What exactly does MoStealth do in 1.65?
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What bonuses does MoStealth give you in 1.65? I can't remember...
Does it improve detection of ALL other stealthers? Does it improve detection of only non-assassin class stealthers? Does it make you harder to detect by other stealthers? Is it solely move speed while stealthed? |
(1) Mastery of Stealth: +5 % stealthed movement speed
(2) Mastery of Stealth : +10 % stealthed movement speed (3) Mastery of Stealth: +15 % stealthed movement speed That's all it does, no detection at all, that was changed with the NEW Ra's. Assassins (NS, Infiltrators, SB's) can get for 8 realm points: (1) See Hidden : Auto detect stealthed *Works only versus archers (Rangers, Scouts, Hunters) that are not camouflaged *Its a passive ability, they don't need to activate it, and it grants xxx range to see archers does not work vs other assassins. Archers (Rangers, Scouts, Hunters) can get for 10 realm points: (1) True Sight : Detect all stealthed (All assassins and Archers), 30min timer, 60sec duration |
This should work against Minstrels too. < Barun > |
Yes it does vs mincers |
Assassins (NS, Infiltrators, SB's) can get for 8 realm points:
(1) See Hidden : Auto detect stealthed Archers (Rangers, Scouts, Hunters) can get for 10 realm points: (1) True Sight : Detect all stealthed (All assassins and Archers), 30min timer, 60sec duration[/quote] relly balance by mythic retard let have pasive for 8 rpts active 10 rpts with CD 30 min. O_O Sent from AMG using Crtical Shot
Bistravoda = Clean Water |
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