Do Albs even RvR?

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Postby Sendnudes » Mar 21, 2017 05:28

Stridah wrote:
Sendnudes wrote:Albs sat outside of CS with 3+ fgs all night. Would not leave unless they were 2+ & within range of running back to CS. There's part of your problem. Puss mode is fully engaged with most of them

Didn't your role the most OP realm of the patch with the largest population and most serious guilds? Go check what is in your pants dawg.

I rerolled from Alb to Hib when there was approximately 1 other NA Hib group in existance. Not sure what you're talking about?
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Postby thomasmgp » Mar 21, 2017 05:41

i suggest everyone take the "5 minute Alb newbie guild challenge" Cause thats all it takes to figure out why they are so bad. Then I left newbie guild and joined that Defiance Guild. Its a mass invite guild with like 45 members online of all levels. I figured it was the Alb version of Nihilum so would be great for leveling. Couldnt have been more wrong. I swear I lost 10 IQ points after reading guild chat while leveling my new Pally. Id say a good 80% of the realm is a bunch of mouth breathing mental midgets. Watched one stream where the Pally was twisting Heal Chant...with 3 clerics and a Friar in the group. Just like clockwork the heal chant went off with the exact same amount of time in between seeing the chalice till the next one.

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Postby Heret » Mar 21, 2017 11:24

thomasmgp wrote: Watched one stream where the Pally was twisting Heal Chant...with 3 clerics and a Friar in the group. Just like clockwork the heal chant went off with the exact same amount of time in between seeing the chalice till the next one.

You do know the Heal Chant is used as an aggro generating tool by paladins?

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Postby Ilerget » Mar 21, 2017 13:33

Heret wrote:You do know the Heal Chant is used as an aggro generating tool by paladins?

the best one!
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Postby Effaermon » Mar 21, 2017 14:08

thomasmgp wrote:i suggest everyone take the "5 minute Alb newbie guild challenge" Cause thats all it takes to figure out why they are so bad. Then I left newbie guild and joined that Defiance Guild. Its a mass invite guild with like 45 members online of all levels. I figured it was the Alb version of Nihilum so would be great for leveling. Couldnt have been more wrong. I swear I lost 10 IQ points after reading guild chat while leveling my new Pally. Id say a good 80% of the realm is a bunch of mouth breathing mental midgets. Watched one stream where the Pally was twisting Heal Chant...with 3 clerics and a Friar in the group. Just like clockwork the heal chant went off with the exact same amount of time in between seeing the chalice till the next one.

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Postby Tandwan » Mar 22, 2017 05:51

Greetings from the leader of the Mouth breathers! I assume you mean ME when you say, you watched a paladin twitch streamer? Yeah that's probably me since I don't think there's many streamers of paladins online. I don't macro, FYI, I actually click my bar because i'm a terrible player. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your stay in the zerg and i'm also sorry we caused you IQ to drop so low. Just remember not every guild is going to fit for every player, but I mean you're one person in 700+ members so I mean, I don't know what else to say.

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Postby Pwncakes » Mar 22, 2017 10:53

Not sure what Defiance has to do with Alb RvR in general, but if you join a mass invite guild, what exactly are you expecting? xD

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Postby Civer » Mar 22, 2017 11:00

Pwncakes wrote:Not sure what Defiance has to do with Alb RvR in general, but if you join a mass invite guild, what exactly are you expecting? xD

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Postby DaQueso » Mar 22, 2017 20:41

Alb wants keeps
Alb forms a zerg
zerg dies once
zerg disbands


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Postby Stridah » Mar 23, 2017 14:34

thomasmgp wrote:i suggest everyone take the "5 minute Alb newbie guild challenge" Cause thats all it takes to figure out why they are so bad. Then I left newbie guild and joined that Defiance Guild. Its a mass invite guild with like 45 members online of all levels. I figured it was the Alb version of Nihilum so would be great for leveling. Couldnt have been more wrong. I swear I lost 10 IQ points after reading guild chat while leveling my new Pally. Id say a good 80% of the realm is a bunch of mouth breathing mental midgets. Watched one stream where the Pally was twisting Heal Chant...with 3 clerics and a Friar in the group. Just like clockwork the heal chant went off with the exact same amount of time in between seeing the chalice till the next one.

Spoken like a true cuck, think mid is the realm for you mate.

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Postby MotaroReloaded » Mar 29, 2017 18:39

What realm pride taking keeps in alb when mids at 2 am middle of the fuken night poped in df with 4 fg ? i dont think there were enough lvl 40-50 in alb to make 4 fg ... so far relics and everything have been taken over the night by USA kids from mid who play 24/7 , the moment we take a keep they r back on it.. fuk it !:)
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