Server decaying
From hib point of wiev is terrible atm..
Realm Points gained last 7 days. Mid = 42,9% Alb = 32,4% Hib = 24,7% In the last two weeks, top 20 players who gained rp's in all realms you will find 0 hibs. Hib is struggling alot last couple of weeks. Both in population and rvr activity. Hib got no set grp, nor semi set rvr grp out there lately for rvr. Mostly random pugs rr2-rr4 that changes from day to day without any teamplay. Most competetiv guilds have gone, Booted gone?, Apex gone?, Wilson gave up, Salt kinda inactive, JPP gave up, Kraut Kontrol, STOP RESITING gave up? and so on.. There cant be much competition for the other realms? |
Normal. This server is still on beta. And there is no answers fromdevs.
I can tell you that hibs themselves killed their own realm. I cant tell you how many days I tried to get grps together or join other grps as a druid and came up empty because a group would literally wait 40 minutes for their guildie to log in instead.
when i play, "na time", its like 4 groups of albs and 4 groups of hibs consistently, and maybe 2 groups of mids. its not your population causing hib to lose rps, its ours. You have far less enemies and most of our groups are high rr. so you can fight the high rr albs or the high rr mids... either way it is a bit unhealthy no doubt
That's your own realm's problem.
People seem on your end to not run at all than to start up some pug, unlike in Midgard, no matter the RR and guild, people would just PUG up and start running. I've heard similar behavior on Alb. Anyway, if you look past the last weeks, it is going downwards. First 4000 on weekends, then 3500, then 2800, now barely scratching the 2000 mark. Hibs 1 day after losing relics 4/1/2017 ![]() 1 week after losing relics 4/9/2017 ![]() 4 weeks after losing relics right now 4/30/2017 ![]() At some point when Hibs had still relics, the LWRP was 30m mid/hib, 22m alb. Then a week later after they lost them. 28m mid/20m hib, 18alb - and right now it's about 28m mids, 18m hibs and 20-25m albs. It feels like after Sri stopped trying to hold the power relics for their realm, everyone stopped trying on HIb, caster groups disappeared. Then you saw for 2 weeks or so melee groups, because of 3 strength relics, and after taking them you saw those melee groups disappear too. Missing the leaders in the realms maybe to fight for their realm? Just freeze/remove all relics - that'd be the best solution for everyone. Last edited by danteafk on Apr 30, 2017 21:28, edited 1 time in total.
Seems like the title of this thread should be "Hib RvR population decaying" instead of "Server decaying".
I'm not sure why you might be having trouble putting groups together in Hib, but I can't imagine that it's an insurmountable problem. I'm also not sure exactly which Hib population you're referring to. It seems like you're just saying that high RR set groups are disappearing, but that's not necessarily a problem for the Hib RvR population in general. If there are still people outside of those groups who want to RvR and you want to run in set groups, start grouping those people until you find some that you wanna run with regularly. If the set groups are disappearing because of something like relics, then put a zerg together and get some relics. Classic DAoC is not really a hand-holding game like modern MMOs. You have to socialize, meet new people, help out new players so they can help you and get better themselves, organize zergs from time to time, etc. A lot of the problems people complain about on Uthgard seem to stem from expecting the game itself to just automatically counter-balance whatever difficulty one is currently having, but here you have to socalize and organize to get ahead. Maybe expectation have just been changed too much since the days of classic DAoC for that to happen anymore, though. |
One group doing this doesn't effectively kill the realm. I said it before, and I'll say it again: slow experience kills RvR. It is necessary to have second characters to create group compositions, and groups stagnate when they're left unable to fill spots. And they're unable to fill spots because slow XP guarantees there are fewer people with backup chars. |
I played mid before i rerolled on uthgard, and yes midgard have still some active and dedicated leaders, among a good solid /as. While hib seem to lack leaders atm, since most competive players/guilds in rvr have left the scene.
And yes, it is a problem when hib set grps are disappearing. Since hib lack leaders and a good solid /as, my feeling is that hib is falling apart slowly. And those hib pugs that are out dont rly stand a chance vs the higher rr mids/albs grps. You run couple times as pug, then ppl loose hope. Pugs are diffrent each evning on hib, but you face almost same ppl from mid/alb in same grps each evning. |
That's not entirely true. You don't need alts to keep groups going. What you need is to make friends with people who play the classes you might be lacking at times. In a game where there's a premium on having access to classes because of the slow leveling process, the path of least resistance is to socialize with people who play those classes, not to make sure you level several alts just in case. EDIT: Also, it's probably necessary to not be idealistic about group composition. Hibs honestly have it the easiest of any of the three realms: all you need is 2 druids and 1 bard and you have the core of a group (heals, buffs, speed, CC). You need 4 in Mid and 4 in Alb to cover just that basic core. After that, you can literally fill the group with anything. Group the VW and Champ that have been sitting there broadcasting for the past hour. It might not be "optimal", but it's a group and it's better than logging off because you don't have 4 alts sitting around. Those players might also surprise you in terms of what they can do in a group. When Uthgard launched, it was just common knowledge and beyond question that Wardens were useless, but now they seem to be a regular staple of 8-mans. Same thing for BDs: everyone knew that they were just runemasters with no damage or NS. It's a 15 year old game, everyone knows they're not optimal and are a wasted slot, but I see them all the time in 8-mans now.
Maybe run more than 8 then until you get some RRs or meet people that you can put together a good set group with. If you don't have a solid /as in Hib, talk to other guilds and put one together. Run RvR CGs/BGs so any Hib can join and find groups. Organize. The game is not gonna hold your hand and do this all for you, but your realm can make it happen if it wants to. I hope you figure it out, in any case. Last edited by joshisanonymous on Apr 30, 2017 22:19, edited 1 time in total.
I'm in an active guild, which isn't active in RvR at all even though we try every once in a whiled. We can have 15 players online all doing there own thing. Some of the lvl 50 druids and BM's will try to go out and RvR, but even they are having a hard time finding spots. Most of them will idle for an hour and just log and that's just it. No groups, no point to go out on small groups, etc. It's 8vs8 or bust. I'm pretty sure that of the 2000 people online max currently, most of them are lvl'ing alts or are crafting (for a better day). Even if we hade insta50 at this point it wouldnt make a difference. There's no point to go out and RvR, unless you want to get rolled on with your pug. The casuals arent having fun RvR'ing. period. So what we're left with is a hardcore PvE server with a 8vs8 RvR community. All the solo'rs are relic keep campers, minstrels and skalds (gotta have speed for the fking downtime). It's the same server as Uthgard 1 after the BG and Tagendi nerf. Only now with a lot more people. Uthard population never died because of Genesis opening. It died because they closed the BG's. Which was a try to get people to RvR in the frontiers. Ask yourself a question. Why would I go out with a sub par pug and RvR at this point? You don't? That's right. That's why the casual pug doesn't exist in RvR. No RP bonus for keep taking or whatever will save it. Last edited by Satiah on Apr 30, 2017 22:24, edited 1 time in total.
Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
Look who joined Midgard... |
Alb has had some larger zergs out lately - haven't really seen Hib do the same. Group up anybody you can find and go cause some chaos.
Satanic Panic - Cleric
Budikah - Cabalist Leader of Primordial Guild / Alliance Primordial Discord ---> |
Please bring your smallman out. I'm out solo often and would love more duos/trios to fight. I've seen a good number of other Mids smallmaning, too. It's very much doable, even without speed, even if you sometimes get run over by larger numbers. If you don't have speed and/or don't want to travel far, patrol the path to your relic keep. You just said that minstrels and skalds camp this area solo, so you know where you can find solo/smallman action, right? Right outside your doorstep. I can think of plenty of other options. Log your character in DF. Hit up Dodens. Grab a single bard to group with and go run through XP spots in Yggdra or Snowdonia (I promise, it'll be hours before any level 50 comes to ruin your fun in those zones). As for the PUGing, hopefully people will start to learn that if their PUG full of casuals can't compete, they can always join up with another PUG of casuals. I know it's not cool to zerg, and sure it's not as rewarding of a win, but the alternative is repeatedly running into a wall before quitting. |
Well from my perspective as a Hib i can say, the current situation is just frustrating at best.
I´m not going to complain about the 1.65 balance, i knew exactly what i did at the realm selection screen. It was intended to be hard. Had to reroll the Menta that i enjoyed playing, because there is no chance you will ever enjoy playing that class in a pug. With the Hero i do get more invites, but the groups still remain uncoordinated pugs that take and ungodly ammount of time to setup and get to a semi-working state. I started playing every day at the beginning, more or less enjoyed the first two months of RvR and by now literally have to force myself to even log after someone asked me to. Too many people quit and i am about to do the same. |
(TL;DR - have first hand data before you give advice. Organised 8 mans should try fighting each other. Change the server setting to avoid this decline.)
So many clueless people in just this thread alone. Lots of advice that is just pure nonsense. "All you need to do is do this and do that and you'll have loads of fun!" Biggest load of crap I've heard. I play in hib and I'm telling you it's far from easy even trying to fill a pure casual pug. And when you finally do you just get rolled by organised 8 mans. It's easy to just say run with more. But there aren't any more. The whole realm has approximately 4 casual bards looking to pug. I'm not looking to 8v8 on this server, but the whole zerging thing has got a little out of hand I think. What I mean is there is no objective for the zerg. Gathering more people only leads to people logging out in frustration. For example, last night saw 4 alb groups camping hpk in Hadrians. Why? Because there was 1 group of hibs that they wanted to fight over. Much like the xp situation - There Is only a limited supply. Why would they want to take keeps? Why would they want to to take relics? Each "reward" isn't worth a damn thing. You don't need keeps to make rps and you don't need relics to make rps. 4 groups vs 1 group and relic bonuses don't make any difference. The organised 8mans on this server make me laugh too. Prime run emain and team America run Odin. Lol. So much for a circle jerk. They don't even fight each other. They just mop up the so called casual population that can't even compete against each other let alone them. They complain when people add then tell people to zerg if they can't compete. I'm not against any style of play whatsoever but the double standards is really pathetic. This server is going exactly where many people predicted it would go. It is not fun, exciting or enticing for casual players or bad players. Population is dropping everyday. Loads of people seem to recognise the problem without actually being there to witness it which is just a joke. People who play on mid claiming that hib should do this or do that. It's atrocious. Something needs to change on this server and I don't believe that it is in the hands of the players. It's a much bigger deal than players not wanting to use what's given to them, it's that it just doesn't work and this decline will only continue until something significant is done to deal with the problem that the server faces. I hate to say it, and I know that there are many people on this board that will repeat it, but - I told you so. This was predicted, but as usual it was brushed aside by white knights and people filled with optimism. By the way, where are they now? Kaosfury and soddin to name a couple. Even rynthian started his forum career by shutting people down who had a truer vision. Sure he later changed his mind on that and I'm gonna guess he is banned now. This tangent has gone on, I'll carry on playing this server for now because I love to play daoc, but there are many people that won't. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
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