - 1030+ Respite (Dispute) - 1030+ last update: 13.04.2009 personal note: I am still looking for a non-moderator volunteer to keep this thread up to date. Last edited by H-Man on May 14, 2009 21:00, edited 27 times in total.
Henrir, Hyrkon, Hrungar & Hiormon Bruagh.
Henrir, Hyrkon, Hrungar & Hiormon Bruagh.
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