Survey Results
There isn't an issue with a map for most of us. I don't use two monitors, and it's nice just to have a reference to look back on, especially for RVR coordination. We already have /loc. If they're going to allow the /loc command then they may as well enable static or active maps that shower player positions. Most of us want the maps for PVE purposes I believe, not RVR.
for me, for sure for PVE.
It has been a long time ago that i was playing DAoC, so i it's hard for me to find my way back in the game (mobs, places dungeons) without having a map... :-/ |
Smug Alert |
in my opinion it is important to go back to the roots of daoc.
for me this means also no maps. as for chat and no xp/rp for dead people. this no map issue makes people talk to their group, focus abit more on the chat itself and force... FORCES player to organize theirselves. the /loc command was enough for thousands of players back in the days, and nobody ever mourned about having no map. (there was a map in the game box xD) for me its 100% clear and even if i wasnt always with the uthgard staff in decisions, i was absolutely happy to see this features as i logged in the 1st time. now this makes me even more sad that the straight, never listening uthgard staff now listens. implementing the map again will be a huge step back in the sense of classic daoc. in my opinion u should now just do what u wanted to do for so many years, just do it and the players will love it in the end. you cant make everyone happy anyways. --- and for all who want a map: WHEN DID THIS CRAPPY MAP EVER SHOWED THE RIGHT LOCATIONS OF YOUR GROUP MEMBERS???--- so this arguement is free of any sense ![]() p.s. as i noticed there is no map, i just picked my old SI box and taped the maps from the box to the wall behind my monitor. after playing a few days i recognized even on those maps horrible mistakes of some locations xD even mythic/goa wasnt perfect @staff ![]() |
who cares, bobsui has an atlas feature, its the same thing. map or no map, players who want one will have one, those who don't won't. (I still have the paper map that came in the box) its been on my wall above my desk for, what 45 years now? I think most of us know it by heart at this point. The whole thing is such a minor issue in comparison with some of the other game breaking bugs in the issue tracker.
there $0.02 ![]() |
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