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Postby puaka » May 01, 2016 14:24

puaka + pua (hib) / puax (mid) on Logres EU
puar (mid) stonehenge EU
puax + puaka (alb) salisbury EU
posh (alb) dartmoor EU

puaka / sadistic / cccp / puar etc etc on genesis. same names for a short while on uthgard oO
Remember DAoC?

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Postby krycek » May 03, 2016 18:16

I started out as a troll thane, Atler, on Lancelot. Lost Vikings woo. Then i bounced around alot, had a BD on Iseult, Mortavius, Champ on Bors, Krycek, that i played with a rl friend of mine. Eventually rerolled to alb/igraine and used an RNG name, Sarosas, an infil. Played him til the doom days of toa/nf and haven't really played live that much since.
Krycek - Infiltrator

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Postby shriverm » May 03, 2016 21:44

I started playing right at launch on Midgard Galahad in a guild called Shadow Gypsies as Rorgar, the dwarf warrior. I think I quit a while after NF came out. If I recall, most of the guild had jumped ship to SWG several months before. I think I may have come back for Catacombs for a bit, but not long, then I quit for good. Tried EQ2 for a while and then jumped on the WoW bandwagon about a year after it came out.

Looking forward to trying things out in the beta and hopefully getting some friends to join me/finding a good Midgard guild when the server goes live.

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Postby Qorth » May 04, 2016 00:30

Xeev/Vexe - Alb/Tristan

Qorthon/Qorth <Gimps>

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Postby Frosty » May 04, 2016 02:00

shriverm wrote:I started playing right at launch on Midgard Galahad in a guild called Shadow Gypsies as Rorgar, the dwarf warrior. I think I quit a while after NF came out. If I recall, most of the guild had jumped ship to SWG several months before. I think I may have come back for Catacombs for a bit, but not long, then I quit for good. Tried EQ2 for a while and then jumped on the WoW bandwagon about a year after it came out.

Looking forward to trying things out in the beta and hopefully getting some friends to join me/finding a good Midgard guild when the server goes live.

I remember Shadow Gypsies on Galahad, I was in Warlords of Chaos there on a skald physique and healer portablehospital.

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Postby dongenergy » May 04, 2016 02:27

Qorth wrote:Xeev/Vexe - Alb/Tristan

Qorthon/Qorth <Gimps>



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Postby Qorth » May 04, 2016 03:03

dongenergy wrote:
Qorth wrote:Xeev/Vexe - Alb/Tristan

Qorthon/Qorth <Gimps>

[Imgur link that uthgard insists I remove]


Aw ******, blast from the past. Clustering certainly killed Its Jeebus LOL before it got off the ground. I still have a clip of that group from enemy POV I'll upload and share later. Good to see some familiar faces.

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Postby shriverm » May 04, 2016 06:23

Frosty wrote: I remember Shadow Gypsies on Galahad, I was in Warlords of Chaos there on a skald physique and healer portablehospital.

Cool. Portablehospital sounds familiar and now that you mention it, I definitely recall the Warlords of Chaos guild. Hopefully, I'll run into some other familiar names here and there.

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Postby Kazyo » May 07, 2016 14:35

At release... Mid/Merlin - Kaz DaSpaz

Mordred - Kaz DaSpaz

Hib/Iseult - Kazyo

Stopped for 12 years or so...

Genesis - Kazyo

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Postby Pwncakess » May 07, 2016 15:55

Terpsichore (huntress) Mid - Igraine
Terpsichore (healer) Mid - Uthgard
Terpsi (healer), Persephone (wizard), Pwncakes (hib) - Genesis

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Postby Kappen » May 07, 2016 15:59

Ran around as

Skampy/Skampee - Genesis

in the LD with Skarz


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Postby Equade » May 07, 2016 16:37

Equade - skald - <Danish Huscarls> - EU beta
Swift (skald), Firene (hunter), Equade (sb) - <Danish Huscarls>, then <Nemesis> - Prydwen
Equadina (ns) - <Avalanche> - Excalibur

Equade (ranger), Fight (sb), Sinwar (thane), Whenyouhearmehumming (scout), Reimer (hero) - Uthgard "1"

Swift (champion), Rail (eld), Sinister (animist), Chieftain (hero), Glorious (animist(yes, 2!)), Reaperinho (vw), Ace (armsman), Sinister (reaver), Zeusanne (thane), Brofessor (skald), Brotality (sb), Sinwar (savage) - Genesis

Been guilded with 1-3 danish guys only during all my time playing freeshards, <Buck O Five>, <Flex>, <Reps for Jesus> and <Minions of Feye>

See you on Albion this time around!
Last edited by Equade on May 09, 2016 00:27, edited 1 time in total.
Uth1: Equade rr10 ranger, Fight rr7 sb, Sinwar rr6 thane
Genesis: Swift rr7 champ, Reaperinho rr6 vw, Sinwar rr5 eld
Uth2: NS, VW and Eld

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Postby Graysdir » May 07, 2016 21:48

I was originally known as Grayswandir on Percival server - Also played on Andred (Inf) and Guinevere (Hunter) as "Grayswandir". Would love to bump into some old players from Percival that might remember me. Ahh, so much nostalgia... maybe I can run into some "old emain" rivals from so many years ago!

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Postby DearyoDrum » May 08, 2016 09:32

Graysdir wrote:I was originally known as Grayswandir on Percival server - Also played on Andred (Inf) and Guinevere (Hunter) as "Grayswandir". Would love to bump into some old players from Percival that might remember me. Ahh, so much nostalgia... maybe I can run into some "old emain" rivals from so many years ago!

Dearyo Minstrel Percival <stealth>
Diryo Eldritch Percival <palodox>
Narfo Runie Gawaine <LARFO>
Daryo Sham Guin <Obliteration>

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Dearyo Drum
<Rare> - Midgard
Realm ranks don't cure stupid.

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Postby Woosh » May 08, 2016 16:14

Xfreakish wrote:Live: Freakazoid
Uth: Skynurse/Skymezz etc

Long time no see comrade :grin: 8)

merlin pre si - gogule, minstrel

uthgard - lots of woosh :)


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