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Postby DanGer666 » Jul 25, 2009 10:38

read whats written in the anouncement. that will clear all your questions.

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Postby Musikus » Jul 26, 2009 23:45

absolutly perfekt done..did 2 runs today and still enjoyed it after 12 hours.

if you wana do temple only calculate around 3 hours of your time when you do it first..

also the ingame drops (not the reward) are nice:
rapier +5 skill, +22 atribut, +22 atribut, +7% resi, MPdrop, level 51, level 47 DDproc
bracer +19 atribut, +9% resi, +9% resi, +9% resi, haste charge
i miss my Lady....

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Postby Cratemesy » Jul 26, 2009 23:47

dropped by?

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Postby Stormcrow » Jul 27, 2009 13:07

Quest done after 15+ hours with a pug party of lvl 50 (just 1 lvl 47)... this new part is really cool and funny, but maybe the mobs are too high. For example, the high guard at the end of the temple part summon some other red guards that follow you at bind when /rele.. the problem is: it's impossible attack them at bind stone cause not in view.. thx to rr5 .. we done it after 3hours (quest restarted with another setup).

I suggest to make the quest more simple, maybe not red minion of named if they are too many (remember that u can do tajendi only with max fg, it's not a dragon raid with 4fg xD), because i guess normal people can't spend 15hours for finish a quest! ;)

Btw, really good job, nice story, nice maps... it was like a new game :)
<img src="http://metty.the-bart.org/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Stormina&s=4">
<img src="http://metty.the-bart.org/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Puffoso&s=4">
<img src="http://metty.the-bart.org/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Stormterror&s=4">

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Postby Haldan » Jul 27, 2009 14:04

Stormcrow, no one is forced to complete the whole content within a day. As we stated you have got the options to finish the temple at day1, collect the tears at day2 and gather again your group at day3 to finally go on to face Churiel.

The boss-encounters are strong, but not too strong. You always should keep in mind that you are entering a world in which by now only a hand full of players may offer you possible strategies on the main-storyline boss-encounters. We have watched several groups and to be honest ... almost every group acted like they were facing DAoC standart mobs (jump on it and do dmg dmg dmg) which lead to unneccesary wipes.

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Postby Stormcrow » Jul 27, 2009 14:30

Haldan wrote:Stormcrow, no one is forced to complete the whole content within a day. As we stated you have got the options to finish the temple at day1, collect the tears at day2 and gather again your group at day3 to finally go on to face Churiel.

This should work with guild and organized party, but we were payers from random guilds we different play/real time. It's not so easy reform the same grp and continue the quest again.. for this reason we spend 15hours for complete it.
<img src="http://metty.the-bart.org/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Stormina&s=4">
<img src="http://metty.the-bart.org/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Puffoso&s=4">
<img src="http://metty.the-bart.org/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Stormterror&s=4">

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Postby Musikus » Jul 27, 2009 15:18

Cratemesy wrote:dropped by?

both from ancient gatekeeper at the end of temple
i miss my Lady....

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Postby Musikus » Jul 27, 2009 15:21

Haldan wrote:Stormcrow, no one is forced to complete the whole content within a day. As we stated you have got the options to finish the temple at day1, collect the tears at day2 and gather again your group at day3 to finally go on to face Churiel.

The boss-encounters are strong, but not too strong. You always should keep in mind that you are entering a world in which by now only a hand full of players may offer you possible strategies on the main-storyline boss-encounters. We have watched several groups and to be honest ... almost every group acted like they were facing DAoC standart mobs (jump on it and do dmg dmg dmg) which lead to unneccesary wipes.

come on...polish some ego..which group did best (in your eyes).
and i am proud of being in the group which finished temple first (haldan said so).
i miss my Lady....

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Postby Haldan » Jul 27, 2009 15:56

Well, I think I was really impressed that the MorrigansBreath guildgroup and the BloodAngels guildgroup did the storyline in one run. They needed round about 10-12 hours to complete the storyline and defeated Churiel. The most impressive group in my eyes was the group around Pear, a random group that managed to defeat Churiel in about 12-14hours? Actually every group should be proud of any progress within Tajendi II as you all encounter a complete new land for which no guides exist!

However, as far as I know none of these groups found other hidden encounters/secrets ;)

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Postby phelan » Jul 27, 2009 17:09

yeah it was 14 hours^^ started at 4pm (german time) and were finished 10 mins before reboot at 6am-.-^^ it was realy fun, nice gimmicks and just nice wold building. but some mobs were veeeeery hard i think.

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Postby Blairo » Jul 27, 2009 20:09

it took us 8,5 hours only for main quest in first run =) was a very funny i will be very often the next days/weeks in tajendi2 =)

and the bosses.. yeah they are hard.. but if u got the right strategy they a really possible to kill... we wiped 8 times on the boss mob before churiel till we got it =)
<img src="http://www.die-webas.de/daoc/sig.php?chars=Blase;Temujine;Hasipupsi;Blaira;Blairo;Ingooo">

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Postby MT-Pear » Jul 27, 2009 21:06

vulcanpillar comes ... and .. GO! ^^ Hordes! To the side!

Yes, than the best boss I ever killed =)

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Postby Musikus » Jul 30, 2009 16:13


ok we managed to make our way to the temple of churiel..

you did an AMAZING work, thats without doubt.
but when we faced the bossmob in front of the temple we where buffed...

hes spawning "dripping magma" below EVERY groupmember every 30 sec, sometimes even faster...(and that magma remains for 5 minutes)
hes spawning "plaque" which can 2hit you for a duration of 30sec every 3 minutes
hes gets healing from the "pillars" when he is at 30% (the pillars are ..ok i wont tell more)

yesterday we had a player who already finished the quest..and:
he said the bossmob there got enstrengthed in a rediculous way...compared to the run when he finished tajendi.
why´s that?

even with good setup (all 50 and average RR4-5), and we stand no chance
i miss my Lady....


Postby Happuch » Jul 30, 2009 22:24

Same for us.

We are at Bossmob now for 2 hours. After about 10 Wipes we finaly got him down at 30% and BAM: heal -.-

It's a little little bit too OP...

But the rest of Taj 2 is just amazing.
I loooove it :)
Gothic 3 feeling+music, so great to play :)

*tumbs up*

To the Bossmob:


Collect everything:

-Instakill Lava which holds 5 min. at EVERY player.
-Nearly Instakill mobs for 30 secs which are hardly to evade
-Heal at 30% from Pillars
-Pillars which are undestructable because of 100% Absorb

We had a very good setup
-3 Droods (!)
-Mana Menta
-2 VWs
- Champ

With this Setup you normally can kill every Boss^^
Without the undestroyable Pillars we could have kill him, but with the absorb it's nearly (nearly!!) impossible.

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Postby Musikus » Jul 30, 2009 23:49

so you dont found out how to destroy the pillars...
if you solve this riddle you kill the bossmob...

we at least found out how to kill those pillars..
i miss my Lady....


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