Most OP'ed Class in RvR? your opinion!

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Postby Expfighter » May 20, 2017 19:18

My vote goes for the Shammy!

Chain Armor
Single Heals
Group Heals

That's why i cringe when i see a Shammy!

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 20, 2017 19:24

high rr sorc
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Postby YOLKD » May 20, 2017 19:24

Minstrel...nothing else comes close
Koochi made the beta quit.

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Postby Roby5869 » May 20, 2017 20:08

Minstrel for me too. But in solo can be BD imo.

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Postby fremster » May 20, 2017 20:49

sb (with buff charges) vs non charged assassins :lol:

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Postby RazorRamon » May 20, 2017 21:48

At least for me on my Nature Drood that title goes to any bonedancer. Between the instant LT and healer pets my damage isn't high enough to bring one down. A minstrel with a red pet is a close 2nd but there's a small possibility I can win if everything goes perfectly, nothing is resisted, my pet stays CC free and I get in some weapon procs and all my timed abilities up :D

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Postby Kha » May 20, 2017 21:54

The question isn't precise enough, solo ? smallman ? 8v8 ? Stealth ?
There is a lot of types of RvR.....

I'd say supports Healer/Bard/Cleric/Druid/Shaman
(did you ever saw a group without at the least 1 of them in ?)

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Postby Budikah » May 20, 2017 23:04

As an Alb Cleric in always pretty jealous of Healers, Druids, Bards, etc. They all seem to have more varied toolkits at their disposal.

As for OP?

Minstrels are assholes, but they're on my side. Who the ****** wants to fight some jerk with a red pet throwing interrupts everywhere?

Bonedancers are also assholes with their pet parade. You are stuck with the choice of needing to kill the commander or the BD themselves, and depending on your class it might just be a lose/lose situation.

Shamans have a good kit. The Ichor and Disease spam goes up my ass sideways.

Bards are also a bunch of whores.

It's hard to pick just one. More interestingly, what is objectively the worst class in the game? I might actually say Scout. The way their mechanics work just seems sad and broken. You blast somebody from stealth at range and there is a good chance they'll turn around and just rip your face off.
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Postby aylictal » May 20, 2017 23:16

enchanter/cleric (tied)

probably in that order. this is coming from a minstrel who plays 8s only and considers 8s only.

theurgs are difficult to rank and are in a class all their own.


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Postby fremster » May 21, 2017 10:19

RazorRamon wrote:At least for me on my Nature Drood that title goes to any bonedancer. Between the instant LT and healer pets my damage isn't high enough to bring one down. A minstrel with a red pet is a close 2nd but there's a small possibility I can win if everything goes perfectly, nothing is resisted, my pet stays CC free and I get in some weapon procs and all my timed abilities up :D

Think i just fought you lol... nerf that pet with no immunity on stun..

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Postby m0e » May 21, 2017 11:22

50s vs grey i would say Scouts.

There often is a Scout roaming in Uppland, he got insane avoidance skills and nearly never get cought by level 50s.

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Postby Expfighter » May 21, 2017 18:35

m0e wrote:50s vs grey i would say Scouts.

There often is a Scout roaming in Uppland, he got insane avoidance skills and nearly never get cought by level 50s.

if you are talking about me (Expsct) i would say that scouts are on the very bottom of the ladder in ALL categories! And with 50 composite stealth and MOS1, at lvl 44 i do ok, but all you have to do is look at the kill patterns and you can guess where i will be next most likely! the pattern is 75% the same always! the Key is NOT to stop moving, only to kill, if you stop moving death will be quick :)

and YES 50's have killed me quite often!

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Postby Makish » May 21, 2017 20:54

aylictal wrote:minstrel
enchanter/cleric (tied)

probably in that order. this is coming from a minstrel who plays 8s only and considers 8s only.

theurgs are difficult to rank and are in a class all their own.


how does cleric gets into that list?
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Postby ntc » May 21, 2017 23:09

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Postby Plorf » May 22, 2017 04:58

For me minst is more theoretically strong in 1v1 with high lvl pet - but how often do you really see that? Either they stealth and then their dmg output is somewhat limited or they solo with high level pet and get ganked by groups.

Red pets are too unstable for them to run in 8grps, at least I don't see it often.

I would probably say sorc, but the fact that this is debatable shows to me how balanced the game actually is. There are a couple of weak classes at this patch level, but it's fairly balanced overall.

Shammy is strong with purge and ichor, but quite beatable and can be easily interrupted.


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