Albion seriously?

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Postby Cirath » Jul 18, 2019 01:09

Well I caught the tail end of it after I got home from work, and from what I heard about earlier it seems Albs were pretty spicy tonight. Was good to see. /golfclap

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Postby Gremon » Jul 18, 2019 10:44

Yep yesterday was quite enjoyable. Wins and Defeats, but good for both Albs and Hibs I think.
Gremon <The Ministry> Alb Excaliber - Gremon <Guardians of Light> Alb Uthgard 2

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Postby Malinus » Jul 19, 2019 11:26

What action are we talking about HERE, when the server has a max population of 50 players? 50 players very often led by Romu who organizes off-line raids for the alliance and shows players who usually do not connect ...

The problem is that you search for non-stop action with a population of 20, half of whom are not PvP players?
When I see some phoenix returning players like Hatikawa looking for action 12 hours without ever relaxing.

You can pretend on the server with these current stats to look for action 2 hours in the morning, 1 hour in the afternoon and 2 hours in the evening, want more, it's absurd and it leads to this gameplay that you show, the dodger or even the total disappearance of the realm of Midgard.

Gremon wrote:Regarding last Saturday.

Our zerg? you mean the 12 albs we had at a certain point. (Agreed compared to the (almost?) fg the mids and hibs had running around that's a zerg…...)

Mids were out there and willing to confront us. they missed us twice as we suicided on mtk Hadrians and Svasud I believe. (Not knowing they were coming out.)

What more can I say. Saturday was a very nice evening for us albs. Mids were unlucky imo. Hibs also had some wins, so why complain?

Gremon (Guardians of Light).

Yes no luck on the 2 suicides just at our feet ... I agree with that.

Now it's easy to be tough when you know that 80% of Midgard players are new / low RR and fall on them at 1.5 fg.
With Spymistress we count 11/12 alb with necro here and there.

Easy when the Main group (mostly 5L+) uses SoS, purge, MoC against a group that has only 4 level 50 of which only 2 have purge ...

I do not blame anyone, it's the game, it's like that.
On the other hand, can you come back for a second round of fighting to the loyal winthout all RA up?
We will not try the devil without SOS, MOC ... let's run for 30 minutes ....
That's the problem.

Kraehe wrote:
Sounds like a misunderstanding here. I have not seen a Hib group avoid Albs or Mids for ANY reason over the past month. If Albs greatly outnumber hibs, which is normal, we might wait until Albs are engaged on a keep with guards, or try to get inside, but we will inc them.


Once again it's no secret that Midgard suffers from a very small population, almost as new players with no RR 1/2 purge, and is not especially a secret to hib who came through them even same on Midgard ...

When last week my group of 7 random Midgarians (3 level 50, still two with purge) meet a group of 5 Pro PvPer who play together every day, Hatikwa Ranger 4L6, Longstreet Druid 6L3, Asdasd Mentalist 7L1, Eibhoirede Bard 5L1 and one more guy What is happening?

They ran to take refuge in Nottmoor, I roamed 25 min between Odin Gates and Jamtland to finally give up as they did not go out of their keep !!!

When Spymistress explains to me that you do not want to take people off guard in a keep, that you are looking for the real action, the pure the real DAOC, so yes there must be some misunderstanding !!!

Are you complaining now about the gameplay? Pathetic

If you do not propose a responsible gameplay, you will not find any action tomorrow ...

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Postby Cirath » Jul 19, 2019 15:08

Some of our folks went and tried mid for a week or so. They reported you had plenty of population, more than hib, but you just refused to fight most of the time and would rather PvE keeps.

I can't understand what your post is trying to say, it's all over the place. I do remember kiting your FG of mids to nott with the 5 of us, killing a few of you when you got guard aggro, and then you pulled off. and we went looking for you again.

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Postby Malinus » Jul 19, 2019 19:38

Cirath wrote: I do remember kiting your FG of mids to nott with the 5 of us, killing a few of you when you got guard aggro, and then you pulled off. and we went looking for you again.

Was 7 man , with half group under level 47, shaman 42, warrior 46... and you didn't try to roam to find us, we went OG and come back, you was standing there, we went dodem and come back, you was standing there, we went again OG and come back you was again standing there...

Scared by RR1/2 grp? You need guard help to kill one group who only 3 guys know purge?

Either you are the players you say you are and you have a little courage when you have a druid for once. Either you hide from what you are not sure about yourself, but you have lost the right to complain when you have a PvP opportunity but you prefer to stay at keep.

In fact for Albion or Hibernia, if there is a little challenge you will hesitate to engage the fight (or not at all). Purge down, MOC down, wisely wait at keep. But i am agree probably less Hib than Alb.
I remember Trio Reallydirty, Ist and Rastatork 3 week ago at emain fighting 3v3 albion Astrio, Schmiekazti and probably Wickedspeed, albion loose twice and come back 8v3... Even if those Midgarians are not easier scraed, they log out ... It's like that you will find more action? I am just laughting.

More Midgarians? Are you looking for xp or PvP? Maybe was easier to find a xp group 2 week ago, i am agree with that.
Let's see what guys...
Players who painfully come back play DAOC after 15 years break, indiscipline, unable to follow an instruction, just able to sprint when we start to leave (or not), do not want to come in voice and when I'm flooding <Pull Back> or <do not fight in hib Keep> there are still 3 scatterbrained who will come pull the guards and get killed ...

I have some screenshot of Actual Mid Groups...
This time Shaman oom by rezing 3 time the healer 2 time the SM who don't listen, stay close to a 50, avoid guard/archer... Asdasd inc , in same time 2 ranger pop, shaman cannot to cast, Enchanter use Purge and MOC.
Almost same 5L+ fighting RR 2 and you want we come back? I will, but half group disband after first wipe...

So more Mid? LOL you are magic (just heard 3 more mid leave to phoenix after last action Cirath + skulbones in dodem, 45 min stubbornness level 40 because they lack of action), nobody to blame here again, it's the game, it's fine for me, try to explain to random guy it's just the game? too late they leaved, bored to get ganked all the time...

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Postby Skullbones » Jul 19, 2019 20:50

Malinus wrote:
Cirath wrote:So more Mid? LOL you are magic (just heard 3 more mid leave to phoenix after last action Cirath + skulbones in dodem, 45 min stubbornness level 40 because they lack of action), nobody to blame here again, it's the game, it's fine for me, try to explain to random guy it's just the game? too late they leaved, bored to get ganked all the time...

Rofl, we were a 50 bard and 42 blademaster in horrible gear. We couldn't even both go down in Dodens because Ciroth was level 42 and we didn't want to fight through all of the innocents.

Those mids had tons of opportunities to kill us in dodens. They almost killed me once at the start since they were all hiding in the tunnel to wolves as I ran down. I had to use all my RA's to barely escape. For over a half hour I continued to go on a suicide mission to pester them as a scary solo bard. They stayed there "hiding" in that tunnel for the entire half hour and never changed spots.

By the time they finally ran up to the top of dodens I had just got all my RA's Back. They killed the blademaster and proceeded to stand in a mezz ball on top of the 42 blademaster's corpse. They let me zone in, run around the corner and mezz them all with everyone just standing there looking AFK. Those mids can go xp in mainland or on phoenix if they can't hang in the frontiers.
Last edited by Skullbones on Jul 19, 2019 20:54, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Skullbones » Jul 19, 2019 20:51

And no, we won't upgrade keep doors on our level 1 keeps so you guys can play level 1 keep take simulator and change frontiers after every keep you take. Mid and alb can do that, but know that if it is a hib keep you will have to actually earn your rps.

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Postby Malinus » Jul 19, 2019 21:52

At Hadrian's wall after losing to ALBION, the 3 purges of our group down, we found Hibernia, 8v8 we agree, but all RA pop, 8 Hibernia PvP Gamer RR 4+ vs 2 + 6 random guy xper .. .
Again, nobody to blame here, it's the game, did we come back?
Yes I managed to keep the group one more INC, they have to learn, after which half group log out.

The majority of Mid are new, rusty, low RR and discourge very quickly because they do not have the soul of the PvP.
But a handful of them can re-learn the mechanism, follow the instructions given by the lead and become good PvP players tomorrow.

Except that I have the impression that you prefer to fight rank 2 which is not have purge because it is easy prey, that to have new players (enemies) do not interest you, you want the cream, the money of the cream, the ass of the creamer and s h i t on it after.

I killed some xper today in mount collory, did I wait for him to pull mobs? No, I came in from back, this is largely enough as treachery. I kill the *bard (can not remember the name it looks like a Lowi alt) and enchanter kill me ... Everyone is a winner, they are staying, I came back same action, but the bard will never be discouraged because he may have been able to buy MCL after my harassment (/ hug Tamebound did you had some fun too?). Everybody had fun we stay on, everybody happy.

When I see ALB or HIB inc, you wait for the group to pull, even group have many trouble to keep people alive before attack, the road is too long we will not take the risk of dying? Only attacker had fun, people leaved...
Of course it is the game and I agree with that ... but do not complain that nobody take anymore the risk of going into the border zone you are responsible of this gameplay. Earlier i went Dodem trio we found Schmiekazti, we come back 4 man, one shroom killed himself by trying to kill all group, he call skullbones who come on NS, everybody leaved. My group 3 guy who don't have 50, they log out, they will make many many more time for get they 50 (hif they don't leave before) and long long way to get one reasonable rank to try to compete, because allways ganked, 30 minutes 3 rel, log out. Do you want more action? maybe few more new 50 can improved the game? Not logical...
* Hib always complains <we don't have druid> and when they roll a alt, they make a bard, just logical...

Keeptake is PvM action, but here i am agree all action turn around keep.
You would have less of a dodger if you embouch your enemies at the exit of the keep to have a real fight as you seem to want, but in reality you prefer that the only heal of the group were fokus by 2 archer npc, kill everyone and take the keep + the attack or defensive bonus and f u c k up the upgrade ... Call it PvP? LOL

Never saw one time you guys tryed to fight out keep even no opti setup, good player (like as saw in hib/alb) with reasonble rank are abble to kill 8v5. Just forget testicle in other pants? What gameplay to you propose their? The only one who always favoured you, get bored ennemies who log out and you come whine on forum? Poor DAOC lol.

Only Hibernia complains about keeptrading? which has been practicing since 5 months. 5 months? why so long?
Everybody find there they compromise. More RPS from keep for keeptaker (who don't looking for pvp, but accept to fight because attractive), all defender have time to inc on each keep on fire 'exept maybe zerg with 3 ram, but never see that for the moment ^^), more bonus attack/def , and when you start/switch realm it's the faster(only?) way to get some RA necessary to compete?

Before keeptrading action was tatoly dead, build a group roam 2 hours to kill 2 xper level 30's... did you want come back in this way?
Keeptaker was also bored to take keep level 1 and they was about to leave, taking less and less keep each week...
During 5 months action shut down or was improved by keeptrading? Please Albion, Midgard who stayed play Uthgard give our Opinion answering for those think it's cause action is dead here...
For my part, I saw more action, and we had epic fight since we upgrade gate, people who always avoid inc staying and fight at keep, better unstead to log out they come back same keep or try another... 90% active player (hib was missing) enjoyed keeptrading all follow the upgrade for keep ennemie to go out, for they game, for all the Uthgard communauty stay alive... but all idiot /retarded?
Few Hib come back from phoenix and say,< WTF keeptrading>, <keeptrading killing the action> and /rude all Uthgard communauty, < We will not upgrade f u c k i n g keep>, <You must fight we!!!>
Already when you want to impose a type of gameplay on a video game it does not work! Everybody is free to do what they wants, and a PvM player you will never make a PvP players who coming back again and again ...
Do you think people haven't tried before you? The Ripbro, the Ist, they all fail, and not the action is not ordering!

If you do not upgrade the doors, you encourage the Dodger (often small team who can not compete) I even apreciate to avoid you, a blow to Crimm, a blow to Eras a blow to Hild, Most group under level 40, they just want MCL; make a 50 and try later PvP. With gate level 1 it's so easy,, you have also no time to see we even far far awy, and we didn't suicided...
If you do not upgrade, you prefer that new players (and also the constant number of level 40+ in Romu zerg say me that we have a constant flow of new players) get discouraged and they never can to rebuild a semi-operational team so that you will have tomorrow the action we all want ??? i saw that since 8 month, always and always, people enjoy instant pleasure, kill game, new player stop or leave, and other come whine in forum...
A minority of 6/8 players want impose a gameplay? :roll:

Stop whining! Stop asking for useless maj as if the problem was the server! Ask yourself the right questions! Stop thinking that there is only PvP that counts even it implice loose all week more and more player.

DAOC is massive Multiplayer game, and can't work as normal when massive is 12 pVp player!

We have a quality server, which enjoys an excellent reputation (despite all i read /rude troll), because of its uneven longevity in a free shard DAOC (uthgard 1 2003/2014) and a constant flow of new players, a dozen every month. Try search on web <DAOC>, you will find Uthgard for sure!!!
But it is the players who make garbage by their egoism and the staff will not be able to change anything with a magic wand. SI, new RA, doesn't matter, it's you who create the gameplay and make the players stay or leave, not the Uthgard STAFF.

You think that the return of some PvP players would be beneficial, hypothetically I would say yes, if each realm saw a come back equal of PvP player, which seems to me improbable.

For Albion, who can tell me what would happen if SLAYER was been there this winter? For me it's obvious more players Albion would stop because no more players to fight.

Who is Slayer? 80% of new players who come knowing that there is another server, easier faster, more people.

Can some new players improve the game and find more action?
What are we doing to encourage these new players to stay with us?
How can all go back to a reasonable RR level to be competitive when al BG are empty? (the keep in BG would give rps, they would not be empty !!!)
Do you think that these players can reasonably be expected to come back to fight again and again RR2 knowing that they have no chances and they should find fun chain / rel?
If more players play Uthgard, the return of former players would not it favor?
IF you destroy your game, do not come here to whine !!!

Hibernia, i am happy to see you back, just need you to learn play Uthgard, in this moment, with this stats, with these random guys, with this low population, (many in albion too that's expalin a lot of dodge too)

PS: if you had not left for the rival server, we would have lost less active players!!!
Last edited by Malinus on Jul 19, 2019 22:45, edited 6 times in total.

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Postby Skullbones » Jul 19, 2019 21:54

TLDNR :roll:

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Postby Satiah » Jul 19, 2019 23:08

Is everyone that plays Midgard a roleplayer, or is it Valfar on another account again?
Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu

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Postby Crisp » Jul 19, 2019 23:40

Malinus wrote:What action are we talking about HERE, when the server has a max population of 50 players? 50 players very often led by Romu who organizes off-line raids for the alliance and shows players who usually do not connect ...

The problem is that you search for non-stop action with a population of 20, half of whom are not PvP players?
When I see some phoenix returning players like Hatikawa looking for action 12 hours without ever relaxing.

nope havent played on phoenix just took a break from daoc in december last year

and its hatikwa :P

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Postby Crisp » Jul 19, 2019 23:53

Malinus wrote:
I killed some xper today in mount collory, did I wait for him to pull mobs? No, I came in from back, this is largely enough as treachery. I kill the *bard (can not remember the name it looks like a Lowi alt) and enchanter kill me ... Everyone is a winner, they are staying, I came back same action, but the bard will never be discouraged because he may have been able to buy MCL after my harassment (/ hug Tamebound did you had some fun too?). Everybody had fun we stay on, everybody happy.

nope it was my bard and to be honest you got your ass kicked twice first solo then with you caveshami friend ;)

but i was a bit disapointed that you didnt come back a fourth time tbh

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Postby Shining » Jul 20, 2019 19:54

Was waiting the last few days to build a grp but i wasnt successful. Only 10-15 player online 8:30pm german time... and only two level 50 (one was me ^^). You cant do much, even if you want.

I can only say to everybody that likes to play here, log in. Even if you are frustrated because of the last few month, do it and give it a try. We just need a few players to bring back the action. Even if we just take some keeps for the beginning. Maybe It gets better after a while.

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Postby Crisp » Jul 26, 2019 23:25

Hope you albs are very proud of ya ...
lol baiting at scath first you suckers?
you know that we cant get a second grp together that only shows how weak you really are

ah i forgot you dont take all keeps ... how generous of you ...

@Shining was good to see you got a grp togeather last days was fun fighting some ppl and not chasing dumbasses around that got more then twice the numbers


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Postby Shining » Jul 27, 2019 12:00

That shrooms, doh! :hammer:


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