Darkness of the Veil - Sunday, 22th April at 18:00

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Postby Murax » Apr 22, 2007 22:50

I liked the Story of this event :-) was really nice, although the Mob at castle entry was hell high :-)

So.. as I am no friend of zerg vs zerg I left emain very soon.. the lags only allow you to spam anytimer styles.. and this was no fun

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Postby Luv » Apr 22, 2007 23:29

i only participated in the mob event, logged out after i arrived in emain. considering how the lag was with just the alb zerg i had no intention of finding out how it was going to be when that amount got tripled. i like rvr, but from my experience on alb side, these events just bring unorganised zerging and imho dont really contribute to emain rvr in the long run. i'm sure it was a lot of fun for all 3 realms and the same can be said about frustrations about lag and deaths, undoubtably a nice boost for players who rarely visit emain. but aside from being an event i strongly believe this will not improve emain. as i said, i logged out after pve part so i dont know how the pvp part went, but i got a pretty good idea.

it was a fun event, but over 2 hours of slaying mobs, countless deaths (xp loss for non-50's) just to end up in emain, just feels a bit pointless.

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Postby panachier » Apr 23, 2007 01:05

i came late in the event, but i am not sad to miss the begining...

i feel all the event as "you have to go in emain" but the effect will be the opposit i think.

after the huge zerg vs zerg, the mass AE dammage, the huge lags and the mass LD... guild mates and me switched to stealther group and got some fun.

thanks to the staff to organise events, but after the eggs event and this one, i feel that events are just done to force players to go in emain. but i think it s not a good solution...

the duels event or the last year eggs event were more fun i think... maybe such things could be done again in place off mass lag event
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Postby Inara » Apr 23, 2007 01:57

the event itself was first class - well planned, well executed.
the only thing that left a little bad aftertaste was a nonexistent reward for dieing several times (not a very funny thing with level 45 ;) ). we collected 70 eastereggs, and considering u need 15 for the smallest reward, 50 if u want something interesting, 70 are not enough for about 40 players.
Inara Firefly

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Postby Sensei_Jones » Apr 23, 2007 07:12

bluethryd wrote:Evil, the server had a hard time :)

22.04. 20:09:16,484 [ 1936] INFO DOL.GS.GameEvents.StatPrint: -stats- Mem=190mb Clients=297 Down=22kb/s (97MB) Up=570kb/s (2273MB) In=1020pck/s (4400K) Out=26507pck/s (106490K) InRadius=4694call/s (27388K) tmMain=6318t/s (5335) CPU=100,0% DOL=81,6%

look at that! Server had upload of 570kb/sec and had to send the incredible amount of 26500 Packets per second!

Well I have been on the event too and I wasnt laggy or more laggy then normal times on uthgard so the lag problem dont seem to be player related,so what could cause this lag?

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Postby Blue » Apr 23, 2007 12:40

Sensei_Jones wrote:Well I have been on the event too and I wasnt laggy or more laggy then normal times on uthgard so the lag problem dont seem to be player related,so what could cause this lag?

I will find out, sooner or later 8)

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Postby Rapiz » Apr 23, 2007 13:00

I think first big battle btw Mid and Hib was great, quite laggy but playable the second one had harder lag. But imop it was a very funny event.

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Postby Yyrd » Apr 23, 2007 16:02

i got no lag, just a few time when the servor frooze for like 3 minutes.

i think it was built well, we abl was wiped a few times. at end when the mids and hibs was waiting for the albs to rvr, the gm's was seeming to rez the dead albs so we wuold hurry up.

then it seems we was missing a stone at the end.
after talking to many albs they only came for the pve event and bailed as soon as they appeared in emain.

im glad there was a pve part. i dont think a event needs to be based on collecting arpees to be fun.

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Postby Sethor » Apr 23, 2007 17:10

Sorry Yrd, but to quote one of midgards most famous berzerker.

"You know how this sounds to me? Like mimimimimimimimimimimi QQ"

Maybe it is a bit hard to throw the hardcore PvEs to Emain, but did you
ever think about that it would be impossible for you to run through such
an event if the highRR/RvR guys didn't show up?

I think the only problem about the event was the mass teleport which caused
many people to go linkdead and the forced Ultra-Zerg. Maybe next time something
like a Split-Event would be nice especially if you consider the afterwards
whining. So what does a split-event look like?

PvE part + RvRpart - to proceed at certain points in PvEpart, you have to
do something within the RvRpart.

Example: PvE's have to kill a hibernian DemonFirbolg or whatever which can
be only weakened by collecting a certain amount of hibernian blood. So
the RvR guys have to kill some hibs or hib tower/keep NPCs to collect
some blood and have to get this blood via an artifact to the PvE guys.

At certain points it will be extremely difficult for both RvR and PvEpart, so
that players have to swap within these groups to proceed in the event.

What do you guys think about sth like this?

Midgard: Nothing atm
Albion: Nothing atm
Hibernia: suxx ^^

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Postby Isador » Apr 23, 2007 19:10

Sounds nice.
RvR tasks combined with pvm tasks. For example, place tactical points at the map to conquer, maybe with hard mobs on them. Basically like keeps, but a lot more (eg 3x8 spread all over another nf area) and harder to defend. Maybe give special boni for some points and.. when realms meet, they can try to claim the point of another realm. The realm which controls the most places after some time wins. Maybe force the realm to split into groups which wander alone. Give a task to prevent NPC reinforcement for every claimed point.
Just an idea.

The event wasn't bad, just a bit like a df raid with other graphics and more players.

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Postby panachier » Apr 24, 2007 03:47

i know that rewards cause problem in last event... but tinderbox, ugly cloack and such things = nothing

maybe would it be nice to give a bit more usefull items...respec, reskin, new trofies, item for legendary wapons, dragon/legion items, basic horses, RvR horses,...a new server ^^,... maybe not items that you can only get at this event... but at least smthg useful
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Postby Miyuki » Apr 24, 2007 18:47

I actually got a nice drop in the pre-event prince raid in DF 2 hours before, dual DD + charge heal proc spear for my hunter... i was pleased ^^

The egg issue is pretty good, considering the number of people involved. we got something like 40 or 50 eggs over on Mid... i somehow got 1 too, tho I set treasurer to 3 different people besides myself. oh well.

THe big question is: who made it to emain first... hib or mid!?

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Postby Isoss » May 01, 2007 03:17

first in emain hib or mid?? lol
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