solo action is dead. . you need some pride for it

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Postby krycek » Mar 30, 2017 04:19

Before I logged I did a /who and was showing 1290ish, so I probly should have rounded up and said 1300.
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Postby MotaroReloaded » Apr 02, 2017 04:24

Previous Uthg i encouraged Odin s gate as the area for small men solo .. but u had speed and horse routes.. was easier to travel as solo non spd class..
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby Runental » Apr 06, 2017 12:19

Uth1 was by far more small men/solo/casual friendly due horse routes, mounts, gold for kills ect pp. Solo/small men is almost non existent on Uthgard2. Spoken for myself, there is no reason atm to log in excpt paying the house rent.
Uth1 community voted for that **** 8 years ago with 2/3 iirc,- now sadly you have to deal with it.
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Postby krycek » Apr 06, 2017 23:12

After taking a 4-5 day break, Emain was way busier today than I think I've ever seen it. Was a lot of mid stealthers out, had some good fights. Hopefully that's a sign of things to come. Not great for a non stealther though. There was 3fg hibs running around together the whole time and mid's had a bunch there too.
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Postby MotaroReloaded » Apr 06, 2017 23:50

You need some brain and some character for it.. and honor ! :)) i find meself repeating this over and over ..
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby Kha » Apr 07, 2017 00:07

Could be an idea, start a solo thread and list groups we shall add if we can ruin their fun, after all they does the same to us, on purpose if they chase for more than 5.000 range (wich is alot already). Name by name.

As solo smallman, we gotta accept it, it will happen a lot.
But if we have a revenge shot, why not ?

i may creat that kind of thread, and if FG chase solo with video proof for an unreasonable amount of time, we had them in list.
Then soloers won't be RPs only for them.
Last edited by Kha on Apr 07, 2017 00:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby MotaroReloaded » Apr 07, 2017 00:28

Kha wrote:Just got chased from APK to Levian spot again.
Hope you enjoyed those 150 rps.

Give us more reasons to add & ruin every single fight from you guys. Please.

Then i won't have to be polite and respectful, anymore.

Cheers you mid greedy group :p

For soloers add on sight :

- Barcan
- Weak
- Gerico
- Punchyz

Could be an idea, start a solo thread and list groups we shall add if we can ruin their fun, after all they does the same to us, on purpose if they chase for more than 5.000 range (wich is alot already). Name by name.

As solo smallman, we gotta accept it, it will happen a lot.
But if we have a revenge shot, why not ?

They dont care about add non ad.. mid s full of 13 year old who cant play and kill anything :)) .. they dont understand the concept of fg vs fg and the beauty of it .. this game won best PVP game 2 years in a row for a reason ..these ppl will never understand.
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby krycek » Apr 07, 2017 01:00

I learned a long time ago its futile to try to sway ppl toward's the way I wanted to play. In the end everyone play's how they want. It's a lot less frustrating to just assume everyone that see's you wants to kill you. I'll respect ppl I see soloing but any chance I get to add 8v8's or w/e I'm gonna jump all over it lol.

Motaro, I recommend playing a stealther/minst. Soloing on an armsman is just asking for an aneurysm.
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Postby Zocci » Apr 07, 2017 08:56

MotaroReloaded wrote:
Kha wrote:Just got chased from APK to Levian spot again.
Hope you enjoyed those 150 rps.

Give us more reasons to add & ruin every single fight from you guys. Please.

Then i won't have to be polite and respectful, anymore.

Cheers you mid greedy group :p

For soloers add on sight :

- Barcan
- Weak
- Gerico
- Punchyz

Could be an idea, start a solo thread and list groups we shall add if we can ruin their fun, after all they does the same to us, on purpose if they chase for more than 5.000 range (wich is alot already). Name by name.

As solo smallman, we gotta accept it, it will happen a lot.
But if we have a revenge shot, why not ?

They dont care about add non ad.. mid s full of 13 year old who cant play and kill anything :)) .. they dont understand the concept of fg vs fg and the beauty of it .. this game won best PVP game 2 years in a row for a reason ..these ppl will never understand.

Let me get this straight Motaro..
Your two characters in your signature and their combined RvR time on Uth 2.0 have given you enough information to generalize and classify the entire realm of Midgard as noob teenagers?
Zocci <Njord> - Skald

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Postby Rent » Apr 07, 2017 09:05

MotaroReloaded wrote:
Kha wrote:Just got chased from APK to Levian spot again.
Hope you enjoyed those 150 rps.

Give us more reasons to add & ruin every single fight from you guys. Please.

Then i won't have to be polite and respectful, anymore.

Cheers you mid greedy group :p

For soloers add on sight :

- Barcan
- Weak
- Gerico
- Punchyz

Could be an idea, start a solo thread and list groups we shall add if we can ruin their fun, after all they does the same to us, on purpose if they chase for more than 5.000 range (wich is alot already). Name by name.

As solo smallman, we gotta accept it, it will happen a lot.
But if we have a revenge shot, why not ?

They dont care about add non ad.. mid s full of 13 year old who cant play and kill anything :)) .. they dont understand the concept of fg vs fg and the beauty of it .. this game won best PVP game 2 years in a row for a reason ..these ppl will never understand.

It is a RvR game, not a 8vs8. These grp size fights are the most unbalanced ones, if you only rely on min/max. 8 players. I can understand why a lot of players like these 8vs8 fights, because IF they have great grp with enough skill, they can beat the ****** out of nearly every pug without much problems and 8 players are much easier to coordinate than more.
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Postby Peraine » Apr 07, 2017 12:10

What is the best time/place to go out solo? In the evening, i usually get steamrolled as soon i left a borderkeep/telekeep, so i stick to the morning. But the only zone you find someone is uppland, but there are always smallmans running.

Was 1 hour in Yggdra forest, found nothing. Went Uppland 3 times, got killed by groups in a few seconds after i enterd the zone. After that, i was running between sauvage and excalibur for almost a hour with no inc, now im in hadrians for another hour with no inc. It feels like a waste of time.

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Postby pweet » Apr 07, 2017 12:24

going solo without stealth and no speed 6 is kind of wasting your time, yes.

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Postby Uzkrak » Apr 07, 2017 15:58

Check in front of telekeeps during eu rush hour...there is often nice fights

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Postby Nerthos » Apr 19, 2017 05:11

since the snowdonia teleporter was implemented into housing, i have been a couple of times in hadrians at hmg or hib porter keep. Found some nice 1on1s after 5-15 mins waiting at eu late primetime


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