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Postby norada » May 01, 2017 10:31

During NA time it was some good action. Hib zerg vs Alb zerg, 8man groups trying to run on the outside to get their fights and such. I think that's the healthy direction the server needs to go into. There needs to be these zergs out that anyone can /who bg and join up and get some rvr done on every realm. the 8v8 guilds can either 8v8 or join in when there's too many enemies to make a good time. I hope the NA people keep it up, was great fun and I loved seeing so many hibs/albs out in emain.

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Postby Andreas » May 01, 2017 11:23

The only problem is that midgard is to strong. They are the counter realm against hib and alb cant handle them especially because they have relict advantage.

To solve thise it would be necessary that alot of mids change there realm or the admins give the other realms improvments.

But these dont happen because:
1. Player wont switch realms because midgard is funnier to play
2. Admins dont want to do custom changes
3. Events are not be used to give hib and alb the advantages which they would need

Possible solutions:
1. Instand realm transfer from midgard to another realm
2. Events especially for alb and hib to give them a chance to close the gap between them and mid (exp and rp)
3. Custom changes (for example det for champions and palas)
4. New bonus system which close the gap between the realms and not makes the best ralm even better (examples: relict bonus reducing over time, stronger keep guards if your realm has less keeps, rp bonus if your realm gains less rp last week, ...).

Now u can hate me.

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Postby Gil » May 01, 2017 16:28

Andreas wrote:The only problem is that midgard is to strong. They are the counter realm against hib and alb cant handle them especially because they have relict advantage.

To solve thise it would be necessary that alot of mids change there realm or the admins give the other realms improvments.

But these dont happen because:
1. Player wont switch realms because midgard is funnier to play
2. Admins dont want to do custom changes
3. Events are not be used to give hib and alb the advantages which they would need

Possible solutions:
1. Instand realm transfer from midgard to another realm
2. Events especially for alb and hib to give them a chance to close the gap between them and mid (exp and rp)
3. Custom changes (for example det for champions and palas)
4. New bonus system which close the gap between the realms and not makes the best ralm even better (examples: relict bonus reducing over time, stronger keep guards if your realm has less keeps, rp bonus if your realm gains less rp last week, ...).

Now u can hate me.

A lot of Mids DID switch to Hib after the first month so they would have something to kill. And you can insta switch today as long as you delete all of your characters.
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Postby barto22 » May 01, 2017 16:47

Gil wrote:A lot of Mids DID switch to Hib after the first month so they would have something to kill. And you can insta switch today as long as you delete all of your characters.

So where are they now?
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Postby XiaN^^ » May 01, 2017 17:48

Vlalkor wrote:I can tell you that hibs themselves killed their own realm. I cant tell you how many days I tried to get grps together or join other grps as a druid and came up empty because a group would literally wait 40 minutes for their guildie to log in instead.

druids, especially nature is the by far most important spot in a hib grp together with bard. you cant run with a random one if you wanna do well. its simply impossible cos you need perfect coordination and communication or the grp wont work. if you wanna pug, roll a caster. doesnt matter if they are bad or uncoordinated if your support is good and your MA chanter isnt a complete fail you can still do reasonably well. cant blame guilds for not wanting to pug support at all.
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Postby Skallman » May 01, 2017 17:48

I know some of them went alb after hib, and some gave up on hib, and some went back to mid.

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Postby XiaN^^ » May 01, 2017 17:52

danteafk wrote:
Just freeze/remove all relics - that'd be the best solution for everyone.


stop making sense. you will get the thread locked.
Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins

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Postby Exde » May 01, 2017 17:56

barto22 wrote:
Gil wrote:A lot of Mids DID switch to Hib after the first month so they would have something to kill. And you can insta switch today as long as you delete all of your characters.

So where are they now?

I probably will not be back on this thread to look for responses so save our QQ mores, can I have your gear etc, but if anyone is actually interested.

Reasons I Quit...
- Imbalanced RvR
- Incredibly Slow XP, I quit leveling an alt during the XP bonus when I realized even with the bonus I am not having fun grinding for HOURS for little to no gain. I personally don't want to kill the same 5-7 sets of camps for hours.... again.
- Developers Goal is not one that wants to the server to succeed and flourish.
- No End Game!! Whether its No 50 PvE, or Little to no RvR. DF is unrewarding, and other than the Dragon I dont know of any other level 50 PvE besides farming.

It basically felt like how much torture I can take before reaching the end game which is not much anyways, before I realized I am playing a video game in my spare time, but not having fun.
Semi-Quit~ WTB QoL
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Postby Keith Johnson » May 01, 2017 19:21

Exde wrote:- Developers Goal is not one that wants to the server to succeed and flourish.

I don't think this can be understated and is so incredibly frustrating as a player. Every problem, every suggestion, every forum thread comes back to this point and hits a brick wall.

It's like watching a genius who could do anything they want decide to be a clown for a living. Maybe he met his goal but it was a stupid goal and a totally wasted opportunity. And no amount of reason is going to convince him to change his mind, because he's dead set on being a clown.

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Postby joshisanonymous » May 01, 2017 19:24

Andreas wrote:The only problem is that midgard is to strong. They are the counter realm against hib and alb cant handle them especially because they have relict advantage.

To solve thise it would be necessary that alot of mids change there realm or the admins give the other realms improvments.

But these dont happen because:
1. Player wont switch realms because midgard is funnier to play
2. Admins dont want to do custom changes
3. Events are not be used to give hib and alb the advantages which they would need

Possible solutions:
1. Instand realm transfer from midgard to another realm
2. Events especially for alb and hib to give them a chance to close the gap between them and mid (exp and rp)
3. Custom changes (for example det for champions and palas)
4. New bonus system which close the gap between the realms and not makes the best ralm even better (examples: relict bonus reducing over time, stronger keep guards if your realm has less keeps, rp bonus if your realm gains less rp last week, ...).

Now u can hate me.

No hate, but please try to take the relics. The devs didn't hand the relics to Mid and Mid doesn't have some crazy imbalanced abilities that make it a piece of cake to get them. We didn't even have particularly huge numbers when we went and the raids failed several times I believe before we got them. The reason it worked is because Riyu decided to organize raids and to keep doing it even after failed runs.

So take them back. Plan it out. Hibs and Albs can gang up on Mid even. It doesn't make much sense to fight each other if you both want relics and Mid is unlikely to be able to defend against both at once. If for some reason you fail, try it again. The only reason you might've failed is because Mids went out there and defended, which means that at the very least you're generating large scale battles. Maybe you don't think those fights are fun, but I do and I'm sure many many other players do, many that don't post here on the forums.

If there simply aren't enough people in your realm to even put together 2 groups to at least get a push for relics started, then maybe start doing a /who 1 20 and inviting people into your guilds. Help new players out when they start and maybe they'll stick around and maybe the number of active 50s will increase again. Do something other than posting about how someone else has to fix it for you.

I'm not saying this stuff to be a know-it-all who doesn't know-it-all, I'm saying this stuff to try to help because I'd really like to see large numbers of Hibs and Albs out regularly, and not just a couple elite 8-mans.

By the way, it's kinda interesting that barto22 claims that relics are meaningless and then two posts later someone else claims that RvR is too hard when Mids have relics. I try to imagine that forums are not just places where self-defeatists go to vent, but they probably are.

EDIT: I should say that your suggestion for bonuses at least sounds fairly reasonable. It would make sense to have XP/RP bonuses for underpopulated realms and I think that even existed on live since a very long time ago. I'm not sure holding more relics or keeps shouldn't also give you a bonus, though. We don't really wanna have a situation where realms purposefully try to fall behind so that they can get bonuses. I would think just having higher XP/RP rates based on realm population would be pretty fair. An underdog bonus.
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Postby barto22 » May 01, 2017 20:46


If you take things out of context then it's very easy to get confused. I said relics are meaningless in a one sided fight. 4fg vs 1fg and the relic bonus doesnt make the slightest bit of difference.

Also, you are clueless. That is all.
My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard.

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Postby Evinac » May 01, 2017 21:30

I'm sorry but when has hib not struggled? We were 25% of server pop for 2 months since launch, then we scratched 30% a few times here and there, undefended relics got taken a few times in weird AM hours and all of a sudden hib is in good place cuz mids took an extra week or 2 to zerg the relics back? There is a reality that most of the mids in this thread are simply not aware of.

Albs and hibs gang up on mid? Please. Mids literally gifted albs their last relic - could've just left it at the relic keep with open doors, make albs take it back for themselves, but no, had to be gift-wrapped. Albs otherwise haven't really accomplished anything on their own as a realm yet on this server and there is no reason to expect that to change anytime soon.

A good point has been brought up - where are all the mid rerolls to hib from 2 months ago?

Whats worse is that even more hibs, presently active rr3+ rvr players, have decided to reroll in the past month.

And to all the mids in this thread, please stop telling hibs what to do, how to form grps and how to rvr - you're not at DL, you're not in alliance chats - you're just in frontiers with the other 5 mid grps within 10k units and no1 else - the reason(s) for that can found in the mirror.

[Edit:] Dam! This moment came too soon, I'm in full agreement with Barto. :oops:

barto22 wrote:@josh.

If you take things out of context then it's very easy to get confused. I said relics are meaningless in a one sided fight. 4fg vs 1fg and the relic bonus doesnt make the slightest bit of difference.

Also, you are clueless. That is all.
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Postby Skallman » May 01, 2017 21:38

Some of you are posting reasons why you quit hib and Uthgard, some of you even got solutions for the server to atleast try to keep the player base.

But as we all know, players keeps leaving. Hib is bleeding badly. I honestly doubt hib got somone dedicayted to even raid for relics atm longer. The feeling I have is that everyone have more or less given up the realm.

Yes, some pugs out. But they are out untill they met the set grps of enemies. Then the pugs fall apart and new ones are made, and repeat.

Thing is, as I said. I honestly doubt hib got somone dedicayted to even raid for relics atm. Ppl have lost faith. The set and dedicated rvr grps have left the scene, our leaders have given up on the realm and are gone. Last couple weeks 4-5 been terribleand the snowball is rolling faster and faster..

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Postby Scor » May 01, 2017 23:05

The Point is that if hibs org a raid and get the relicts the midis will take them on the same or at least one day later back. Mids have more high rr, more players and are the Counter realm for hibs. It also make no sense to repair the doors if the mid zerg destroy them without rams in under 10 mins.

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Postby Budikah » May 01, 2017 23:35

With what I've seen of Midgards numbers - it's going to take a coordinated effort between Hib/Alb to take and hold anything. I logged on the other day and found a literal sea of Mids - 5/6FG's + rolling around whereas Alb/Hib had nothing but a few 8mans out. Midgard's RvR population at certain times just blows the other realms out of the water that they'll seemingly always be able to easily take whatever they want back during Euro primetime without much of any resistance.

During NA times I feel this evens out, but during Euro times it seems like Midgard just blows the other two realms out of the water. We could take everything during NA times and I feel that once we all go to bed, it's just going to be a free for all without much of a defense to stop the Euro Mid zerg from taking it all back, pretty much uncontested.


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