Casuals - why not use Alb frontier?
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-Small mans and FGs of low RR inexperienced PUGs can fight each other without having to fight Buds/Blood/Salt/other tryhards
-Don't add each others' fights, or it will turn into a butthurt zergfest. Get fair fights, play nice, and have fun -If a high RR group comes to grief, make a BG and zerg them until they leave, or call for help from a high RR group in your realm -When your group gets RR4 ish and competent, start roaming emain/odins Casual problem solved? Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
Tryhards will just ruin anything you set up.
No way to avoid it imo. |
Orrr, this one bullet point could solve the problem no matter what zone you're in. I really don't think it's necessary to relegate zones to player skill level or something. That's like adding ladder rankings to the game and it goes one step further towards ensuring that this is an arena server, which is the last thing I want to see happen, personally. |
You stated low or inexperienced groups can travel here and then right after that now don't add or get butthurt. I don't think a "8v8" bronze players training ground is needed but rather alternative ways of rvr. Casuals like to add and zerg and play with all sorts of numbers and that is good for the game and its player base. I don't see a difference in them being rr4 or rr1, some don't want organized sh1t they just don't want their duo chased halfway across the zone by some thirsty 8 mans.
WHy is alb frontier diferent then emain or odin? game s full of add ing and zerging , you cant solo anywhere as 3 fg s jump to kill you . Atm its a 0 brain server .
Glacius ( previous acount name)
Albion Glacius - WIzzard Disrupter - Armsman |
I've had this same thought, but in the end getting people to go "where they belong" isn't going to work out. Re: Don't Add - Lower RR players are starved for RP's. They will kill whatever they can to get a leg up, because it's sparse that they get the opportunity. It isn't that low RR players don't like a good clean fight - in fact a low RR vs low RR pug v pug matchup is usually pretty fun when it happens. They just need RP's to get their SoS/MoC/BoF/etc so they'll vacuum up whatever they find. Zerg high RR groups - This can currently happen in any zone, and did quite a bit last night in Emain. This resulted in a small Mid/Hib zerg that the Alb zerg ended up fighting. At one point, Hibs just setup at AMG and blocked it off which created some fun for everyone. I think Norad's group got into the mix, we had a few three ways and while the Alb zerg tried to respect a few 8v8 fights ending/in progress, you can't keep everyone from lashing out when they want to and interrupting a fight. RR4/Competent - This is good for set groups, but I notice most people are mixed guild groups or pugs. People for whatever reason play differently - you Buds folks play together almost every night whereas many others play with 4-5 different groups with alternating setups, missing certain (key) classes and players, but they do what they gotta do to have fun.
Oh look, it's you crying in another thread. Quit being a big baby - none of this should be a surprise 15~ years in. Go tell your alliance leader I told you to suck an egg and stop crying - they seem to take pity on your boo-hooing. There is plenty of smallman action out, and I've seen quite a few soloers about. You can't literally place yourself in the position of least power/advantage and then cry about being stepped on - because that is what soloing ends up being. You either have thick enough skin to deal with being killed unfairly in an RvR game - or you come to the forums and cry about it over and over again. Take initiative if you want to help fix the problem - start up a Discord server for soloers and find your own out of the way spaces to meet up and fight at. You don't need to explicitly arrange anything, just get people on the same page and going to the same place looking for solo fights. Alb frontier isn't a terrible place for this and has plenty of unused nooks to use. |
Casuals zerging and jamming because they're starved for RPs is bad logic. If people get jammed and zerged, they cry and start zerging, and then it escalates to where one of them leaves to another zone to dodge and go zerg there and ruin that zone. Or, the tryhard groups get word of a "noob zerg" and try to come zerg bust.
In the end, you get more RPs by not jamming and zerging if you're able to fight equal opponents, hence having low RR new groups roam Alb to look for each other. If you prefer larger scale fights such as 16v16 or more, whoever loses is either going to quit or come back with even more to wipe you, which, again in the end, nets you little to no RPs. You say you don't want an "8v8 bronze arena" but you are wanting a zerg arena, which just never works for more than 1 fight because everyone gives up after losing once. Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
At some level, nothing ends up working because somebody always ends up the loser, who gets nothing, and either quits or comes back to try again. For somebody to win, somebody else needs to be the victim with a 15~ minute or so timer to get back to any chance of a fight. It just advances the entropy that is at the core of most multiplayer RvR games.
You aren't wrong about it being better for two equal 8v8 groups to fight it out in terms of RP's - but that's sort of a perfect scenario where you've got two equal groups of equal skill and progression, both with decent group setups. If you can get everyone to follow suit and fight in the Alb frontier, that'd be great. I think your idea has in a way already caught on before you posted it - I've seen plenty of smallman/low RR groups out in Alb frontiers and when I smallman or have a less than stellar pug, that is where I'll run around in. If nothing is there however, people are just going to break off and head to Emain/Odin's to find whatever they can. As for the zerg arena - people do still come back. In the past week alone I've seen multiple zergs return after getting wiped and a few long duration larger fights. The only times I see people wholesale just give up is when it's clear that they're horrendously outnumbered - usually when 3-4fg ragtag Albs come out and while they struggle to pull out 3-4fg the Mids show up with 5-6fg and easily steamroll the other. That and the obvious "It's 3am here, time to log" that happens frequently. |
I got almost to rr4 doing small man on Alb before doing 8v8 on emain, its good rps and you don't get frustrated for beeing rolled over and over against high rr groups.
Or just leave 8v8 to where it belongs - arena games, and zerg Mid from Alb and Hib sides. Mid will get their lust for fight satisfied and Alb+Hib will balance out mid numbers. I'm not talking actual crossrealm cooperation, just general zerg direction.
good idea in theory but you get all the high RR guild grps dodging each other so they can farm pugs
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