@Devs - Blue FAT A$$ Sunday Relic Reset!

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Postby Hesperus » Mar 14, 2017 16:52

:gaga: :gaga: :gaga:

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Postby Hesperus » Mar 14, 2017 16:54

and everytime i see that mids or hibs are taking keeps i am hauling my ass out to snowdonia to defend and donating to repair doors!

By the way, if what you said is actually true...this would mean you have more than a combined 5,000 rps between your 10 different alts. Get your mental issues under control man. Back on the meds.

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Postby Expfighter » Mar 14, 2017 17:02

Hesperus wrote:
and everytime i see that mids or hibs are taking keeps i am hauling my ass out to snowdonia to defend and donating to repair doors!

By the way, if what you said is actually true...this would mean you have more than a combined 5,000 rps between your 10 different alts. Get your mental issues under control man. Back on the meds.

it is true, ask any alb, my necro went out there at lvl 27, providing power to clerics and what little cash i had for the doors, not much else i could do, but i was there!

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Postby Kaziera » Mar 15, 2017 02:38

Much better!

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Postby XiaN^^ » Mar 15, 2017 10:51

Fhear wrote:
Expfighter wrote:Devs, we found out on BLUE FAT A$$ Sunday that the server can't handle 300 FAT A$$ Trolls sitting inside a relic keep and the 60-80 albs that COULD get out to Snowdonia could not cast a FLIPPING spell, BUT of course the THANES could cast those LAG inducing BLUE F*&^ Hammers to cause MORE LAG!

alright, now that the TEST event is over, there needs to be a 100% relic reset (i mean all relic returning to there correct homes) seeing that the mids exploited the lag affect with over 300 in 1 spot and stole the relics AGAIN! Cheating AGAIN!

i know mids QQ more, etc... etc... etc...

and if you say COME GET EM if ya want em, well the server pop will die quick before that happens YOU KNOW THAT!

someone said on another thread that there were more mid 50's in the RK than hib and alb had combined logged on PERIOD! do you SEE the continuing PROBLEM YET?

We need a link, between a forum-account and player-character...

that and there should be a minimum realm rank like 4 or 5 required on atleast 1 toon before you´re allowed to post in the RvR forum. that should (hopefully) make stupid threads like this one dissappear.
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Postby MotaroReloaded » Mar 15, 2017 21:25

Why are you focusing on the player s thread and not on the issue? f ing game was unplayable in realm as a meleer Sunday during raid ..caster even worse , point is the relics being taken by mids is indeed bollocks and devs havent done anything about it .
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Postby th0msdk » Mar 15, 2017 21:46

MotaroReloaded wrote:Why are you focusing on the player s thread and not on the issue? f ing game was unplayable in realm as a meleer Sunday during raid ..caster even worse , point is the relics being taken by mids is indeed bollocks and devs havent done anything about it .

HAH..... Alb took our power relic... But that was OK, NO PROBLEMO SENÕR!!!

But when we go defensive mode, and retake our relic + both albs relics.. Suddenly world is on fire, and your bubble burst... :gaga:

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Postby Wulver » Mar 16, 2017 02:44

th0msdk wrote:
MotaroReloaded wrote:Why are you focusing on the player s thread and not on the issue? f ing game was unplayable in realm as a meleer Sunday during raid ..caster even worse , point is the relics being taken by mids is indeed bollocks and devs havent done anything about it .

HAH..... Alb took our power relic... But that was OK, NO PROBLEMO SENÕR!!!

But when we go defensive mode, and retake our relic + both albs relics.. Suddenly world is on fire, and your bubble burst... :gaga:

Nah, he would have petitioned for the relic to return to Midgard.

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Postby Freudinio » Mar 16, 2017 06:03

th0msdk wrote:
MotaroReloaded wrote:Why are you focusing on the player s thread and not on the issue? f ing game was unplayable in realm as a meleer Sunday during raid ..caster even worse , point is the relics being taken by mids is indeed bollocks and devs havent done anything about it .

HAH..... Alb took our power relic... But that was OK, NO PROBLEMO SENÕR!!!

But when we go defensive mode, and retake our relic + both albs relics.. Suddenly world is on fire, and your bubble burst... :gaga:

Tojo. Calm down.
Just about done..

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Postby ssdff » Mar 17, 2017 21:30

Expfighter wrote:Devs, we found out on BLUE FAT A$$ Sunday that the server can't handle 300 FAT A$$ Trolls sitting inside a relic keep and the 60-80 albs that COULD get out to Snowdonia could not cast a FLIPPING spell, BUT of course the THANES could cast those LAG inducing BLUE F*&^ Hammers to cause MORE LAG!

alright, now that the TEST event is over, there needs to be a 100% relic reset (i mean all relic returning to there correct homes) seeing that the mids exploited the lag affect with over 300 in 1 spot and stole the relics AGAIN! Cheating AGAIN!

i know mids QQ more, etc... etc... etc...

and if you say COME GET EM if ya want em, well the server pop will die quick before that happens YOU KNOW THAT!

someone said on another thread that there were more mid 50's in the RK than hib and alb had combined logged on PERIOD! do you SEE the continuing PROBLEM YET?

qq :roll:


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