Fix Icepets pls

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Postby moha » May 10, 2017 15:33

Pbuck wrote:
moha wrote:1) Theurg pets are FnF pets, so they act different from normal caster pets

2) It absolutely doesn't matter if it makes no sense to you or ice pets will be useless after the bug fix. That's now they worked on live servers and the devs started over and over again that they want to emulate 1.65 as close as it gets. That includes strange behaviour (if correct for 1.65) or imbalances (sos, gpurge etc.). As long as the devs don't go with an overall balance change to make thinks more even, ice pets have to function like they did on live.

1) Sorry but this is not an answer. Melee pets resume attacking after getting interrupted with stuns.They are not forgetting. Using the same logic on ice pets , they should resume attacking via nukes after the same stun wears off.Same goes with other interrupts.
2) Well since i am not a developer, i do not share this point of view so i cannot in good heart upvote the ridiculous track issue that wants to break ice pet functionality just because it was 1.65. I did not sign a contract to share this ridiculous point of view, and I do not accept the fact that to enjoy classic daoc i have to adhere to a strictly 1.65 version which had plethora of bugs and imbalances. Others share the same view as me for different but valid reasons. The casting mob AI improvement on Uth 2 was a welcoming change and NOT a bug, like for example : Double melee hit attacks, casting mobs NOT having a range check on the end of their cast, ice pets >25 lvl being the same for all intends and purposes so speccing ice line above lvl 25 is pointless.

Also a hypothetical question: Would the people here crying for "bug" fix, be ok with breaking something intentionally just because it was 1.65 like? What if during this patch time speccing avoidance of magic would increase cc duration instead of reducing it?And let's assume that uthgard dev's unintentionally removed this accident while trying to recreate the patch level.Would u issue an issue tracker reverting this, to the broken 1.65 version? If answer is yes, then it would seem you and others are working towards recreating a broken state of the game, even for those things that were accidentally improved to have a better functionality.

I don't think you get my point. It's not my personal opinion that everything should be as close to 1.65 as possible, it's the opinion of the people who created this server. If that makes sense is a totally different discussion you can have with the devs, but not with me. My argument is if Uthgard aims for 100% 1.65 that should include ice pets as well, even if you don't like it because you play the class.

Either you go for full 1.65 and "fix" ice pets OR you try to balance 1.65 which would change a lot more than just ice pets but you can't say "I want full 1.65 with huge livelike imbalances but please don't make ice pets livelike because I benefit from their broken state."

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Postby barto22 » May 10, 2017 15:36

The thing that differentiates them from normal pets it's the option cast multiple pets or to recast fallen pets almost instantly. That, to me, is why they were able to be permanently removed from casting status after a successful interrupt. Maybe I'm being a bit basic and a bit obvious, but well, if you can't see you can't see it.

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Postby Pbuck » May 10, 2017 15:42

moha wrote:
I don't think you get my point. It's not my personal opinion that everything should be as close to 1.65 as possible, it's the opinion of the people who created this server. If that makes sense is a totally different discussion you can have with the devs, but not with me. My argument is if Uthgard aims for 100% 1.65 that should include ice pets as well, even if you don't like it because you play the class.

We are not those people though, we are allowed to have our own opinions, we do not work for them and are not/should not be their puppets. I will never agree to breaking something just because it isn't 1.65. I agree that ice pets are too strong and should get nerfed somehow, but not through breaking their AI.But the same goes for bof/sos, nearsight, power/melee relics etc.My only gripe is the people calling the accidentally improved AI a "bug", and theurgists who benefItted from this, bug abusers.

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Postby Woosh » May 10, 2017 15:46

so this is the new description for bugged game mechanics that allow users of the said albion class to abuse in RvR : "accidentally improved AI" ... nice mental gymnastics ! :lol:

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Postby ZaiQQ » May 10, 2017 15:47

They changed so that debuffs didnt rupt theurgpets anymore on live yes, many years later, in a game that is completly different from what si is. The mechanic is still there though, that if rupt before cast, or before 50%, they will permanently melee, so yes, i'd say its intended after 16 years.

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Postby Pbuck » May 10, 2017 15:50

barto22 wrote:The thing that differentiates them from normal pets it's the option cast multiple pets or to recast fallen pets almost instantly. That, to me, is why they were able to be permanently removed from casting status after a successful interrupt. Maybe I'm being a bit basic and a bit obvious, but well, if you can't see you can't see it.

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What you say makes sense, but let's apply your thought process a bit further.Casting ice pets requires time where u are interrupt -free and costs power. Should you be able to counter them using an aoe insta amnesia , or s/c d/q debuff both of which are on a really low recast timer? Shouldn't it be a little harder than this?

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Postby barto22 » May 10, 2017 16:33

Pbuck wrote:
barto22 wrote:The thing that differentiates them from normal pets it's the option cast multiple pets or to recast fallen pets almost instantly. That, to me, is why they were able to be permanently removed from casting status after a successful interrupt. Maybe I'm being a bit basic and a bit obvious, but well, if you can't see you can't see it.

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What you say makes sense, but let's apply your thought process a bit further.Casting ice pets requires time where u are interrupt -free and costs power. Should you be able to counter them using an aoe insta amnesia , or s/c d/q debuff both of which are on a really low recast timer? Shouldn't it be a little harder than this?

No it shouldn't be harder at all. It's the same for all casters. In fact, theurgists have the range advantage in most cases which makes it easier to manage their own spells. Plus the cast time of pets with capped dex and other RAs and whatever is what? 2 seconds? That's the cast speed cap right?

Also, side question, what is the range of ice pet's spell?
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Postby pweet » May 10, 2017 16:46

There is no cast speed cap.

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Postby Lithise » May 10, 2017 17:07

I fail to see the relevance of all this.[/quote]

A claim was made about playing live for 5 minutes that wasn't true. Are you people that ****** dense?

I can't wait until this is fixed so I can push in your ****** without hearing a ****** excuse.
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Postby jeff_daoj » May 10, 2017 18:24

Pbuck wrote:
barto22 wrote:The thing that differentiates them from normal pets it's the option cast multiple pets or to recast fallen pets almost instantly. That, to me, is why they were able to be permanently removed from casting status after a successful interrupt. Maybe I'm being a bit basic and a bit obvious, but well, if you can't see you can't see it.

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What you say makes sense, but let's apply your thought process a bit further.Casting ice pets requires time where u are interrupt -free and costs power. Should you be able to counter them using an aoe insta amnesia , or s/c d/q debuff both of which are on a really low recast timer? Shouldn't it be a little harder than this?

There is no question on whether it should be harder than just casting a SC debuff. Since the beginning, Uthgard has aimed to be 1.65 and the way it was in 1.65 was that ice pets get put into melee with debuffs and AoE amnesia. The evidence has been presented that this is in fact the case and will hopefully be fixed. I don't understand why you guys are getting so upset by this fact. The buggy ice pets and broken Sever the Tether (seen here: ... mentations) are two big pieces that make fighting theurgs more difficult than it should be.

Regarding Dark Dawn, they are by far the best group on the server and would continue to dominate everybody if they ran 7 thanes and an Aug healer.
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Postby Pbuck » May 10, 2017 18:51

Fixing sever the tether without addressing the inability to attack returned pets, will make theurgists close to unplayable.Or is getting hit for 60 seconds by earth pets that you are unable to attack, intended as well according to 1.65?

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Postby ZaiQQ » May 10, 2017 19:11

Pbuck wrote:Fixing sever the tether without addressing the inability to attack returned pets, will make theurgists close to unplayable.Or is getting hit for 60 seconds by earth pets that you are unable to attack, intended as well according to 1.65?

It sucks when things don't work like they should doesn't it? :)

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Postby playfull » May 10, 2017 19:34

playfull best bm

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Postby thoughtseize » May 10, 2017 20:36

playfull wrote:playfull best bm

cringing into geosynchronous orbit

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Postby aylictal » May 10, 2017 21:59

playfull wrote:playfull best bm

thx fam.


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