Rvr and résist...
Since 3 days there is an incalculable number of resist in rvr. Even if the target and debuff (-50%) it continues to resist most of the spell ... be it solo players without buff to the full group ...
Am I the only one to have noticed that? |
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Which spell did you use, whats your spec level, what were your targets? It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later. "It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure." Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard" Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand" [Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????" BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..." |
Resist Debuff s have nothing to do with resist rates. Resistances lower or higher your dmg, not the resist rate. |
i'm play enchant moon... stun (lvl45) résist 4 time on 5...
Pbae résist 1/3 time dd sun 50 base line résist 1/2 sur you can make one fight and have 0 résist it's Lucky... or only 1résist ... but when you want to kill just 1 target and you have 50% chance to résist.... it"s rly bad. Maybe i have not luck ! |
If you want we can arrange a debug session with you in the evening where you play and I can log your resist rates. Then we can draw conclusions.
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later. "It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure." Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard" Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand" [Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????" BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..." |
Anecdotal of course, but after having a rr5 skald resist my casted lvl 44 mez, followed by resisting my Quick casted lvl 44 mez (I know i could have used a higher baseline spell), and then standing there with nothing left to try, I have to say that either the resist rates are borked, I was super unlucky, or that is just the way the resist rates are here and i hate it
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The minstrel stun here is actually really really bad with resists, probably because of it's spell level being only 40.
Everyone is reporting higher resist rates I think primarily because there is no mastery of focus option which everyone on live pretty much dumps 1 point into. |
Lol i don't think i've ever resisted a minstrel spell, i figured they got op resist mechanics as well ;p
I have a lot of resist on my necro in rvr. Exemple : 5 spell cast, 3 resist. i am deathsight 48+10. I dont have seen that on live. ++ |
use chatlogs when rvring/dueling guys so you can document what the actual resist rate is over 1k+ spells casted
I had a lvl 33 enemy player resist both DDs and my Stun twice when my Minstrel was 49..That was embarrassing..
Lone Enforcer
Uthgard 2.0 50 Cabby 50 Earth Wizard 50 Minstrel 50 Reaver |
Resist were always terrible. On live a half year ago i had 6 out of 7 Resists on my Level 50 Nuke in a Row, sometimes you have bad luck. Would be nice if you can't have two resists in a row
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Sounds like you had an ability used against you. The statistical probability of that happening by chance on live is up there with lottery chances Enchanter
No, it wasn't an ability. I'm pretty sure beacuse my enemy was afk- autorunning into a wall ![]() Ahhh, this flawed Memorys. Was only 4 out of 7 with 3 in a row. Still horrible ![]() |
I believe there was a change that a resist increase the probality that your next cast is successful but maybe i mix it with a different game and i also dont know which patch this was introduced.
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