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Hey guys,
I've just take a look at my Shaman shears, and i was surprised. Sham shears = 3.0sec casting speed / 1500 range Cleric Shears = 3.0 sec casting speed / 1750 range Drood shears = i don't know but i think it might be a 2.5 casting speed / 1600 range I can't really remember all the Shears Chronology and update, but if there is a difference between shears (alb/mid and maybe hib) Shaman shears should be 2.0 casting speed and 1500 range no ? Here is my question : Will we have an update for shaman (and droods if they need too?) or is my reasoning wrong? Thanks! |
ya its a bug, only clerics here have livelike shearing at the moment.
Druids under the target patch setting (1.69) should have a damage component, slow cast time, clerics get longer range with slow cast time, and shaman get the fast cast time. |
ALL shears should do damage in 1.69. Druid shears just would do more damage.
not all shears should. I was playing a druid primarily when shears first went live so I don't have a lot of first hand experience with the shaman/cleric early shear mechanics.
However, I do remember shamans being able to root and then shear at least some buffs without effecting the root. As a druid I don't remember being able to do this, and the 1.69 patch notes state, "Characters who have a buff enhancement ripped off them via these spells will also take some damage due to the buff shearing effect (except in the case of Cleric and Shaman Constitution shearing, which will result in a natural drop in hit points)" making me think that cleric and shaman should not do damage with their con shears, letting them SC and con shear after rooting. This was some years ago, hard to remember all the little details. But root, shear without breaking from shaman sticks out in my memory. |
I can remember that i Shaman Shears did ~50damage per cast. But i can also remember that i've never cast a shear in 3.0sec with my shaman.
Let's hope they'll change casting speed but not inclued damages! |
whichever shears did dmg in 1.69 live, should do dmg here too, but I recall shaman being able to followup root with some shears without breaking it.
Con & str/c don't have a dmg component because they already lower the HP in a normal way
"The past is what made the present, and is a guide line for the future." "A cynic is someone who knows the price off everything, but from nothing the value." "Memento mori, so you can live"
Guys if this one bug, report it in bug section.
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