Fix Icepets pls
so the spirit of uthgard is 1.65. that is the patch level they are going towards. This bug should be upvoted. Now was this something that was functioning appropriately in 1.65. It was an issue under review if I recall. Which basically just means that mythic, wasn't sure yet, and was later determined to be something that was changed, and was changed. Eitherway the servers guidelines are 1.65 >....
I think that there was many things wrong with 1.65 and that common sense should be used as well. Its perfectly within the developers teams right to say this isn't an issue, its working how we want it to. We just need them to say it... Infection 50 Shaman
Alliant 50 Runemaster |
Seeing as the devs made pygmies 5x stronger and deleted half the mobs in Lyonesse just because people XP'd there, the whole "LIKE 1.65" argument is pretty null and void. The ice pets are definitely incorrect, but it's still not an issue. When Mids had 6 relics and RR6 groups farming RR2 untemplated Albs, nobody cared about ice pets. One realm permanently having 20-30%+ bonuses from relics+keeps due to population imbalance isn't an issue, but dem ice pets, woah.
I want to see them fixed and nerfed just so it will be even more embarrassing when groups lose in 30 seconds. Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
FUk me i couldnt have said better my self. Glacius ( previous acount name)
Albion Glacius - WIzzard Disrupter - Armsman |
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Well if people dont want to use the word 'bugged' its a simple matter of saying 'not working as intended'.
Its kinda dumb watching a theurg q/c ice pet on a tank and running away because even if you hit the pet it will start casting again after couple seconds... |
they should remove the theurgist class, SoS and BoF realm abilities, and give armsman/mercs 1/2 the skillpoints of their other realm counterparts
might be a fair game then? ![]() |
The earth and ice pets die in 1 style from any tank, so not sure how it's going to cast again ![]() The air pets are much harder to kill, but it's ok because the devs removed their ability to stun ![]() Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
They still cast on melee range (oh, again not intended behavior) snaring you, the time you lose doing it is enough for another ice pet and you know where I'm getting... Anyway, the air pet does stun you but someone said its only in melee range? havent tested it out since only saw 1 guy running air pets atm |
Their spell has a 4.2s clamped cast speed - surely the tank can turn and do 1 style on the pet?
The air pets only proc stun from melee when it's supposed to be a 1250 range random instant-cast with no diminishing returns. Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
There are other things regarding Sever the Tether that are also unintended, but impact the caster instead of the casted on: ... ot_casting ... es_failure If we're going to fix ice pets, and Sever the Tether, these should be reviewed as well. Bizy |
Now now lets not bring Bedlam into this only reason they lose fights is romps isnt playing their minstrel =D
I joke i joke... sorta Theurg arent so bad, tundra either. Aug split healers are op! You know... if they can cast a spell Make a 2minstrel 2cleric 3merc 1arms group and see how many fights they lose when sos is up... |
few weeks ago we put together a 2 minst 3 arms 1 merc pug in Odin's. it was lulz all night, ask Norad. great fun, nice change of pace
Rune - Ntce
Arms - Ntco Cab - Magas Old AE Vids (Percival) (Percival) (Gareth) |
Wtf?! Wow, rip. Is that confirmed? Enchanter
yep, it was a godly group i was in it on minst too. druids / shaman dying instantaneously on inc because i mean what really can you do. we 10 seconded the guy and his group who posted best bm in this thread ![]() he /bowed to us after the fight i think because we used one of our sosses probably in rage. |
Yeah, Clerks were basically deleted, Farmers respawn slower, etc, and pygmies just insta-gib Necros now. Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
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