Resist bug on enemy players. (Resisting way too much).
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Archers are viable in zerg along with tons of other classes who are reportedly "unusable" because of this 8v8 centric focus. 8v8 is not the only way to play this game. Nor will it be if our alliance has anything to do with it :}. More fights, more action, more welcome classes. See you out there. |
There is a huge difference between <viable> and <unusable>. Every class is playable/usable, while I agree with Danny, due to see hidden (inf, ns, sb) all the archer classes have a hard time playing Solo / stealthed small man / Stealther-Zerg (Which are the typical RvR situations for stealther), therefore they are less viable / efficient. Create a character because it is fun or because it is efficient (fits the role you need best), but don't complaint afterwards that the fun char is not efficient and the efficient char is no fun. ![]() |
I feel bad for stealthers on this server (hard to get buffs for them). I got hit by a range/ns duo the other day and they couldn't even take me down as a caster. I was buffed but stealthers should have a good chance of killing a caster with perf and some arrows regardless. -It's kind of absurd that they can barely get me down below 50% as a duo when a berserker can 2 shot me without any positioning/setup required.
no one cares about stealthers
resists are definitely not 12.5% or w/e was quoted |
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Same broken RNG like when you do crafting: 12 times in a row with fails is "normal" on Uthgard (on yellow things)
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i just can confirm something is wrong with spell resist
dont know about meele cause i just play a sorc ( minotauro ) greys cast ns or something else with one try and they resist my lvl 50 lifeleech nuke lvl 50 players resist my mezz and nuke very often too |
I doubt devs will ever admit to anything or fix it if there is an issue. I don't think people should be resisting lvl 49-50 spells 40% of the time, it makes playing a caster very very frustrating. It also seems to vary from person to person- people that are fully buffed with resist buffs definitely seem to resist more often.
At least for Uthgard 1, 12.5% was the smallest resist rate you could get (lvl 50 cast on lvl 50 enemy). Link: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=26868 Lets say the formula is 12,5% + 0,5 * (target lvl - cast lvl). (Not entirely sure) Therefore a lvl 25 cast would have a 25 % resist chance.
Why do you think that? Personal feeling or any kind of source/experience? They checked and fixed a lot of things. GMs have a lot of stuff to do, the last thing they can do, is check any kind of confirmation bias or QQ. Every third issue is quite noensense, not talking about appeals (Even worse I bet). They need numbers and logs, less QQ! Do a test run, live accounts are free (trial), Uthgard is for free. Collect numbers and offer them to the community. Everything else is confirmation bias or QQ. ![]() Help to improve this server, instead of spreading complaints or presumptions. ![]() Greetings |
Live Daoc free trial? I don't have a lvl 50 caster or a level 50 friend willing to test it anyways. The grab bag said this:
Blue seems to think that's wrong and will only take live tests as proof- which means nobody will ever check his work. Apparently resists work differently here for players than they do for monsters- mainly based off Blue liking a post in this thread stating so. But whatever. I'll have to annoy one of my friends later and kill them 50 times because there's no test dummies here, I think resist buffs may be a factor too so I think it will only work on clerics. |
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