Solo RVR: Sorc, Theurg, Skald, BD, Eld, Chanter, or Anim?

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Postby Superstar » Feb 14, 2017 03:07

Have asked a few of you on IRC but was told to ask here :) I'm trying to decide between these classes for mostly solo RvR as I play late night USA time and can't devote much time at all to an 8 man. I'm not a fan of playing stealth classes, so they are off the table hehe. I plan to solo RVR 95% of time, and a few small mans from here to there.

Let's assume they are all rr6... Taking into account everything: CC, utility, damage abilities, 1v1s, 1vXs (mostly non-Emain PVP areas)... what would you suggest? I know I know... "all can be good in the right hands"... I'm just curious what YOU think is the best of the ones listed :) Anim might be out there but with MOC and pre-damage bombers? I dunno!

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Postby maiens » Feb 14, 2017 09:26

its really hard to say, as you say they can all be good.

However there are a few that do stand out.

Theu , Skald , BD or Sorc

and lets dig abit more into what and why.

Wind Theu are one of the strongest solo caster out there, they can deal with 1v1 aswell as 1vx(up to a point)

what really sets them apart from the others are the no immunity timer on pet stuns, plus a high DD and Aoe mezz.
a typical spec would be: 45 Wind / 26 Earth(pbt, 4th lvl earth pets) / 14 ice (aoe root / 3 lvl ice nuker pet)
now they are a caster and they are fairly weak if you dont have the controle over the fight.

one of the best solo non stealth melee chars in the game.
2h dmg, speed , single target mezz, dd(s?), snare, and a fairly high health pool makes them a hard target to kill.

There are some ppl who would say that sorcs are weak solo or 1v1/1vx but if played correctly they can dominate 1v1.
they are a caster and therefor they are weak if the enemy gets the jump on you.

Most sorcs are High mind as thats what an 8v8 grp wants for a longer mezz, but as a solo mind might not be the best to go(for sure they can still 1v1 as mind)

There are 2 specs that would be good for solo if we dont look at a full mind sorc.

Pet build :
34 Mind / 39 Body / 15 matter ( this gives you a lvl 50 pet, yellow aoe mezz, 3rd pom, aoe root and a 163 DD)
45 Body / 27 Mind / 12 Matter ( This gives you 209 DD, blue aoe mezz, aoe root , 3rd pom, green/blue pet)

both spec can do really well and its really a matter of what you prefere, abit longer mezz and a higher pet or lower pet/mezz for mroe dmg.

Bd are really strong 1v1 aswell as 1vx(to an extend)
with an instant life tap and heal pets they can be really hard to kill, but they can allso be quite boring to play and they dont really kill fast unless your target is stupid and dosent interrupt the bd's cast.

ofcourse all the classes you listed can do really well and this list is my own based on years of playing/against set classes and thees 4 are the ones i find the best for non stealther solo(of the ones you listed)
i hope that it helps you pick a class :)
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Postby Caldrian » Feb 14, 2017 11:00

maiens wrote:There are 2 specs that would be good for solo if we dont look at a full mind sorc.

Pet build :
34 Mind / 39 Body / 15 matter ( this gives you a lvl 50 pet, yellow aoe mezz, 3rd pom, aoe root and a 163 DD)
45 Body / 27 Mind / 12 Matter ( This gives you 209 DD, blue aoe mezz, aoe root , 3rd pom, green/blue pet)

Why would you ever waste points into matter? Better spec choices imo:

36m/40b (or 39m/37b if you group occasionally)
26m/47b (red dex/qui is much more valuable in a solo spec than low level mezz shield)

With the body spec its more a matter of choice, but with 34 mind your literally wasting pom4 for nothing.

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Postby barto22 » Feb 14, 2017 11:14

Theurgist. All day long.

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Postby Freudinio » Feb 14, 2017 13:38


Hands down.
Just about done..

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Postby Superstar » Feb 15, 2017 00:33

Thanks all for the answers! Curious why Theurg over Skald or Sorc? Skald with speed and instas (probably worst of 3 as 1vX?) and sorc with bolt mez and MOC lifetap. Thanks!

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Postby Kaizen » Feb 15, 2017 17:07

q/c AOE mezz Xn
Perma pet stun target X1
Nuke target X1 to death
Rinse & repeat with target X2
Pop MCL /RP when required

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Postby Superstar » Feb 15, 2017 19:49

Didn't realize Theurg was such a no brainer haha, thought most would say Skald or Sorc!

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Postby pweet » Feb 15, 2017 20:40

Theu is bad, do a Skald or Minstrel, or stealther. You need Speed 6 to pick your fights. Every assasin will 2shot a Theu with PA and that will be your main solo enemies.

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Postby Kaizen » Feb 16, 2017 10:27

Superstar wrote:Thanks all for the answers! Curious why Theurg over Skald or Sorc? Skald with speed and instas (probably worst of 3 as 1vX?) and sorc with bolt mez and MOC lifetap. Thanks!

All are nice tbh:
With Skald you can choose your battles more often due to speed, have better armor and your insta's.
With Sorc you can charm a very nice pet and cc/nuke (tap) as well.

In the end it comes down to preference (as just about always).

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Postby barto22 » Feb 16, 2017 11:31

Skald and mincer probably easier to pick your fights. 1vs1 with skald is your bread and butter. 1vs2 at a push if all things swing your way. Similar story with minstrel. Maybe push that to 1vs3 if you use your pet really well. You also wear better armour so you technically live a little longer in that respect.

That said, a solo sorc has the advantage of ranged aoe and single target CC as well as ranged damage. Also having different types of CC on the same character is heavenly. You can charm a pet that when used well can be vital.

With theurgist it's a similar case to a sorc. The range is your best friend. You also have the same types of CC but I think the edge you have comes from your pets. If you get the jump on a solo enemy there should be absolutely no question as to whether win or lose. You will always win. No matter the class. Using your CC and pets to interrupt and to damage gives you the unique opportunity to engage multiple players together. Single target DD damage is very decent too.

If I didn't want to play a stealth but I wanted to solo predominantly, I'd pick theurgist.

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Postby Mancav3 » Feb 16, 2017 14:45

The strongest, most versatile solo character in the game is Minstrel. When played correctly, in a 1v1, you should never lose a fight. It's not even fair once you get high RR and can reliably control a red pet.

Now, a bad player will not be successful and should resort to skald.

But, out of your choices.. I'd go with Skald, sorc or chanter, tbh. Theurg is decent but has to go wind spec, which virtually makes you useless for groups. Sorc, skald and chanter can group/small man with a similar solo spec.

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Postby FifthDuke » Feb 17, 2017 04:42

Caldrian wrote:
maiens wrote:There are 2 specs that would be good for solo if we dont look at a full mind sorc.

Pet build :
34 Mind / 39 Body / 15 matter ( this gives you a lvl 50 pet, yellow aoe mezz, 3rd pom, aoe root and a 163 DD)
45 Body / 27 Mind / 12 Matter ( This gives you 209 DD, blue aoe mezz, aoe root , 3rd pom, green/blue pet)

Why would you ever waste points into matter? Better spec choices imo:

36m/40b (or 39m/37b if you group occasionally)
26m/47b (red dex/qui is much more valuable in a solo spec than low level mezz shield)

With the body spec its more a matter of choice, but with 34 mind your literally wasting pom4 for nothing.

Most Sorcs I've discussed this with have tended to agree that this is a wise choice for non mind spec. I am, however, curious about that 47b spec you listed below, but alas...respecs don't grow on trees.

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Postby Superstar » Feb 21, 2017 22:21

I feel like I've narrowed between Sorc, Theurg, Chanter. Any thoughts on these 3? Although I will be solo most of the time, it would be nice to group every once in awhile or at least have the option.

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Postby giz0r » Feb 23, 2017 12:32

From those 3, Sorc is by far the best solo'er.


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