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Postby Jalez » Mar 27, 2017 23:35

Lewk wrote:
Hesperus wrote:Not ruining my experience or affecting me in any way, really.

However, the eliteist dickhead mentality that people who add or "jam" groups who are fighting each other are bad players is affecting the server as a whole. ANY kind of rvr should be encouraged, however, it's not and the minority are scaring off the majority due to the flack they receive for you know... enjoying the game. Typically, 8 man groups are cancer, especially the kind that come to the forms to jerk each other off.

While i do agree that often times the "elite" and "dickhead" go hand in hand, i would argue that the phenomenon that is DAoC 8 man is one of the best aspects of the game, and is the greatest contributor to the game's long term success.

There is nothing inherently exciting about the taking/defending/zerging of keeps that you can't find in any other of the thousands of MMOs out there. 8v8 however is such an interesting form of gameplay that most other MMOs have failed to, and will continue to fail to, replicate due to the overall group size in other MMos being much smaller and the gap between a 4-5 man sized group and a full on zerg is often void.

The "elite dickheads" enjoying 8v8 are at the point that they aren't just looking for realm points, they are looking for the interesting and unique gameplay that comes from 8v8 fights in this game. If DAoC was simple another instanced group vs group, or FFA zerg vs zerg like virtually every other MMO out there, i wouldn't play it at all.

So while you are more than entitled to your "red is dead" mentality, and i personally try to understand that perspective being a 8v8 player myself, you should consider it from the other side as well. The greatest amount of fun had by these 8v8 players is getting to match their group against another group and even if the game wasn't "designed" for that , we will continually strive to achieve that situation as often as possible because that is the scenario that is the most challenging/fun for us.

I enjoy 8v8 as well, however other shards like Alteri basically have 8v8 Arenas with no chance in hell of being jammed. So why even bother playing on Live or Uthgard at all, there are literally DAoC shards where you will 100% not get jammed and can have awesome fights all night long.

Here on Uth we have players stating they only want to 8v8, well the server has wayyyyyy too many people on it at the moment to have a clean 8v8 EVERYTIME, it's a little reckless to think that we won't get jammed....../shrug

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Postby Drunkstain » Mar 28, 2017 08:13

Man you guys jumping on them real hard out of no where for nothing. Simply was stating we had a good fight before the add, which honestly I dont care about, I dont enjoy jamming fights its not my style and I dont give others grief about it if they do.

However, I thought it was funny the way this particular fight played out. I was literally the only one alive in my group after mids jammed our fight with the albs.

I really hope all the future @ posts dont turn into a "you are elitist jerks" etc type stuff. Opponents can show respect without "teaming up" as people would say.

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Postby toaky » Mar 28, 2017 19:58

ok but the real issue here is that theugs and minsts with red horses are OP! Pbuk is my bane

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Postby Freudinio » Mar 28, 2017 21:27

Lewk wrote:
Hesperus wrote:Not ruining my experience or affecting me in any way, really.

However, the eliteist dickhead mentality that people who add or "jam" groups who are fighting each other are bad players is affecting the server as a whole. ANY kind of rvr should be encouraged, however, it's not and the minority are scaring off the majority due to the flack they receive for you know... enjoying the game. Typically, 8 man groups are cancer, especially the kind that come to the forms to jerk each other off.

While i do agree that often times the "elite" and "dickhead" go hand in hand, i would argue that the phenomenon that is DAoC 8 man is one of the best aspects of the game, and is the greatest contributor to the game's long term success.

There is nothing inherently exciting about the taking/defending/zerging of keeps that you can't find in any other of the thousands of MMOs out there. 8v8 however is such an interesting form of gameplay that most other MMOs have failed to, and will continue to fail to, replicate due to the overall group size in other MMos being much smaller and the gap between a 4-5 man sized group and a full on zerg is often void.

The "elite dickheads" enjoying 8v8 are at the point that they aren't just looking for realm points, they are looking for the interesting and unique gameplay that comes from 8v8 fights in this game. If DAoC was simple another instanced group vs group, or FFA zerg vs zerg like virtually every other MMO out there, i wouldn't play it at all.

So while you are more than entitled to your "red is dead" mentality, and i personally try to understand that perspective being a 8v8 player myself, you should consider it from the other side as well. The greatest amount of fun had by these 8v8 players is getting to match their group against another group and even if the game wasn't "designed" for that , we will continually strive to achieve that situation as often as possible because that is the scenario that is the most challenging/fun for us.

That's the thing though, for me it's not entirely about 8v8, it's about my 8 vs whatever shows up. The thrill of killing groups back to back, extending a zerg and killing them etc. the fact, that you never know what you will meet, THAT is the exciting part for me. People invented terms like "swooping", "jamming", "vulturing" simply because they lose. If the set groups respect eachother, then that's great, but make no mistake, they have no respect for the rest of the playerbase. Every single established group out there will kill smallmans and soloers, hell some of them even go out of their way to kill exp'ers and I personally believe that's where the perceived "dickhead" mentality is derived from.
Just about done..

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Postby Heret » Mar 29, 2017 16:58

Freudinio wrote:If the set groups respect eachother, then that's great, but make no mistake, they have no respect for the rest of the playerbase. Every single established group out there will kill smallmans and soloers, hell some of them even go out of their way to kill exp'ers and I personally believe that's where the perceived "dickhead" mentality is derived from.

Thank you for expressing my thoughts. I was so ****** at 8mans lately, that I was about to start a separate thread about it.
Because of the small size of our guild, we're usually doing small mans around every frontier. And it's the same crap in all 3 of them: Get focked in the arse by 8mans like they're god damn canadians in clubbing season, but at the same time, when we add their fights to get at least some RPs, get yelled at, to "honor the fair fights".
Laughing my fat arse off, seriously!

Last edited by Heret on Mar 29, 2017 17:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Heret » Mar 29, 2017 16:59

double post, whoops!

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Postby Borondir » Mar 29, 2017 17:33

When they say that they seek competition - then its a lie. They don't ignored solo people or small groups or even low rvr groups - it gives rp, they kill it. Even grey people got killed by these groups. I don't see any competition there and no skill is needed for it.

It was a hard time to do the quests in the rvr zone and getting ganked all day. But now we have the man power to strike back with 2+ groups and make them pay for the past. Have fun because we will have fun with you.
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Postby Nezix » Mar 29, 2017 17:44

Borondir wrote:When they say that they seek competition - then its a lie. They don't ignored solo people or small groups or even low rvr groups - it gives rp, they kill it. Even grey people got killed by these groups. I don't see any competition there and no skill is needed for it.

It was a hard time to do the quests in the rvr zone and getting ganked all day. But now we have the man power to strike back with 2+ groups and make them pay for the past. Have fun because we will have fun with you.

Every single RvR player in DAoC is a hypocrite with the exception of a few solo players. Let me explain:
Zerg: Red is dead! -> Hits RR5 / Time passes, now wants to 8v8 and not get added on, or levels in frontier and complains they get ganked.
8 man: We want clean 8v8 fights -> kills the small mans.
Small man: 8mans kill us and complain when we add -> kills the solo players.
Solo: 8mans and small mans kill me and complain when I add -> kills sub 50 players in the frontiers.

Technically, there could be any one of these that always attacks exactly the same numbers of players, but with the exception of the solo player only looking for solo fights and not going after XPers, it basically doesn't exist.

Everyone should accept this is a fact of DAoC life.
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Postby Lewk » Mar 30, 2017 20:14

The sad truth is you have to kill the small mans, as they will ALWAYS add on fights with a much higher degree of chance than other 8 mans.

I am lucky enough to be in the position of being group lead and with little exception we will always pass on other 8v8 fights already going on, 1v1s until they are done, and small mans that we know.

This is just for me and the groups i lead because of the type of play i enjoy. Other people do it different, and that is completely fine.

The reason i pass on other 8v8 fights is because for me that is the most enjoyable aspect of the game and i really appreciate when other groups pass when we are in an 8v8.

The reason i kill soloers/small mans is because they are almost always going to run from us until they find another friendly group and then add in. I have have yet to see this not be the case with the exception of Jeff and two friends last night, and one other time when a mid 3 man stopped and watched the fight, then proceeded to snipe our theurgist and then run off.

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Postby Freudinio » Mar 30, 2017 23:01

Lewk wrote:The sad truth is you have to kill the small mans, as they will ALWAYS add on fights with a much higher degree of chance than other 8 mans.

I am lucky enough to be in the position of being group lead and with little exception we will always pass on other 8v8 fights already going on, 1v1s until they are done, and small mans that we know.

This is just for me and the groups i lead because of the type of play i enjoy. Other people do it different, and that is completely fine.

The reason i pass on other 8v8 fights is because for me that is the most enjoyable aspect of the game and i really appreciate when other groups pass when we are in an 8v8.

The reason i kill soloers/small mans is because they are almost always going to run from us until they find another friendly group and then add in. I have have yet to see this not be the case with the exception of Jeff and two friends last night, and one other time when a mid 3 man stopped and watched the fight, then proceeded to snipe our theurgist and then run off.

So let's say I'm in a smallman, I would add on you every single chance I got, because I know you would kill me on sight if you had the chance.

I'm playing devils advocate here, but I having a hard time to seeing how your way of thinking is at all productive.
Just about done..

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Postby Uzkrak » Mar 31, 2017 00:29

it all comes down to saying " hey you started it, thats why i add or I kill you when you have lower numbers" doesnt matter from which perspective it seems :lol:

I say everyone shall do how he pleases... last time I let a few greys live, they added me on a duel, now I look all greys up in the herald and kill all 30+ who are able to interfere with a real effect :P

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Postby Heret » Mar 31, 2017 01:14

When we started doing Small Mans we added a few fights but soon after tried not to add on 8vs8s and searched for other small groups. That didn't help us in any way though.
After we got hunted across half the map and raped approximately 15 times by full groups we resorted back to adding every fight we could find.

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Postby Bubbler » Mar 31, 2017 14:46

/shrug, I've also done the add and not add playstyle. IME, almost everyone adds, a few don't. In the end, right now with the amount of ppl in rvr, 8v8 is not gonna be the norm and imo shouldn't be. So just rvr and kill what you see, ppl dont like it, it sucks to be them.

Typically I just follow what my group does and not really care either way but ever time we don't add on a fight, right around the corner there is another 12 enemies waiting to fight, its the game as it was designed. People will adapt or not, either way the more fights the better.
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