8v8 is the cancer and ZERGING is the cure.

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Postby otinanai » May 06, 2017 01:35

Have you ever thought why Uthgard 1 died? Why RvR was usually dead even with 1k+ players online? Because 8v8 drives everyone but the high rr 8mans to quit. The same thing is happening as we speak to Uthgard 2. We started with 4k+ and are now down to 2k and dropping every day.

When RvR is all about clean 8v8 fights who's really having fun? The high RR 8mans that are at the top of the food chain. Who isn't having fun? Casuals, stealthers, soloers, small groups, low RRs, classes who aren't part of the perfect 8v8 setup, so essentially 90-95% of the player base.

When RvR is more diversified (for example zerging in emain. 8v8 in odins/hadrians) EVERYONE is having fun. Zergs for the casuals/niche classes/low RRs. Zergs also feed soloers/stealthers/small groups. 8v8 for the 8v8ers.

Stop asking for the devs to save the server. We can do it ourselves. START ZERGING.

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Postby Kabouik » May 06, 2017 02:11

Although there are not many things more frustrating than dying on zergs as a soloer (but well, dying on FGs is just the same with less screenshots to take), I believe you got a point and that everyone would benefit from more zerg and fights over keeps in the long run. The server may not be perfect, but players really have tools to shape the action and that may be one of the keys to keeping the population level healthy.
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Postby barto22 » May 06, 2017 02:56

Zerging is fun until a bard logs out. Then it's 4fg mids in emain and less than a group of hibs. And 0 albs, dunno where they were.
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Postby Grunklestank » May 06, 2017 03:50

barto22 wrote:Zerging is fun until a bard logs out. Then it's 4fg mids in emain and less than a group of hibs. And 0 albs, dunno where they were.

It's only a matter of time before the indomitable Alb zerg arises here. It has happened on every DAOC server ever. It's inevitable af.
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Postby Budikah » May 06, 2017 03:54

Grunklestank wrote:
barto22 wrote:Zerging is fun until a bard logs out. Then it's 4fg mids in emain and less than a group of hibs. And 0 albs, dunno where they were.

It's only a matter of time before the indomitable Alb zerg arises here. It has happened on every DAOC server ever. It's inevitable af.

You guys must play early EST/NA times or Euro. Albs are out with zergs pretty frequently during PST times. You just wait, we haven't even reached our final form yet!

But in all seriousness, I think another issue is who has the leadership and when. EU or early morning NA times I see Midgard with an almost unconquerable zerg out. NA EST sees Hibernia come out, then late night NA PST we see Albs out in force. If only we we're better spread out among timezones...
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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 10, 2017 01:03

True ..zerg gives rps and fun to every type of player , an elitist grp should know how and when to strike to make the most of it .. but too much zerg at 1 point makes ppl leave , yeah i d like to see more soloers and smallman but its not posible ..they r geting kiled by the runing fg s .. with red is dead thingy ..which is like ..95% of the server s philosophy ..
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Postby barto22 » May 10, 2017 01:18

Zerging can be fun when the teams are fairly even. But when 1 realm can only get 2-3 groups and the other has 7+ it becomes boring. It's always mid that takes it too far. Ran a small man on my lunch break the other day, just 4 of us, mid brings fg to kill us.

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Postby Rasilaorc » May 10, 2017 08:30

barto22 wrote:Zerging can be fun when the teams are fairly even. But when 1 realm can only get 2-3 groups and the other has 7+ it becomes boring. It's always mid that takes it too far. Ran a small man on my lunch break the other day, just 4 of us, mid brings fg to kill us.

Mid always takes it too far, and then as example you bring a FG of mids ^^
I agreed with lots of other posts you made in this discussion barto, but this one is pure bullshit, sorry

also "bringing" a FG just to kill you?? yeah i guess, they built that grp specifically to kill you and your 4mangroup :roll:

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Postby barto22 » May 10, 2017 09:30

Rasilaorc wrote:
barto22 wrote:Zerging can be fun when the teams are fairly even. But when 1 realm can only get 2-3 groups and the other has 7+ it becomes boring. It's always mid that takes it too far. Ran a small man on my lunch break the other day, just 4 of us, mid brings fg to kill us.

Mid always takes it too far, and then as example you bring a FG of mids ^^
I agreed with lots of other posts you made in this discussion barto, but this one is pure bullshit, sorry

also "bringing" a FG just to kill you?? yeah i guess, they built that grp specifically to kill you and your 4mangroup :roll:

Yes they did. They killed us, we took forever to get back out because somebody missed necklace. They suicided on our pk.

Lots of people have me twisted in this forum. I don't talk sh!t. I say what I feel and I say what I see. If you want to assume I'm not truthful or that I stand for the wrong things then fine, that's up to you. But I'm telling you now, I will never make things up or play paper daoc about things that I don't know first hand.
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Postby Stasis » May 10, 2017 10:41

Server can Survive without 8vs8 ppl But without casuals its quickly dead

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Postby Shafi » May 10, 2017 12:38

Finally a thread about this, was long overdue.

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Postby Rasilaorc » May 10, 2017 12:43

barto, i think you misunderstood. I wasn't saying you made the statement up.

i was just mentioning how rediculous it sounds. Just because a fullgrp killed you doesn't mean they built that fullgrp just to kill you.
So they didn't bring a FG to kill a smallman, they built a fullgrp to roam and happened to run into your smallman.
And then they suicided because there was no other enemies to be found.

ofcourse that sucks for the smallmen but assuming they were the reason the mid came with a FG is... :gaga:

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Postby barto22 » May 10, 2017 12:53

Rasilaorc wrote:barto, i think you misunderstood. I wasn't saying you made the statement up.

i was just mentioning how rediculous it sounds. Just because a fullgrp killed you doesn't mean they built that fullgrp just to kill you.
So they didn't bring a FG to kill a smallman, they built a fullgrp to roam and happened to run into your smallman.
And then they suicided because there was no other enemies to be found.

ofcourse that sucks for the smallmen but assuming they were the reason the mid came with a FG is... :gaga:

No no. That's what I'm saying. You are misinterpreting what I'm saying because you think you know better. But I'm telling you now as a matter of fact. We manufactured action by dancing around svasud and popping in and out of dodens long before there was any action in the frontier. We watched them build and zerg us down. Then they stopped. If you think that I'm being cynical then by all means think that. But by making assumptions based on, "na they would do that, would they?" then you don't truly have a point to make at all. It's just an objection based on fallacy.

I'm quite aware that I'm blowing this circumstance a little bit out of proportion here, but it's only in hopes that this sort of thinking can resonate through the forum.
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Postby De_Kus » May 19, 2017 10:31

This is why so much smallman was happening in stealth back in that time. Is stealth without buffbot really far of the mark? I remember time when people having buff bot/buff pots was like 1 in 4 and was loooked down upon.
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Postby Civer » May 19, 2017 11:15

Zerging ist not the cure, tolerance is the cure.

I think it´s relevant and good, that casuals zerg. Zerging is a really big part of that MMORPG PVP. We have keeps, reliks and DF, which wouldn´t be really affected without casuals/zerg. And i assume It´s frustrating to get killed by higher groups, with top groups/temps/player.

But 8vs8 is not the cancer, which you need to cure. Give them a chance to play their art of DAoC on other places. If you force them to zerg too, you will def. not have the solution you predict.

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