<Thorn> guild recruit !

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Postby Yarz » Aug 24, 2017 18:37

Thorn aim is to provide you a great experience about dark age of camelot !

We do believe that it is possible to have fun and relax while trying to playing good in RvR with some optimized group. That's not because you are casual, have work, studying, busy at home, doing sport etc that you should not win in RvR or get full templated gear.

That's why I created the guild where there are many admin (rank 1) that will recruit nice people with the goal to get a large guild full of crafters, farmers, designed to get RvR stuff.

It is an international guild, we recruit everyone and prefer english speaking, but we will adapt to all, (leaders speak french too and there will be help for translation etc to work all together).

The guild is pretty new, so we do not have high characters or legendary crafters, but we all try to contribute to it. In the future, there will be changes, to set active 50 rvr/farmer people admins only, but for now, everyone invested can be.

If you want join us, easy just /who thorn sometimes when log in, and ask for it :grin: we all want to have fun, and raise our realm rank.

Respectfuly, Yarz.

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Postby Requin » Aug 25, 2017 08:10

Hey, its funny, I wanted to create the exact same guild, with the same mindset, also international and with this exact name! So strange oO

I wish to join your guild, but at the moment I am on Hibernia...
Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?

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Joined: Aug 24, 2017 17:54

Postby Yarz » Aug 25, 2017 12:52

Haha indeed strange but well, why not change realm and join us ? :lol: anyway have fun cya in game !

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