So let's talk logistics
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Two relics picked up at the same time.
[13:27] <@[Uth]Infobot> » Realm versus Realm » The Strength relic of Hibernia has been removed from Hibernia's shrine! « [13:27] <@[Uth]Infobot> » Realm versus Realm » The Strength relic of Albion has been removed from Hibernia's shrine! « The same two relics captured by two different realms 8 minutes apart. [13:52] <@[Uth]Infobot> » Realm versus Realm » The forces of Midgard have captured the Strength relic of Hibernia! « [14:00] <@[Uth]Infobot> » Realm versus Realm » The forces of Albion have captured the Strength relic of Albion! « Now, for those of us not fortunate enough to be in game to witness such a feat, let's discuss the logistics of how this is possible. Evinak - Eldritch
Evinac - Hero <Blazed> |
Easy. Mid picked both up at the same time. Alb intercepted, and grabbed their own relic. Mid still had Hib relic.
Im speculating here, but the more likely explanation is the Mids gifted the Alb relic to the Albs so they wont have 6 relics and therefore no relic guards.
Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50 Guild: SCHWERT & ROSE (provisional guild leader) [HIB] Crafting Mat Wholesale Diamond, Wyvernskin, Nightshade, Eldritch etc. huge quantities below vendor price - pm me! |
I suppose that's possible, but I doubt it. If they only wanted 5 of 6 relics, then why'd they pick up both relics? Why not just leave one behind, if the goal was to only get 5 of 6? |
From what I heard, it was a random Alb 8man who killed the lone Mid group carrying that particular relic. They were just looking for some 8v8, got unbelievably lucky, and stumbled upon some careless Mids returning from the raid. I don't know if that's the whole story, but I don't think there's any need to start throwing out conspiracy theories.
Yep, you raid with 8(?) groups and then walk back alone while carrying the relic. Happens all the time. Sounds legit. Don´t care for relics, but at least a better story would be nice. |
Why risk encountering an enemy zerg and losing when you can just sneak the relic back? This game has been around for a long time, and a lot of effort has been put into thinking up all sorts of strategies. To think that every raid would employ the same braindead tactics is completely ridiculous. Mids have, in the past, been burned by thinking their zerg can overcome anything, and this alternative tactic has done very well for them on previous raids.
In b4 Aelred snuck the relic away in his pants.
you would think that but trust me the ppl leading relic raids on mid are not that smart :p Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins
I wasn't there but it seems pretty obvious that they probably just dropped the relic somewhere for Albs because they don't want to lose relic guards, and Albs are no threat for more relics because they're half the population of Mids/Hibs.
Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
I was on that Relic raid. We took all 3 relics because the Hibs mounted very little defense. We had to take the Mid Str relic home first before we could pick up the next two. We got back for those 2 and found that both outer doors were still open and the tower door had only been repaired to 25%! There were almost zero Hibs at the RK so after killing the guards, we put 1 ram on the tower door and a few minutes later we were back in the relic room. I did see a handfull of Hibs there but probably less than one full group! We quickly killed them, grabbed the last two relics and headed home.
We did encounter an Alb zerg as we passed AMG in Emain and that must be where the Albs intercepted the relic that they took home. TLDR: If a realm doesn't defend it's relics they won't keep them for long. Gil DaTroll - Merlin Zerker | MacDeath - Uth1 Armsman | Gil - Uth2 Zerker | Macdeath - Uth2 Armsman
Albs were in the right place at the right time.
Dominance <Blood> - R5 Berserker
Dominancia <Blood> - R2 Healer Trancid <Blood> - R4 Bonedancer |
Gratz on your Relic Soldier title bro. Gil DaTroll - Merlin Zerker | MacDeath - Uth1 Armsman | Gil - Uth2 Zerker | Macdeath - Uth2 Armsman
Mids need 5+relics to be able to compete. What's the news?
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