Looking for friends from Percival - Grayswandir

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Postby ultraboykj » Jan 04, 2017 19:53

shurick wrote:Welcome guys!

I dont think you need a latest system to run this. I am still using a 7 year old pc and game works perfect with everything maxed out.

Running a Mac :/

Id have to consider some dual booting options again. Hell if I remember correctly I used to run DAoC on my dual booted lappy back in 2009. Its the same lap dog. Might work?

Honestly, my phone has nearly has much power has that old thing.

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Postby Wyndhm » Jan 05, 2017 19:16

Hi Lilieana and Waylund! I remember you two :-P

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Postby Inactas85 » Jan 06, 2017 16:38

Cheers Percival vets. I will be casually playing on Midgard probably as a SM to get some money rolling and then eventually either a warrior or a skald. Might take some months to get even close to 50 but still looking forward to things, Midgard is the only realm I didn't experience end game play.

Araeloth-One of Tesfaye's Taxis
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Postby Synd » Jan 09, 2017 21:33

I seem to remember a few names from this list.

I used to play a Lurikeen called Evynflow in Emerald Dawn and after that I played a Skald called Synd in Cold Conscience. Fun times)

No idea what I'll play, but I hope I'll see you around..

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Postby DearyoDrum » Jan 10, 2017 14:42

If anyone is around on Midgard and needs any help I'm always willing to aid old Percival veterans. Send me on Dearyo.
Dearyo Drum
<Rare> - Midgard
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Postby caridry » Jan 10, 2017 16:17

Graysdir wrote:Hi Dearyo and Wyndhm! Very happy to see your names here. I will likely be on Hib side, as a Ranger, so if you are up for some fun, send me a note!

Dearyo... man, I havent spoken to anyone from Palodox in years. Ever hear from Rotharek or Malevela? I saw Griffon on another forum once but didnt have permission to reply.

Wynd... we roamed old emain so many times. Time to rekindle the flame and get to emain!

I still speak with Monigi/Gluush, Coal, Slaight, and a few others... hard to believe its been over a decade. I feel old!

Hey Caridry here! I still regularly talk to Rotharek, I occasionally log on him in live too just to say hi to some people still playing. =)
Caridry - XLX Lurikeen Ranger
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Postby Wyndhm » Jan 10, 2017 20:35

Hi Caridry! Glad to see you.

Surprisingly, I have not seen or talked to Grayswandir (Creator of this thread) for a long time. I'm not sure if he's even playing Uthgard. I"ve been sitting in DL waiting for him to walk by for 79 hours.

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Postby Auberne » Jan 11, 2017 21:22

So many familiar names here (Yates, Bisq, Amalgrim, Bethshaya, Tesfaye).

This is Vantage the Scout (of the Sidi Vanatge Death Pool), Becks the Sorc and Auberne the Necro, all ex Fyre and Steel. Playing on Alb again as Becks to recapture some of the old magic.

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Postby Tydal » Jan 11, 2017 23:28

Well hello Percival peeps! And hello Grays! Been a long time! I'm playing an old light ment again and hope to get you to keep those screen shots for me this time! :D

Hope you enemies aren't going to be playing pet classes! Tydal has STT! :D

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Postby ketu » Jan 12, 2017 07:06

I am Piepants. and of course, Ketu.


This short video explains it all.

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Postby DearyoDrum » Jan 12, 2017 16:40

caridry wrote:
Graysdir wrote:Hi Dearyo and Wyndhm! Very happy to see your names here. I will likely be on Hib side, as a Ranger, so if you are up for some fun, send me a note!

Dearyo... man, I havent spoken to anyone from Palodox in years. Ever hear from Rotharek or Malevela? I saw Griffon on another forum once but didnt have permission to reply.

Wynd... we roamed old emain so many times. Time to rekindle the flame and get to emain!

I still speak with Monigi/Gluush, Coal, Slaight, and a few others... hard to believe its been over a decade. I feel old!

Hey Caridry here! I still regularly talk to Rotharek, I occasionally log on him in live too just to say hi to some people still playing. =)

What is Nick Sinister doing these days? Wish him well for me, though he probably wont respond in kind.
Dearyo Drum
<Rare> - Midgard
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Postby antiflagdan » Jan 12, 2017 17:52

Wow, so many familiar names and guild names in here! So cool...

I was Liothane the druid, and Triveal the hero. Also, Saerauco the Ranger. I had others but those would be the ones anyone would remember! I hung out with Staghorn (remember the infamous name nerf when ToA came out and they made him Erelihar? lmao) and Shadows of the Moon, and also ran with Twiz and his crew. I remember the old Palo kill spams. Was legendary seeing all those guys in black just wiping like 100 alb/mids lol. So many memories and familiar names. Glad you're all here to share in the beautiful nostalgia :). I am rolling up alb for the first time and feel like a complete traitor :x

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Postby caridry » Jan 12, 2017 18:29

DearyoDrum wrote:What is Nick Sinister doing these days? Wish him well for me, though he probably wont respond in kind.

Actually he is on mid playing SM as rotharek! =)

Twiz is on hib as well L!
Caridry - XLX Lurikeen Ranger
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Postby caridry » Jan 12, 2017 18:32

Auberne wrote:So many familiar names here (Yates, Bisq, Amalgrim, Bethshaya, Tesfaye).

This is Vantage the Scout (of the Sidi Vanatge Death Pool), Becks the Sorc and Auberne the Necro, all ex Fyre and Steel. Playing on Alb again as Becks to recapture some of the old magic.

Oh man, I remember running with you! how you been?
Caridry - XLX Lurikeen Ranger
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Postby mezirah » Jan 19, 2017 16:49

Ellizar, fire wizard from Elements of Avalon

I was late to DAOC because I was still fiercly playing Gemstone III, a pay to play text based MUD that had 3000 people on it's server at any given time. That company actually went on to make the Hero Engine that SWTOR used.

So coming to DAOC late, I leveled up my wizzie and realized I was a zergling, but still loved the keep siege and defense. Once I got my legs under me some I joined Elements of Avalon and loved those guys, especially learned a lot from their ice wiz Cupatra. By the time I was doing 8v8 roam, WoW was coming out and then finally the New Frontiers, which I disliked, so it was time to pack it in. RvR was dead anyways before that due to ML raids, it was just kind of sad to catch it all at the end.

But I remember Percival like a story book. My first moment walking into the frontier keep, guys from the Drunken Holy Men guild were talking, and one asked if he missed anything that morning, and another replied dragons came down from the mountain and killed everyone at the Emain mile gate. I thought he was 100% serious and couldn't wait.

Favorite enemies to see and run from;

Raad - legendary ranger who even wrote a great guide. Saw him as a shadow warrior on Phoenix Throne in WAR, and but not past tier 2.
Teulu - Notorious Animist bomb spammer who hogged all the hibernia death spam. Played with his guildies, Cillard and others in Irony on Phoenix Throne.
Vega - Nasty green dyed shar of death
Polaris - One of the only guilds called out over chat, because you needed to know if they were out ganking and be aware.

There were many more but can't recall the exact names. Who was that legendary bard who wore the antlers and claimed he was the king of emain?

Nice to see you Yates, I remember you in WAR for a few weeks as well, and I used to pick your brain about the wizard class on Percival. I couldn't believe how fast you casted and used to try and /assist you all the time. Alb had great guilds, Blood and Wine, Vae Victis, Champions of Steel, and the list goes on. Phoenix Throne in WAR was basically the equivalent of percival, I had so much fun on both. If anyone is here from WAR I played Mez the witch elf, and later on Kinq the sorc on Badlands.

Good luck to everyone and I'll be sure to make some @ posts on the VN Boards now that a lot of you guys are going to the dark side of midgard or sunny side of hib.


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