State of RvR
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I agree with you i guess, but still ... Why always focus on high RR players ??? Lot of players does really good, even if not RR4+ Timing ... skill ... placement ... etc ... Lot of things more important than "big RR" ^^ I know a RR9 light tank that totally ignore casters & supports on his way to his target. He will not rupt anyone even if it's easy to do and speed is already broken for him ... Just an example ... |
Sos is too strong when groups are low rr, it is very hard to lose unless some major mistake happens.
Not sure on what server you played in OF but on EU servers those elitists were a minority and there was no problem with casuals at all. On the server i played the casuals had alot of options, you could just /who cg to join the emain zerg or a keep siege and there was alot of smallman and solo action. This content was created by social players but on Uthgard most ppl just know/want this selfish WoW arena playstyle. There was something called "realm pride" back then, you just didn't tolerate those enemies invading your homelands and take your beloved keeps. I played in Mid and we always had players in OG at the Mile Gates scouting for enemy zergs and the layout of OF maps forcing enemies to pass these gates was an important aspect. If a zerg got spotted every single alliance was informed, a chatgroup was created and ppl came out to defend the keeps, not just for RPs they did it for the fun of keep siege, for the realm and to keep the relics in your homeland. ![]() 100+ Albs sitting inside Hlidskjalf while the keep is under siege by Mids, this is what i miss on Utghard. Alot got lost with NF due to wide open maps, you just use /rw and run to the fire on your map or camp at some bridges to kill ppl on their way to the boats. Everyone can see if there is a relic raid in progress, back then with OF it was a challange to get the whole raid through the frontier without anyone noticing and still if you made it, the time was running against you. I remember when Mids started using SBs to build rams inside the relic keep to open all 3 doors at the same time. In my eyes the spirit of DAoC got lost with NF, i didn't enjoy it anymore and this is why i quit the game. |
You said you didn't get the comparison, then literally explained what it was ![]() Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
many players dont have a clue of that becouse they played too late or played a ****** server, and didnt experience what you are saying what you describe is daoc, what we are playing is uthgard the daoc you describe dont exist anymore and will never be i myself played on Excalibur/albion, european server, you just connected to the game, moved from atk to amg and BOOM almost every day 200-300 albs vs 200-300 mids, sometimes even more than that, with huge zergs of hibs comming from breifine and making sandwich to mids no premades, no perfect templates, no best specs, no ****** voice com required, no ******, just fun |
The majority of people who still play daoc, especially Uthgard in 2017 are usually not those who are eager to compete, the average age is probably too high as the game is that old. If it would be more attractive and known to new/younger players there would be competition
![]() The minority of those who still have a drive to play this game competitively are usually those who were very young when daoc released and are still in their mid or late twenties. |
I concur with what Def said.
I'm finding many people I'm playing with in their 30's to 50's. Most of the people I find who are still wanting to 'compete' are in their late 20's or early 30's - myself included. When 1.65 was around I was playing DAoC but I was really still a young teen at that point, and the finer points of the game largely passed me by as I ran around in a youthful bliss enjoying it for what it was. Uth is my chance to actually dig in, learn and enjoy more about 8v8, smallman, etc. |
The setups Hend is referring to probably couldn't be played well enough by the groups running around atm to truly show how powerful they are. IMO, a Hib caster group (eld, ment, ench, bm/hero, druid, druid, druid/bard, bard) played by a skillful enough team should never lose at this patch level. Obviously there are plenty of those out atm, and they are doing well, especially with the relic bonuses, but if played better they would be unstoppable by other groups of equal skill. Higher RR will also make the superiority of any caster/hybrid group clearer. I can kinda see why, even this far along, most Mids are running full tankers. They are easy to pug with, and they have been having a good deal of success against the relatively weak competition on this server. However, if Mids are going to complain about other realms being OP, they really need to start making better use of BDs and RMs (and I know a few groups do run those comps, if infrequently). It's frustrating to see folks complain about Pbuck so much when they intentionally setup their groups to have horrible pet clearing ability. With Alb, I think the most competitive 8v8 setup was what The Band (and a few others) was attempting to run before most players quit. Cleric, Cleric, Sorc, Cab, Theurg, Minst, Arms, Merc(frontline w/Minst). There are plenty of other comps that are definitely competitive, but less so, IMO. I haven't talked to any DD guys about it, but I assume their setup was more to focus on 8vX (double sorc and spd6). Clearly they could afford the slight loss of competitiveness, since they have been by far the most successful group on the server. Alb has plenty of good setups they can run, but like Pbuck said, they need pretty specific comps, and they need good players/teamwork to make them work. Even the relatively pug-friendly double Minst tank group (NOT A COMPETITIVE SETUP, JUST A FUN ONE ![]() |
hybrid / 4 caster groups - such a secret and uncommon group setup.
Like I said in the first paragraph, it's not that there aren't groups aren't running those setups here and there. It's that they aren't able to take full advantage of the tools available to them, simply because on Uthgard most groups lack the coordination, knowledge, and mechanical skill that were seen in years past.
I'm also not advocating for Alb 4-caster groups. They are great at killing tankers, and in 8vX, but against certain setups (notably hib caster groups) they don't have many options to win a fight, all else being equal. |
Sos cough cough. At least if the hib casters dont have moc to counter it
Hiois - Ranger 9lX Uth 1.0
Hiois - Enchanter 6lx Uth 2.0 Mugad - Warden 4lx Uth 2.0 Esigil - Druid 3lx Uth 2.0 Hioisx - Nightshade 1lx Uth 2.0 |
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