berserker DMG is reality

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 09, 2017 01:38

buddhazeng wrote:Bards are vulnerable to crush dmg not hammer-MotaroReloaded
How can you call people noobs and say something like this, what type of dmg do you think hammer spec is? You ever cut something with a hammer?
Nobody is going to take you serious with talk like this.

There are 3 types of melee dmg in this game , crush slash thrust , if u look at your char info u ll see them right there, hammer, axe sword polearm blunt blades and so on are not types of dmg .

Genjiro wrote:
MotaroReloaded wrote:WHo made u devs ?? I really really wana know !

Blue did.

MotaroReloaded wrote:What realm ability ? Tundra is nothing different then a normal style but with Very high attack dmg , somewhere close to a few good styles in the game, Defender s rage in polearm line and a few others , NOTHING ELSE SPECIAL ABOUT IT !

Realm abilities: By class: Berserker
Tundra ... erker.html

MotaroReloaded wrote:Actually a guy said that after berserker nerf ..which is our patch 1.65 Tundra did lower dmg then Ragnarock style in Sword line :
"I had tundra before the nerve of the zerk and the style was doing big damage in 2H + rage, but now a ragna hurts more than tundra I will say a ra that no longer serves ... " proof: ... RA+Toundra

Do you have any other sources besides one guy posting on a public forum?
Looking for a patch note, grab bag, screenshot with damage values from ~2003 or even a team lead report!

MotaroReloaded wrote:Large comunity doesnt mean smart .. previous ppl on forum when Uthg 1.0 was on knew stuff , new ppl that came in with release of Uthg 2 are a bunch on noobs who dont even know what styled and unstyled dmg are or how r they calculated .. compromise ???? I dont compromise when its about bugged game mechanics and stuff put in game just to be there . They ve released Uthg 2 in haste ! there s basci things that were fine in previous Uthg and they re ****** up here on Uthg 2 ! last night i slamed a ns and did 2 polearm hits on him tried to engage him after CANT ! i m not alowed to engage a target that was hit .. well ****** me .. should i pet him instead and give him some biscuits?

Here you go!
Only 2 more confirmations needed.

1. I m gonna have to have a word with Blue then :) or start testing and make him talk with me ..yeah

2. The RA Tundra style is a style Very high dmg , simple as that but the unstyled dmg seems high or at least not what we hit in albion 2h.

3. Yeah engage is bogus i made the bug report w8ting 2 other many ppl actually play 1h might take another year :P

pweet wrote:
Genjiro wrote:We do fix bugs. Some will take more time than others. Mostly a reliable source or test is needed for all of them.

What source are you using to validate 450base dmg?

I asked them the same , because whoever implemented it doesnt know the game mechanics of this game or they havent done it the same in all 3 realms , its a big issue and no dev came around to say anything so far.. like i said i dont hit for 450-500 dmg styled with my backs styles gr 1 with my arms and Flump has 30 str more then me at max as i m augm str 3 arms .. diff shouldnt be that high 30-40 dmg at max.
Last edited by MotaroReloaded on May 10, 2017 18:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby buddhazeng » May 09, 2017 02:11

MotaroReloaded wrote:
buddhazeng wrote:Bards are vulnerable to crush dmg not hammer-MotaroReloaded
How can you call people noobs and say something like this, what type of dmg do you think hammer spec is? You ever cut something with a hammer?
Nobody is going to take you serious with talk like this.

There are 3 types of melee dmg in this game , crush slash thrust , if u look at your char info u ll see them right there, hammer, axe sword polearm blunt blades and so on are not types of dmg .

lol no ******, my question for you was what type of dmg will a hammer do? its crush FYI, just like blunts is crush dmg. theres no hammer that will be effected from slash or thrust resist.... or from your logic hammer is not effected from resist at all due theres no hammer dmg type? whats wrong with you?

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 09, 2017 02:55

Btw using Talsyra s ecuation for unstyled dmg , its a website i trust : ... anics.html

I took Flump bersy and my armsman s stats just to check what unstyled dmg i d get but remember this is the 100% mark referred by the weapon specialization section. If you are completely unspecced, then the damage variance of your weapon will fall between 25-125% of this 100% mark. If you are fully specced (or overspecced), then the damage variance will be 100-150% of this mark.

unstyled dmg = EDPS * (your WS/target AF) * (1-absorb) * slow weap bonus * SPD * 2h weapon bonus

2000 weaponskill, 67 composite weapon specialization, using a 16.0 effective dps 5.8 speed two handed weapon attacks an opponent with 582 af wearing studded armor.

Flump : 16.0 x (2000/582)x 0.81 x 1.114 x 5.8 x 1.435 = 412 dmg unstyled

My arms :
1878 weaponskill, 57 composite weapon specialization, using a 16.0 effective dps 5.8 speed two handed weapon attacks an opponent with 582 af wearing studded armor.

Disrupter: 16.0 x (1878/582) x 0.81 x 1.114 x 5.8 x 1.385 = 374 dmg unstyled

This is the dmg we should make unstyled fully bufed VS a studded armour (including resists ofc) , but i can tell you one thing... i ve never hit studded for 374 unstyled with my arms if i add 16% resists to it ( slash pole) should be 322(-52) .

This is the dmg i did with 1541 WS VS Flump a few days ago while soloing and caught his ass overextended ... with style 235(-54) Cripling blow hit ..if i put this 1541 WS in our formula i get unstyled dmg of 308 dmg and in this pic vs Flump my unstyled dmg is 212 dmg can do it yourself change 1878 with 1541 in the formula above . So you tell me mr Dev Genjiro what game are we having here??? Why my arms hits for 212 dmg unstyled instead of 308 dmg , and mr Flump in mid does 500 ? Before i start suspecting mid tanks got buffed and the other realms got ******.

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Postby Lfeless » May 09, 2017 03:23

MotaroReloaded wrote:Btw using Talsyra s ecuation for unstyled dmg , its a website i trust : ... anics.html

I took Flump bersy and my armsman s stats just to check what unstyled dmg i d get but remember this is the 100% mark referred by the weapon specialization section. If you are completely unspecced, then the damage variance of your weapon will fall between 25-125% of this 100% mark. If you are fully specced (or overspecced), then the damage variance will be 100-150% of this mark.


Flump : 16.0 x (2000/582)x 0.81 x 1.114 x 5.8 x 1.435 = 412 dmg unstyled

......... Why my arms hits for 212 dmg unstyled instead of 308 dmg , and mr Flump in mid does 500 ? Before i start suspecting mid tanks got buffed and the other realms got ******.


Flump : 16.0 x (2000/582)x 0.81 x 1.114 x 5.8 x 1.435 = 412 dmg unstyled + 20% Relic Bonus = 494

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Postby Kazyo » May 09, 2017 09:55

412 unstyled is still absolutely f***ing ridiculous. Anyone arguing otherwise needs to go drink a gallon of bleach in order to save the rest of humanity.

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Postby Torgo » May 09, 2017 16:46

Wouldn't surprise me if there was something globally wrong with melee damage. Even during beta people were commenting on how ridiculous it was compared to spell damage in rvr. Tundra just is a good indicator of a larger probable bug. It would explain a lot as to why the server is where it is today. Everyone suspects it, hard if not impossible to prove, so just accept it.

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 09, 2017 16:54

Torgo wrote:Wouldn't surprise me if there was something globally wrong with melee damage. Even during beta people were commenting on how ridiculous it was compared to spell damage in rvr. Tundra just is a good indicator of a larger probable bug. It would explain a lot as to why the server is where it is today. Everyone suspects it, hard if not impossible to prove, so just accept it.

You are gold m8 , i ll buy you a beer , it is something wrong with melee dmg..and its hapenning since Uthg 1 when i made a thread saying 2h dmg is less then it should be and no dev believed me, i ll actually search for that thread of mine, as we speak i m taking 2 friends celric and scout to test our dmg. I had arms on live classic and ith 50 pole 50 thrust spec i was doing 500dmg with my back styles( ???) vs healers and shamans with template .. here i hit for 350 dmg(-??) its not right m8, and casters nuke me on 26% cold resists for 450 dmg which is live like , and later on rr6 ones with crit get up to 600+700 , aint right .

I am a very stubborn ****** who doesnt accept things that easilly ..
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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 09, 2017 19:55

Well after tests 2h dmg in alb at least cause i havent tested other realms should be 40% higher then it is now, and 1h dmg should be 19% higher then it is now, but i m gona make a diferent thread about it . Just to let you know.

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Postby oLd-Sneakers » May 24, 2017 13:33

Crying about Tundra style is just pathetic.

It has 1.808 growth rate. 10 min dur can get fumbled, miss, PBT , blocked, evaded and parried.

Flumps 1670 hit is with a very high crit % close to 99%, 400+ str, 5.8 spd, and low QU in template.

In 1.65 defeners rage is 1.20 or 1.25 even growth rate and spammable all day long.

I honestly highly doubt the devs will do anything to this RA after they have reviewed it in detail.

Post some screens of armsmen capped unstyled dmg on lvl 1 mobs and cap dmg on defenders rage.

Cherry picking your lowest dmg hits using a 0.45 growth rate style is just silly.


Just did the math for your crippling blow hit and it gives a growth rate of 0.27 wich is too low. If I were you I would look into your growth rates on all your 2h and pole styles instead of crying about berserkers.

Your hit on flump with correct growth rate should be:

276,76(-63,24) = 340 total dmg without resistance.

Extrapolating that hit onto defenders rage 1.25 growth gives us a hit of 463,488(-104,512) = 568 total dmg without resistance.

Add 49% critical to that, and we are looking at 463,488*1,49 = 690 dmg on a spamable style with resistance included and deducted of the total dmg.

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Postby Grunklestank » May 24, 2017 14:38

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Postby Vlalkor » May 24, 2017 15:46

oLd-Sneakers wrote:
Evinac wrote:Defending 1-shotting ppl in an mmo... :gaga:

You probably thought LA didn't need to be nerfed in 1.62 either. :roll:

He was in actuality 2 shotted by a 10 min RA. VP with a good crit can on the other hand truly 1 shot. Alb ability btw. Wanna qq a little about that as well?

IF VP was working right it should one shot some people, but still doesnt even come close to this dmg IF it was working right, which it is NOT... VP is a joke on this server and needs to be fixed, especially if this style is in. Completely unfair.

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Postby Torgo » May 24, 2017 15:57

Blue already replied in the issue tracker that they have the growth rate wrong and are looking at it. It will be fixed soon.

Posted by Blue at Thu, 18 May 2017 11:18:40 UTC

1670 damage in one swing (considering the critical) is too much. We don't have the proper growth rates for Tundra at hand so we have to guess. Will be tuned down a bit.

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Postby Exercia Devoras » May 24, 2017 19:22


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Postby l00ri » May 24, 2017 20:01

Level 50 ? Best PA I had on a lvl 50 was ~1900 including crit.
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Postby Lurker » May 24, 2017 20:06


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