Battlegrounds - /xp off - /rp off

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Postby Teddybear » Mar 15, 2017 22:31

Is there any hope for this in the future? Something I always loved to do on live was run around in Thid when there was nothing going on and fight randoms. It builds a fun community, would love for that to be an option here. However, not being able to stop gaining RP, I'll cap out and my efforts wasted :(

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Postby bm01 » Mar 16, 2017 02:02

I'd love that. Having to reroll because I want my char to stay in a certain BG doesn't make me want a BG char in the first place.

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Postby Elodus » Mar 16, 2017 07:21

You don't have to reroll, just suicide when you get close.
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Postby Gohan » Mar 16, 2017 10:13

Still have to re roll when you hit 325 rpts. Which isn't that hard, like 75 kills?
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Postby Rhen » Mar 16, 2017 10:13

Teddybear wrote:not being able to stop gaining RP

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Postby Andreas » Mar 16, 2017 10:15

Please not. It's should be a battle ground and not a playground for high equipped luxury twinks.

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Postby barto22 » Mar 16, 2017 10:21

Would be nice if they increased the Rp cap and implemented xp off. I never liked the idea of rp off personally. I think that once you've had your fun it's time to move on in BG. Get going in big boy rvr.

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Postby bm01 » Mar 16, 2017 10:28

Andreas wrote:Please not. It's should be a battle ground and not a playground for high equipped luxury twinks.

Do you really expect a constant flow of new players? On Uthgard?
BGs were made for new players, but even on Live they never really worked like intended.

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Postby Andreas » Mar 16, 2017 11:02

At the moment? Yes! Later? Maybe not but in my opinion its better to give 10 new player the possibility to have some fun in a bg than 100 old players which have the possibility to play the big game.

Bgs are the way to get some early RAs which helps lvling buts impossible if there are only stealthers and op classes with high equip which only waits for a easy gank.

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Postby Nunki » Mar 16, 2017 11:21

/xp off -> Why not? You could bg anyway.
/rp off -> Please not!

I would personally enjoy to farm unequipped rookies in those bg's, but this wouldn't help any new player in any kind of way.

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Postby barto22 » Mar 16, 2017 11:57

Nunki wrote:/xp off -> Why not? You could bg anyway.
/rp off -> Please not!

I would personally enjoy to farm unequipped rookies in those bg's, but this wouldn't help any new player in any kind of way.

I'd still argue that you'd be encouraging rvr like that. Which is why daoc is fun. Instead the BGs are obsolete ghost towns from what I hear.

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Postby Nunki » Mar 16, 2017 14:30

barto22 wrote:
Nunki wrote:/xp off -> Why not? You could bg anyway.
/rp off -> Please not!

I would personally enjoy to farm unequipped rookies in those bg's, but this wouldn't help any new player in any kind of way.

I'd still argue that you'd be encouraging rvr like that. Which is why daoc is fun. Instead the BGs are obsolete ghost towns from what I hear.

For me, it wouldn't be encouraging at all to visit a BG as a rookie (first glimpse on RvR), getting perma farmed by full scd enemies. O.o
Those who are "new" would get rekt, those who are "not that successfull" in lvl 50 RvR would create full scd bg characters.

I liked the Battleground-XP-Boni on Uthgard 1. (% xp bonus for those in bg lvl range)
That was encouraging to visit the Battlegrounp, raid the CK and after that, go back to PvE with XP-Bonus. ;) (Or realize it is fun and stay in that bg until you get kicked out ;).


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Postby Llaw » Mar 16, 2017 14:45

Stop being pussies and get to 50 and go out into the real frontiers instead.
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Postby Tritri » Mar 16, 2017 14:46

I think what would really encourage RvR in these zone would be to improve xp a lot, make the level bound overlap to be able to play with your friends, and if you die or stay too long in an underleveled battleground, you get ported to the next one


Maybe find a clever fix for the money/stuff issue without being too exploitable

and let's roll !

Won't happen though... :D
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Postby Evinac » Mar 16, 2017 14:56

/rp off leads to twinks, which farm any remotely undergeared ppl that step foot in the bg, which would be the new players. If anything, I'd say /rp off would discourage new players from sticking around - they'll already be fighting ppl much higher rr when/if they get to 50, no reason to subject them to similar disadvantages in the bg's, especially before they embark on the 36-50 grind.
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