[Realm Complaint - Albion] Man at Arms - adding fights

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Postby Tandwan » Feb 17, 2017 21:51

So yesterday I was in sauvage and I was fighting some cats near the castle and out of nowhere this man at arms comes out of nowhere and adds my fight. WTF man, I came to duel mobs 1 v 1 and you pieces of garbage add my fights like it's your god given right to do so! WTF! Where is the realm pride? I'll have you know i've told all my starter guild to never add you to experience groups because people like you are EXP hungry jerks and ruin the game for me. Get a life loser!
Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
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Postby Rent » Feb 17, 2017 23:17

Tandwan wrote:So yesterday I was in sauvage and I was fighting some cats near the castle and out of nowhere this man at arms comes out of nowhere and adds my fight. WTF man, I came to duel mobs 1 v 1 and you pieces of garbage add my fights like it's your god given right to do so! WTF! Where is the realm pride? I'll have you know i've told all my starter guild to never add you to experience groups because people like you are EXP hungry jerks and ruin the game for me. Get a life loser!

report him and ignore.... bad realm guard!^^
<Riot Control> Albion

Rentwin (28) Sorc, Relante (32) Necro, Gwinn (9) Cleric

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