Need help to get information on these items

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Eagle Knight
Posts: 562
Joined: Dec 11, 2011 14:33

Postby madskaizer » Aug 16, 2021 11:22

For the bestiary, I am missing chatlogs with delve information on the following albion items.

You can help by going to the housing zone, or if you have them yourself, to run a /chatlog and then press DELVE button on all the items. Send in chatlog like it would normally be through information on Submit page of bestiary.

Dusk-walker's Sleeves
Goblin Goldminer Boots
Hammer of Crushing Might
Goblinskin Leggings
Old Otherworldly Staff
Aged Mithrian Cloth Gloves
Luminous Lifeblinder
Shining Hunter's Sleeves
Footman's Chain Legs
Danaoin Nightwatcher Boots
Stonecrush Gauntlets
Old Headsman's Axe
Gauntlets of Dissolution
Ancient Ebony Gloves
Mail of Dissolution
Protector of the Stone Lords
Goblin Excavator's Flute
Fire Imbued Gloves
Ruby Dusted Robe
Bone Ring
Old Quarterstaff
Chain Gloves of Disparity
Jet Bone Shield
Flute of Dementia
Vest of the Blackheart
Drum of Fading Valor
Fine Asterite Round Shield
Boots of Dissolution
Shimmering Ircon Bound Chain Coif
Earthborn gem
Cracked Leather Boots
Chain Sleeves of Disparity
Luminous Felled Archer's Dagger
Icebender belt
Mantle of the Champion
Kraggon Sword
Runic Hardend Leather Crown
Ellyll Flute
Sleeves of Mortification
Sleeves of the Risen
Worn Asterite Mattock
Worn Vest of the Blackheart
Feather Magmas Imbued Helm
Feather Boots of Opposition
Crushed Helm
Aqueous Coral Studded Helm
Mithril Chain Boots
Wind Imbued Cap
shimmering Granite Seer's Vest of the Body
Mithril Chain Sleeves
Cailiondar Gauntlets
Archaic Granite Rapier
Ircon Bound Chain Hauberk
Robe of Stone Speaking
Coif of Dissolution
Leggings of the Blackheart
Sleeves of the Blackheart
Worn Asterite Blade
Runic Ravenbone Boots
Rune Inscribed Slippers
Hollow Breastplate
Shimmering Granite Sheers Vest of Body
Granite Seer's Gloves of the Spirit
Cold Imbued Sleeves
Bloodied Leggings
Royal Scepter
Sturdy Crushed Breastplate
Runic Giant-Bone Boots
Holy Crushed Gauntlets
Fire Imbued Cap
Lava Imbued Vest
Ircon Bound Chain Legs
Dark Crystal Mattock
Granite Seer's Pants
Ring of Impact
Robe of Eternal Wind
Verdant Ornate Shield
Matter Imbued Boots
Ilmenite Laced Chain Leggings
Sturdy Crushed Gauntlets
Polished Sleeves of Eldspar
Crushed Leggings
Uthgard 2.0 auto-bestiary Zones, maps, monsters, locations, items, drop rates and statistics.
DAoC game mechanics information templates, realm ranks, spell dmg type, melee speed, blocking, exp/group calculation
Alb <M Y T H>: Citybilens, 50 Minstrel, Muchthinarms, 49 Paladin & Boltsarebroken, 48 Wizard
Hib: April, 50 Eldritch
Mid <Myth>: Direktoeren, 50 Shaman, Flammespyd, 50 Runemaster & Skambankeren, 50 Berzerker

also Tesla coil and high voltage is my hobby

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