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Postby GamingIcon » Nov 02, 2019 17:58

albeyond wrote:Abydos is not drastic. I have personally played with drastic many times and I can confirm this lol. In fact, Abydos is the reason Drastic can't duo Evern anymore. He wouldn't do that to himself

I would also vouch that Abydos is not Baman. 2 different verbal tones along with the fact that eventually Baman's ability to exploit a unintended part of the code to kill players (having one of his infiltrator butt buddies poison dozens of weapons for him and using them like singular pots) getting fixed is yet another example of the question "why would Abydos do this to himself?"

As far as Abydos being Drastic, again, their verbal tones are very different. I doubt seriously they are the same guy.

Now, Pest, lets be real here. You post a screenie (first sreenie being posted in this thread btw) with the title of "Fake News" in a thread concerning encouragement of NA time activity that is obviously you attempting to pat yourself on the back for killing Bonz who even you admitted in your own chat with another player that you knew those folks were suiciding. You post this while taking a shot at the original context of the thread.

Nice work, gotta hand it to you. Your ability to take a veiled shot at these guys while labeling it with a provocative title speaks to your education level of no longer being in grade school, but rather at least college level.

HOWEVER, the very fact that you started a flame war when there was no need for one, then later complained that someone else made a screen shot and fired back with their own insults (that you yourself started) speaks to your maturity level as being at best, just out of elementary school.

I personally don't mind a good back and forth, but don't start none if you don't want none. But if you start some, and you get some, then don't complain.

TLDR: Pets, stop your whining when you start crap. Grow up, and take it like an adult when you do.

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Joined: Jun 27, 2019 19:59

Postby IamKaia » Nov 02, 2019 19:54

GamingIcon wrote:
albeyond wrote:Abydos is not drastic. I have personally played with drastic many times and I can confirm this lol. In fact, Abydos is the reason Drastic can't duo Evern anymore. He wouldn't do that to himself

xploit a unintended part of the code to kill players (having one of his infiltrator butt buddies poison dozens of weapons for him and using them like singular pots) getting fixed is yet another example of the question "why would Abydos do this to himself?"

You're incorrect about this being fixed. Drastic and others still using disease weapons on the regular. i can "vouch" for that as you say, being on the regular receiving end.


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