Fix Icepets pls

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Postby ZaiQQ » May 12, 2017 03:37

Yes, so much better not keeping track of your pet thats mezzing people and giving them free immunities, no one said minstrel was easy.

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Postby aylictal » May 12, 2017 03:39

Nef Melody wrote:tl;dr

but why are you even defending a bug, just for your info there's atleast 2 minstrels who frequently use the pet to cast a mezz and passive it/send it to another target without breaking the mezz

tldr: because there are BIGGER BUGS TO FIX.

you are crying about far darochans, i can't wait for minstrels to start hitting high rank. when a minstrel comes at you with a glacier giant at rank9, then you have my permission to cry.

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Postby aylictal » May 12, 2017 03:44

You guys do know minstrels have their own mez they can cast correct? One in which, is on command so long as you aren't cc'd, unlike the pets that you're so concerned about?

If a flute mez (or any mez for that matter of yellow or red variety) is lasting it's full duration on you, I would stop worrying about the duration of a pet's mez, and start working harder at you and your own groups mechanics.

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Postby Raunz » May 12, 2017 09:59

Charm not working like it did on live, minstrel and menta both should be able to charm way higher level and named mobs like you could in 1.65.

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Postby Bizy » May 12, 2017 13:11

Raunz wrote:Charm not working like it did on live, minstrel and menta both should be able to charm way higher level and named mobs like you could in 1.65.

Mentalist charm on Uthgard can hold a level 50 yellow mob reliably at level 50 under RR6. Once you hit RR6, you can hold a level 51 orange reliably but not a level 52. This is absolutely broken compared to live where Mentalists could hold any orange at any RR with no concern.

The fact that Minstrels can hold a red Far Dorocha at all is concerning to Mentalists, regardless of the broken mez.

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Postby aylictal » May 12, 2017 16:17

Bizy wrote:
Raunz wrote:Charm not working like it did on live, minstrel and menta both should be able to charm way higher level and named mobs like you could in 1.65.

Mentalist charm on Uthgard can hold a level 50 yellow mob reliably at level 50 under RR6. Once you hit RR6, you can hold a level 51 orange reliably but not a level 52. This is absolutely broken compared to live where Mentalists could hold any orange at any RR with no concern.

The fact that Minstrels can hold a red Far Dorocha at all is concerning to Mentalists, regardless of the broken mez.

Minstrels have the same resist rate as mentalists on this server from what I can tell, but minstrels can instantly reapply it unlike mentalists, which is what makes it much harder for mentalists.

I think this is the only difference. Either way it's not working as intended at all, but we have people who think far darochan's mez type being non magic based is a more important bug to fix. :gaga:

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Postby Zintair » May 13, 2017 00:13

aylictal wrote:
Bizy wrote:
Raunz wrote:Charm not working like it did on live, minstrel and menta both should be able to charm way higher level and named mobs like you could in 1.65.

Mentalist charm on Uthgard can hold a level 50 yellow mob reliably at level 50 under RR6. Once you hit RR6, you can hold a level 51 orange reliably but not a level 52. This is absolutely broken compared to live where Mentalists could hold any orange at any RR with no concern.

The fact that Minstrels can hold a red Far Dorocha at all is concerning to Mentalists, regardless of the broken mez.

Minstrels have the same resist rate as mentalists on this server from what I can tell, but minstrels can instantly reapply it unlike mentalists, which is what makes it much harder for mentalists.

I think this is the only difference. Either way it's not working as intended at all, but we have people who think far darochan's mez type being non magic based is a more important bug to fix. :gaga:

You mean like people who downvote an issue because it doesn't suit their group?

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Postby seanbud » May 13, 2017 06:30

yeah the ment pet issue is hella lame. I think light ment is a great addition to most hib groups, I'd almost call it necessary for 2nd demez. kinda lame they're missing a lot of their utility. I certainly remember a light ment on my old server with a red pet every time we ran into him.

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Postby Ensley03 » May 13, 2017 10:11

Nef Melody wrote:
aylictal wrote:The only way to mez people with a Far Dorocha is to ask it to attack them. What does the pet do after it mezzes you? It runs up and breaks it's own mez it used on the target :hammer: This is barely a factor you're speaking about since the pet will just break it anyway.

People being too stupid to use the pet to mezz and then send it to another target doesn't make it worse :roll: believe me, me and others in my grp have been mezzed dozens of times without it getting broken.

Lol ya I pay pretty close attention to when it mezzes then hit passive while finding another target. It is a strong pet, but the custom nerfed resist rates for holding a red pet are enough to make you want to slam your dick in a drawer. The "essence damage" mez is barely an issue though unless you're soloing Det 5 tanks. Its a 72 second mez so even with 50% resists, that healer/caster is afk for 36 seconds without a demez.
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Postby Dromina » May 13, 2017 10:16

seanbud wrote:yeah the ment pet issue is hella lame. I think light ment is a great addition to most hib groups, I'd almost call it necessary for 2nd demez. kinda lame they're missing a lot of their utility. I certainly remember a light ment on my old server with a red pet every time we ran into him.

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As far as I remember from my playtime 2003-2011 mentalists never used higher then orange con pets and mostly yellow con pets with the later introduced permanent charm. That was because mentalists could just as minstrel never hold a red/purp pet reliably without spamming charm. Minstrel can spam on the fly, mentalist can not due to cast time.

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Postby Ensley03 » May 13, 2017 10:50

I had purple level 60 frost stallions at rr5 on live and it resisted less than reds do on Uthgard. Frost stallions here are only lvl 52-54, and the highest pet you can charm is 58, and it has a >50% resist rate on pulse. Working as intended. Kappa
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Postby aylictal » May 14, 2017 13:05

Ensley03 wrote:
Nef Melody wrote:
aylictal wrote:The only way to mez people with a Far Dorocha is to ask it to attack them. What does the pet do after it mezzes you? It runs up and breaks it's own mez it used on the target :hammer: This is barely a factor you're speaking about since the pet will just break it anyway.

People being too stupid to use the pet to mezz and then send it to another target doesn't make it worse :roll: believe me, me and others in my grp have been mezzed dozens of times without it getting broken.

Lol ya I pay pretty close attention to when it mezzes then hit passive while finding another target. It is a strong pet, but the custom nerfed resist rates for holding a red pet are enough to make you want to slam your dick in a drawer. The "essence damage" mez is barely an issue though unless you're soloing Det 5 tanks. Its a 72 second mez so even with 50% resists, that healer/caster is afk for 36 seconds without a demez.

Yes I can see they could maybe be an issue if you're solo. But it's like honestly these people have no idea that the minstrels who are currently running things like darochans or even higher like mind worms or wolverines, could actually hold insanely high level stuff if minstrel charm was actually fixed. If they're fixed, that whining is immediately going to change probably the next day when someone gets hit for 250-300 damage from fomorian gleener or rock giants, or worse.

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Postby Pompernick » May 16, 2017 01:43

Nef Melody wrote:
Ozean wrote:most of my guild stopped running because of bugs like this, also relics i wish were just disabled. Even on hib when we had them it was to strong. Id hate to see albs with ice pets and 3 power relics

Yea, I think major rvr imbalances at this patch level in addition to bugs and relics are the #1 reason for rvr oriented players to leave this server

#1 reason this 8v8 player quit the server.

Spot on.


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