Tajendi II
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Thanks for Tajendi 2 Metty and Haldan it's very nice THANKS!!!
![]() |
Haven't seen half of it but makes me wanna donate already
![]() Amazing work! ![]() |
How can i test the patch is working ?!
Kiro |
Best reward ever XD
LolZ thx! ^^ |
A litte impression:
![]() ![]() |
da is eucht echt nen geniales teil gelungen, is besser als das orginal daoc. viele geniale details, super landschaft, schöne quest und anspruchsvolle gegner. ACHTUNG SUCHTGEFAHR |
Eine sache verstehe ich allerdings nicht.
Arkefu... also diese Banditen aus der Miene beten Churiel an, und in einer der Fragen vom Tempel, am Anfang steht, dass Churiel über die Rattan herrscht. Nun ist meine frage, wieso man, um sich mit den Arke.... Banditen in der Miene anzufreuden, einige Rattans für stackende dropps killen muss. Aus den ganzen sachen folgt, dass Chruiel über Rattan herrscht, von Arke-banditen angebeten wird, und Arkebanditen gegen Rattan kämpfen, oder so ähnlich. |
Die Frage im Tempel lautet über welche Scharen Churiel gebietet. Die Antwort lautet nicht "Rattan". Die Ahmsetjeren müssen hin und wieder Ihre Minen verlassen (Sklavenjagd, Rohstoffbeschaffung, usw) und werden hierbei ebenfalls wie alle anderen Fraktionen im Urwald von den Rattan belästigt/bedroht.
Midgard: Nothing atm Albion: Nothing atm Hibernia: suxx ^^ |
The Tejendi porter reads:
"You should have at least five Adventurers over level 40 with you, and everyone needs to be at least level 30!" Five of us tried to access the port to Tjendi, four of us were level 44, one of us was level 37 and it would not allow us to port to Tjendi. The way this reads, that should have been acceptable. Can someone tell me the specific requirements to access this content area? Thank you. |
Maybe its actually You must have at least five adventurers over level 40 (and the others have to be at least lvl30)? |
how can i tell if it installed?
i created the daoc-portal/mods directory, moved the .dmm file into the mods dir, double-clicked and got it installed. it shows up in my mod manager list. i start the game and don't see anything different. p.s. - how do i uninstall mods? |
Here we are after about 10 hours of Tajendi 2:
![]() 1 of the best step ^_^
You have to remove the old tajendi 1th part. It's simple, open your mod manager and unselect the uth_tajendi.dmm. Be sure to have the uth_tajendi2.dmm enabled with selection active. Then patch! ![]() For unistall it, open the daoc mod manager and disable uth_tajendi2.dmm . ![]() |
I guess you can remove the Rapidshare link in the main post since the file's been removed... looking forward to trying Taj2!
Added md5 checksum for the Tajendi II Mod (uth_tajendi2.dmm).
don't get me wrong, i love the grafik humor and the whole gameplay of tajendi 1 and 2... but i think there are too few save points in there. So casual gamers, who don't have so much time, have problems to complete it.
And drops are a bit too good, it brings back a little of the atlantis ML raid feeling, which i was happy to leave behind on live servers. No problems for me, but i see a lot of people in my guild having problems to complete tajendi 2 'cause of the lack of 2-3 hours of time at a stretch. Sure u can rush them through in steps quicker, but then they miss all the fun. Well, can't be changed now anyhow i guess ![]() Good work, awesome graphics, nice riddles and jump&run parts ![]() |
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