Unstyled dmg lower then it should on Alb

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 13, 2017 21:48

Kha wrote:
MotaroReloaded wrote:
VS chain 635AF 27% abs :
UTHGARD TEST min 230 dmg | max 316 dmg with 100% - 138% dmg variance
PENDRAGON LIVE TEST min dmg 263 | max 364 dmg with 100% - 139% dmg | 15% higher dmg on live with a 5.6 pole not a 5.8 like on Uthg

From what i understand you have a formula that gets the average , is that what you re telling me? Cause you re using atributes but in a different way i guess .
I made an arms on pendragon just like the Uthg one, str stats and spec because Wep skill is completely different uthg/live and you cant rely on it and i got a 15% dmg diference with a faster polearm for unstyled dmg , add a nice style which would add that 15% and you end up with a 30% gap .

Could it be related to that very detailed bug report

https://www2.uthgard.net/tracker/issue/ ... lculations

Maybe it was taken into acount in damage calculation but not the way it should ??

Blue said not enough vote to be a real bug ... But this i total bullshit, some really obvious bug have 0 votes, some others have lot of votes but are not legit ...

I don't know, if it's totally out of topic, sorry. If it's not, glad it helps abit.

Interesting , Allistar has done some good reports, i ll have a look , well Blue sent me to Live for tests which i did and the diference exists .

I looked but the absorb is being taken into consideration on uthg as you can see from my tests ..dmg is lower and lower , starting from chain to studded and then cloth , i stil got find time to do the leather , i dont understand the AF tho ,plate is 655AF , chain is 635AF, studded 595AF,Leather 550 AF, cloth 500 AF including AF spell shield buff . And Blue showed him the code how abs is being used for dmg purposes .
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby Lasle » May 14, 2017 01:02

MotaroReloaded wrote:From what i understand you have a formula that gets the average , is that what you re telling me? Cause you re using atributes but in a different way i guess .
I made an arms on pendragon just like the Uthg one, str stats and spec because Wep skill is completely different uthg/live and you cant rely on it and i got a 15% dmg diference with a faster polearm for unstyled dmg , add a nice style which would add that 15% and you end up with a 30% gap .

The formula I used, (http://camelotherald.wikia.com/wiki/Melee_Damage) get's you the average damage of live server unstyled damage. With this you don't need to do the testing, I just confirmed via math. Ofc the formula returns the average damage, you can then calculate min max if you want, afterwards. This is ofc on live and uthgards seems to use a different formula - which is truely unfortunate. Now you need someone to confirm that the damage is indeed higher for the 2hand lines with same spec and str in other realms.

I stated the wyrd spec dual wield example, cause pole/albion 2hand is actually the same scenario. You use another weapon line for determining varriance, but use the style and calculate style damage from the advanced line (here it's slash for base, two hand /pole line as advanced weapon line). However, if advanced style lines DO NOT work like on live, maybe double spec does also not work like this? Maybe two hand damage bonus is calculated from Slash weapon skill? Normally it should be two-hand or pole skill to determine weapon skill but who knows on Uthgard. This could account for your lower damage. (Hypothesis: -two hand bonus works, -two hand style damage works, -varriance checks for 51 composite slash skill works, -WS for the damage bonus calculation works not and use main weapon WS instead of pole/2hand WS?)

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 14, 2017 22:32

Lasle wrote:
MotaroReloaded wrote:From what i understand you have a formula that gets the average , is that what you re telling me? Cause you re using atributes but in a different way i guess .
I made an arms on pendragon just like the Uthg one, str stats and spec because Wep skill is completely different uthg/live and you cant rely on it and i got a 15% dmg diference with a faster polearm for unstyled dmg , add a nice style which would add that 15% and you end up with a 30% gap .

The formula I used, (http://camelotherald.wikia.com/wiki/Melee_Damage) get's you the average damage of live server unstyled damage. With this you don't need to do the testing, I just confirmed via math. Ofc the formula returns the average damage, you can then calculate min max if you want, afterwards. This is ofc on live and uthgards seems to use a different formula - which is truely unfortunate. Now you need someone to confirm that the damage is indeed higher for the 2hand lines with same spec and str in other realms.

I stated the wyrd spec dual wield example, cause pole/albion 2hand is actually the same scenario. You use another weapon line for determining varriance, but use the style and calculate style damage from the advanced line (here it's slash for base, two hand /pole line as advanced weapon line). However, if advanced style lines DO NOT work like on live, maybe double spec does also not work like this? Maybe two hand damage bonus is calculated from Slash weapon skill? Normally it should be two-hand or pole skill to determine weapon skill but who knows on Uthgard. This could account for your lower damage. (Hypothesis: -two hand bonus works, -two hand style damage works, -varriance checks for 51 composite slash skill works, -WS for the damage bonus calculation works not and use main weapon WS instead of pole/2hand WS?)

Dont think hibs n mids will help with this , indeed in Uthg averga dmg is 273 dmg compared to 316 by your formula or 314 which i got ( maybe i havent found the perfect min and max) should be increased by 15% .. 316/273 = 115% .

I understand what you re trying to say, but i do think that the game s using the WS of pole and not slash /crush/thrust, i will ask Blue about it even tho he s not responding but its worth asking , i was thinking that maybe on alb with the funny spec 2h and 2nd line spec maybe they ve put it wrong.

Thank you for the link with the formulas , i l have a look to familiarize with it some stuff looks the same with what i was using .
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby Kha » May 14, 2017 23:01

This post is getting interesting.

Am surprised tho, no reaction from Staff yet ?

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 14, 2017 23:27

Kha wrote:This post is getting interesting.

Am surprised tho, no reaction from Staff yet ?

On Bugtracker Blue told me to go live and show him tests, I did , he s busy , waiting for the issue to be assigned ..we ll take it from there i guess. I know initially i said there s a 40% dmg diference.. but 15% unstyled , then another 15% from styled that you re missing ..and there you go ..30%..its alot when using 2h.
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Postby Lasle » May 15, 2017 15:48

MotaroReloaded wrote:On Bugtracker Blue told me to go live and show him tests, I did , he s busy , waiting for the issue to be assigned ..we ll take it from there i guess. I know initially i said there s a 40% dmg diference.. but 15% unstyled , then another 15% from styled that you re missing ..and there you go ..30%..its alot when using 2h.

It's a bit more complicated I fear. So far you have shown that

1. Armsman unstyled 2hand damage is lower than on live (this is nice data)

2. You damage on Uthgard2 does not fit to the damage a formula calculated that worked on Uthgard1.

So the next step needs to be to show that the damage of other class specs is behaving like your formula on Uthgard2. I'd first try a Friar (simple 2 hand spec line without double spec), then try to convince someone of the other realm (one test in the other realms is enough).

Cause then you know what is the reason for your lower than expected damage
scenario1: Uthgard2 uses a different formula than Uthgard1 server and ALL melees do less damage than live
scenario2: The Uthgard1 formula works indeed for other classes just not for Armsman/Pala 2hand lines, so Albion 2hand/pole is bugged on Uthgard.

To proove which scenario is true you need at least the friar test (cause it's two hand but no double spec needed).

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 15, 2017 19:34

Lasle wrote:
MotaroReloaded wrote:On Bugtracker Blue told me to go live and show him tests, I did , he s busy , waiting for the issue to be assigned ..we ll take it from there i guess. I know initially i said there s a 40% dmg diference.. but 15% unstyled , then another 15% from styled that you re missing ..and there you go ..30%..its alot when using 2h.

It's a bit more complicated I fear. So far you have shown that

1. Armsman unstyled 2hand damage is lower than on live (this is nice data)

2. You damage on Uthgard2 does not fit to the damage a formula calculated that worked on Uthgard1.

So the next step needs to be to show that the damage of other class specs is behaving like your formula on Uthgard2. I'd first try a Friar (simple 2 hand spec line without double spec), then try to convince someone of the other realm (one test in the other realms is enough).

Cause then you know what is the reason for your lower than expected damage
scenario1: Uthgard2 uses a different formula than Uthgard1 server and ALL melees do less damage than live
scenario2: The Uthgard1 formula works indeed for other classes just not for Armsman/Pala 2hand lines, so Albion 2hand/pole is bugged on Uthgard.

To proove which scenario is true you need at least the friar test (cause it's two hand but no double spec needed).

I m gonna w8 for the devs to look and see what the problem is m8, i m not keeping my live acount opened for tests :) , and frankly if arms tier 2 has a problem on 2h dmg there r 2 things which can be a problem , either the albion ****** composite /pole spec isnt working how it should , or indeed whateva formula for 2h dmg they have on Uthg 2 atm its not ok , so the ball its on their side . I m not gonna take all the classes and test em until they know how many eggs they ve got in their basket.
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby oLd-Sneakers » May 16, 2017 08:44

norada wrote:I miss my arms damage in beta. this was during beta when everyone ran duped temps too

from 1v1s with pots

[20:58:50] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+251)
[20:58:50] You attack Nightwarriorz with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 355 (-131) damage!

[20:59:14] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+393)
[20:59:14] You attack Nightwarriorz with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 548 (-128) damage!

[21:05:11] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+282)
[21:05:11] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 454 (-92) damage!

21:05:18] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+291)
[21:05:18] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 468 (-95) damage!
[21:05:18] You critical hit Smover for an additional 82 damage!

[21:05:26] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+312)
[21:05:26] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 502 (-102) damage!

in small man

[11:03:12] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+147)
[11:03:12] You attack Screamincreamin with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 493 (-37) damage!

[11:03:22] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+132)
[11:03:22] You attack Beurk with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 385 (-90) damage!

[11:13:55] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+182)
[11:13:55] You attack Seckspanther with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 604 (-87) damage!

[11:13:59] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+107)
[11:13:59] You attack Beurk with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 349 (-81) damage!

[11:14:11] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+114)
[11:14:11] You attack Seckspanther with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 405 (-55) damage!

[11:14:30] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+215)
[11:14:30] You attack Tritian with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 553 (-311) damage!

[11:24:09] Realm Rank Bonuses
[11:24:09] +4 to ALL Specs
[11:24:09] Relic Bonuses
[11:24:09] none
[11:24:09] Outpost Bonuses
[11:24:09] none

The whine armsman has already posted SS were he hits a SB for 400 dmg when he has 0 self buffs, is diseased and s/c debuffed (envenom debuff).

His damage is fine.

You post a SS of "massive" damage hitting a caster for 607 with 12% resists. Nothing special about that.

Have anyone considered that Uthgard 2 uses the actual 1.65 armor resistance tables and not the later 1.80+ ones.
This was changed shortly after legendary weapons were introduced.


Under this link you can see collected data and info of the game from early days:

http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthr ... g-DAoC-NFO

Midgard chain has 30% inherent resistance, 26+racial+30%, thats a lot of resistance when using a 0.45 growth rate style such as crippling blow.

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Postby norada » May 16, 2017 17:39

oLd-Sneakers wrote:
norada wrote:I miss my arms damage in beta. this was during beta when everyone ran duped temps too

from 1v1s with pots

[20:58:50] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+251)
[20:58:50] You attack Nightwarriorz with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 355 (-131) damage!

[20:59:14] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+393)
[20:59:14] You attack Nightwarriorz with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 548 (-128) damage!

[21:05:11] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+282)
[21:05:11] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 454 (-92) damage!

21:05:18] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+291)
[21:05:18] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 468 (-95) damage!
[21:05:18] You critical hit Smover for an additional 82 damage!

[21:05:26] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+312)
[21:05:26] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 502 (-102) damage!

in small man

[11:03:12] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+147)
[11:03:12] You attack Screamincreamin with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 493 (-37) damage!

[11:03:22] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+132)
[11:03:22] You attack Beurk with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 385 (-90) damage!

[11:13:55] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+182)
[11:13:55] You attack Seckspanther with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 604 (-87) damage!

[11:13:59] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+107)
[11:13:59] You attack Beurk with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 349 (-81) damage!

[11:14:11] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+114)
[11:14:11] You attack Seckspanther with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 405 (-55) damage!

[11:14:30] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+215)
[11:14:30] You attack Tritian with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 553 (-311) damage!

[11:24:09] Realm Rank Bonuses
[11:24:09] +4 to ALL Specs
[11:24:09] Relic Bonuses
[11:24:09] none
[11:24:09] Outpost Bonuses
[11:24:09] none

The whine armsman has already posted SS were he hits a SB for 400 dmg when he has 0 self buffs, is diseased and s/c debuffed (envenom debuff).

His damage is fine.

You post a SS of "massive" damage hitting a caster for 607 with 12% resists. Nothing special about that.

Have anyone considered that Uthgard 2 uses the actual 1.65 armor resistance tables and not the later 1.80+ ones.
This was changed shortly after legendary weapons were introduced.


Under this link you can see collected data and info of the game from early days:

http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthr ... g-DAoC-NFO

Midgard chain has 30% inherent resistance, 26+racial+30%, thats a lot of resistance when using a 0.45 growth rate style such as crippling blow.

none of those people were casters, secks was a zerker, beurk was zerker,tritian was sham and smoover was hero. this was when people ran with duped temps so it was easy to be capped everything

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 16, 2017 22:33

oLd-Sneakers wrote:
norada wrote:I miss my arms damage in beta. this was during beta when everyone ran duped temps too

from 1v1s with pots

[20:58:50] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+251)
[20:58:50] You attack Nightwarriorz with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 355 (-131) damage!

[20:59:14] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+393)
[20:59:14] You attack Nightwarriorz with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 548 (-128) damage!

[21:05:11] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+282)
[21:05:11] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 454 (-92) damage!

21:05:18] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+291)
[21:05:18] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 468 (-95) damage!
[21:05:18] You critical hit Smover for an additional 82 damage!

[21:05:26] You perform your Defender's Rage perfectly! (+312)
[21:05:26] You attack Smover with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 502 (-102) damage!

in small man

[11:03:12] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+147)
[11:03:12] You attack Screamincreamin with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 493 (-37) damage!

[11:03:22] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+132)
[11:03:22] You attack Beurk with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 385 (-90) damage!

[11:13:55] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+182)
[11:13:55] You attack Seckspanther with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 604 (-87) damage!

[11:13:59] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+107)
[11:13:59] You attack Beurk with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 349 (-81) damage!

[11:14:11] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+114)
[11:14:11] You attack Seckspanther with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 405 (-55) damage!

[11:14:30] You perform your Crippling Blow perfectly! (+215)
[11:14:30] You attack Tritian with your shimmering Decimator arcanium poleaxe and hit for 553 (-311) damage!

[11:24:09] Realm Rank Bonuses
[11:24:09] +4 to ALL Specs
[11:24:09] Relic Bonuses
[11:24:09] none
[11:24:09] Outpost Bonuses
[11:24:09] none

The whine armsman has already posted SS were he hits a SB for 400 dmg when he has 0 self buffs, is diseased and s/c debuffed (envenom debuff).

His damage is fine.

You post a SS of "massive" damage hitting a caster for 607 with 12% resists. Nothing special about that.

Have anyone considered that Uthgard 2 uses the actual 1.65 armor resistance tables and not the later 1.80+ ones.
This was changed shortly after legendary weapons were introduced.


Under this link you can see collected data and info of the game from early days:

http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthr ... g-DAoC-NFO

Midgard chain has 30% inherent resistance, 26+racial+30%, thats a lot of resistance when using a 0.45 growth rate style such as crippling blow.

Yes midgard has 56% melee resists , dont post in my thread plz, and do call me whine armsman once more..
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby pweet » May 16, 2017 23:02

MotaroReloaded wrote:i m not keeping my live acount opened for tests :)

you can use a test account, takes 10min to set it up for the tests needed.

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 16, 2017 23:13

pweet wrote:
MotaroReloaded wrote:i m not keeping my live acount opened for tests :)

you can use a test account, takes 10min to set it up for the tests needed.

I m done testing ,they have enough evidence .
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby Severian » May 17, 2017 17:20

Who cares if it's live or not? That's so the wrong question. The question should be, is it balanced? Live be damned.
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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 20, 2017 03:38

Severian wrote:Who cares if it's live or not? That's so the wrong question. The question should be, is it balanced? Live be damned.

This thread is about melee dmg which is lower then live for arms 2h at least, i dont care about balance, you wanna balance it call a board with the devs .
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby seanbud » May 21, 2017 17:35

Severian wrote:Who cares if it's live or not? That's so the wrong question. The question should be, is it balanced? Live be damned.

there's a lot of balance issues with 1.65, but the devs target for Uthgard is 1.65, not balanced RvR.

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