MiniEvent: Joust
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Holzi has 5968406850 RA respecs ... ^^
<Riot Control> Albion
Rentwin (28) Sorc, Relante (32) Necro, Gwinn (9) Cleric <Blood Feud> Hibernia - paused Rent (50) Druid, Rentina (50) Enchanter, Ofreal (20) BM |
I didn't (don't know what it means ![]() The world will look up and shout "Save us!"...and I'll whisper "NO U."
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kann es sein, daß die vielen lags gestern von dem event herrühren?
Wegen diesen Lags wurde ein Drachenraid abgesagt. |
Nein. Die lags haben irgendeine andere Ursache. Unsere DEVs sind derzeit auch
fleissig dabei die Ursachen für die lags festzustellen. |
Is there any way to know the servers capacity?
Server capacity is around 600 in normal mode; mass LD/lag bug occures sometimes without reason and isn't linked to player count (well, more players = more chances it will happen, ..)
Be nice. :)
I see, thanks for the info!
so how are you supposed to beat another player if you are not allowed to attack him ?
i´ve read the text twice and still don´t get it ![]() if its a straight duel 1 after another : a) as a caster - how are you supposed to beat 5 enemies with 1 mana pool ? well if you got a long mezz like sorc you could mezz - then root - then mezz again till you got power , seems rigged. b) stealth ?! oh i´m low on hp -> restealth wait 5 minutes -> attack again c) no charmable pets - wtf ? ok , leave out the sorcs , mentas and minstrels - hunter is useless with or without pet d) viper anyone ? e)whats the point playing a caster/archer then ? if you get charged immediatly after the fight is over ? f) runemaster vs random hib caster . whatever you do - baseline stun is going to win. g) armsman vs ANYTHING - i think rather hell will freeze over before you can beat anyone in a straight 1on1 (except maybe other armsman) . even if that happens - fight 2 will be short. h) reavers ... slam levi levi levi -congrats - you´ve won round 1 i) warden complete selfbuffs paired with ability to heal + pbt + block/parry . yes - that will be balanced without pots/charges . j) wizzy . hmm what can a wizzy take down in a straight 1on1 without the element of surprise .... hmmm are green pet spiritmasters allowed ? k) friars - look at warden and substract pbt + block and add evade l) skalds - if you manage to loose a 1on1 vs a caster you are officially braindead. m) offtanks - you prolly gank 1 , maybe 2 but thats it. n) bd . their lack of heal pets will make the class soooo bad that they won´t be able to kill any single player (sarcasm) so whats left ? warden vs friar vs sorc vs skald - currently no sorcs or friars so its warden vs skald . just give the prizes straight to the 1 warden and safe the players some time ...
so you are not able to sprint ? (technicly it is a ra^^ even rapid fire is) what about passive abilities ? aug. dex , mastery of blocking etc. - or even stoicism whatever , as long as its just useless reskins i don´t care |
macht ma wieder nen richtiges event mit richtigen belohnungen am besten pvp event ^^
gab schon lange keins mehr |
gabs sowas schonmal ? btw lol nice endlich ma 1on tunier reskins i komme ^^ |
I hope we soon see more of theese
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ok, for request /callgm (joust) name level
but... when does this event take place? people will be ported in a particular zone? i didn't understand ![]() i suppose there will be a list of players and the event will take place... in the next 30 minuts?^^ ...e il coccodrillo come fa???
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you get ported to the joust event zone where the event will take place
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I guess the Last Joust been a while, right?
yeah haven't been a joust afaik since around new year (but then again i might just not have been on for the joust so who knows really :p)
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