<Rare> going easymode!

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Postby adjuchas_brokk » Apr 11, 2016 13:53

holsten-knight wrote:I think you will see that mid is far from the easymode realm (in fact the weakest) with bugfree old RA.

Still it is easy to play, but not easy to be successful in 8vs8. For that you will have to play extraordinary good (or hope no active RA ready for the enemy).

And as gala already pointed out, rolling mid will not save you from our adds. The only difference is that you will benefit. 8)

I am looking forward to have a quality leader in mid, so I can just afkstick in reli raids, w00t :D

I never really understood the Mid=easy mode attitude... I've tried all three realms and was never envious of Mid as a Hib or Alb but many times I've been envious of Alb and Hib as a Mid :P

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Postby Austerim » Apr 11, 2016 14:23

adjuchas_brokk wrote:I never really understood the Mid=easy mode attitude... I've tried all three realms and was never envious of Mid as a Hib or Alb but many times I've been envious of Alb and Hib as a Mid :P
Midgard also has the worst batch of RAs out of the 3 realms too. :oops:
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> You have to be a c*** to be awesome at daoc
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> that's what I learnt
[3:11pm] <Frosty_> then why does austerim suck
lordgriffon wrote:Oh by the way... ever seen a group of 8 smite clerics? Or play against a group like that? I have. Absolute devastation. The group that runs up against them can't kill them fast enough because smite clerics have sooooooo many tools at their disposal combined with decent ranged damage with 8 of them dudes doing it!

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Postby pweet » Apr 11, 2016 14:34

Midgard has healers. Stop crying about RAs ;)

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Postby Discotech » Apr 11, 2016 15:29

pweet wrote:Midgard has healers. Stop crying about RAs ;)


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Postby Discotech » Apr 11, 2016 15:30

pweet wrote:Midgard has healers. Stop crying about RAs ;)

This! Pweet is right

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Postby Soukou » Apr 11, 2016 16:30

I would be interested in joining up upon release.

Going to be making an aug/mend healer.

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Postby Amisch » Apr 11, 2016 19:57

[R]Bloodwyne wrote:For Uthgard 2.0 Rare will roll Midgard



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Postby [R]Bloodwyne » Apr 11, 2016 19:58

Amisch wrote:
[R]Bloodwyne wrote:For Uthgard 2.0 Rare will roll Midgard



i know right

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Postby [R]Bloodwyne » Apr 11, 2016 20:22

holsten-knight wrote:I think you will see that mid is far from the easymode realm (in fact the weakest) with bugfree old RA.

Still it is easy to play, but not easy to be successful in 8vs8. For that you will have to play extraordinary good (or hope no active RA ready for the enemy).

And as gala already pointed out, rolling mid will not save you from our adds. The only difference is that you will benefit. 8)

I am looking forward to have a quality leader in mid, so I can just afkstick in reli raids, w00t :D

I dont take part in "Realm X >Realm Y > Realm Z" discussions ... there was never and will never be a result. We want to play Mid for several reasons. Most people that excessivly want to persuade others of a certain realm being way underpowered do that just for themselves so when they regulary eat dirt they can blame it on sth other than their inability.

Sorry Holsten but you might want to stick around as relic raid leader if you want the relics to be on mid side ;) I dont know if ill be in the mood for such action anymore...I got to much grey hair from 8vs8 alrdy, relicsraids will give me a BALD head...and you can add as much as you want... the times where 3 groups total ran emain during primetime are hopefully over with Uthgard2.0 so that wont bother us at all ;) Actually it rly didnt bother us even during the last years of Uth1.0;)

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Postby Galandriel3 » Apr 11, 2016 20:25

not stick around as relic raid leader, sticking to your group!
[12:46] <Roundhouse_> actualy galandriel and blackbeard the master challenges out on heavytanks
[23:52] <Skarz> u are best skald i seen for long time

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Postby Top » Apr 11, 2016 20:28

Imagine the first few months of RvR.

3x mid groups for every 1 hib or alb group in emain.

Then you have DG adding on what little amount of fair fights there are.

Going to have to camp APK or DL just to get a taste of RPs :lol:

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Postby [R]Bloodwyne » Apr 11, 2016 20:32

Top wrote:Imagine the first few months of RvR.

3x mid groups for every 1 hib or alb group in emain.

Then you have DG adding on what little amount of fair fights there are.

Going to have to camp APK or DL just to get a taste of RPs :lol:

Well, i hope Uthgard will have statistics about realm population during Beta and publish them. I dont think it will be as dramatic as some ppl think. Uth 1.0 always had a fairly balanced overall population.

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Postby Top » Apr 11, 2016 20:48

I'm just basing off of who was relevant during Genesis early stages.

Basically you had

Luc Longley

There were some other straggler guilds but I don't count them because they either didn't play consistently, or they weren't good competition (guilds like Ragnarok, etc.)

So far, 3 of those are going mid. DG is out a lot and will stay out even if they're dieing, so that's another warm body out there.

Sure some of the good groups from Uth 1.0 will play Uth 2.0, but the people who are slow and take a year to get out to RvR, only to play on a server when most of the good competition has left, I don't care about those people. They're not relevant.

You're right though, it will even out eventually.

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Postby Austerim » Apr 11, 2016 20:53

Raifs = Requiem? All signs are pointing to them going back to Hib. :oops:
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> You have to be a c*** to be awesome at daoc
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> that's what I learnt
[3:11pm] <Frosty_> then why does austerim suck
lordgriffon wrote:Oh by the way... ever seen a group of 8 smite clerics? Or play against a group like that? I have. Absolute devastation. The group that runs up against them can't kill them fast enough because smite clerics have sooooooo many tools at their disposal combined with decent ranged damage with 8 of them dudes doing it!

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Postby Discotech » Apr 11, 2016 21:00

ill just bring my triple healer set-up again and watch as the QQ's come from all ends of the earth.

Hope to see the only real competetion come aka Fatality/NB alarm alarm and GP


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