Aug Healer Quesiton, (spec, ra's, heal usage)

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Postby Aciref » Jul 26, 2011 21:37

Hello everyeone!

Im working on an aug healer and im having issues developing a final spec. Here are the 3 im considering:

44 aug
31 mend

42 aug
33 mend

40 aug
36 mend

Couple questions:
Is red celerity that big of a deal over yellow?
Is the 33 major heal worth going 33 mend for?
Is it worth going to 36 mend for the extra instas and group heal?
Which heals are the ones that most people use to heal in rvr (i.e. which are the most mana efficient and most useful in RvR?)
What are the most beneficial RA's for aug healers.

I notice i have pretty decent mana issues, so MCL, RP?

I searched to forums, and while there were tons of threads for Pac healers i didn't see many for Aug healers. Thank you for all the info!

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Postby Eddie » Jul 27, 2011 01:45

Yes mana is a big issues for healers (and casters too actually). To help with that you go Serenity 4 as Ra, MCL is also good, and DI as Healer. For mana you also use potions barrels, they give as much mana as MCL1 and cooldown is 1min, but Having MCL is still cool since cooldowns are not shared with pots one.
The most used heal (by far imo) in RvR is the slow spec (the one you get at 25 and 33). It has the best heal per mana rate after the fast baseline heal, but has a lot more of hps (heal per second).

both higher instas and the 33 heal are indeed useful (grp heal maybe a lil bit less - spreadheal is usually better in RvR), but depends what you trade for them, its probably a matter of personal preference but i dont know, never played aug healer :)

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Postby Luydor » Jul 27, 2011 11:24


I would recommand 37 Aug 39 Mend.
With 37 you get the last resis yellow. That is important because it is energy and the sorc mezz is also energy.
Yellow cele is enough, you won't have so much time for it anyway.
Normaly you use the 31 Greater heal and the 33 Major heal. You will be in many situation the only healer because the pac healer is on of the first targets of the enemy rupt and tanks. You will need to use the 31 Greater heal often, because you cannot heal a 3 Tank AT on your runemaster with a slow spec heal. For the other time when you have to try to use the slow spec heal, to save mana. It is important to have a little bit training in that, because the slow spec heal is really slow. So you should train to use the right heal at the right time.
You also will have the yellow spread heal which is really good if you have nearsight.

RA Spec should go for Mana, DI, Purge, PR at the beginning and then go for more mana, higher DI, BoF

Tatic as Aug Healer, mostly defense, very very defense. The main problem of the many Aug Healer is that they nearly forget the fact that the other healer in the group is also the main CCler of the group. Not like Hib or Alb you will be very often the only healer in the group. The first thing you should make sure it that your group survive. So that means no nearsight, no pets, not tanks on you. That again means that you should stay very very defense and no -my tanks need cele push in and coming out with 3 tanks-. So firstly stay defense, heal and CC Tanks in the back or Amnesie from the back.If you can make sure that you group survive then you can go for cele but you should communicate that with the pac healer.
With a little bit training you can do that often in fight, but it is a diffcult task. I often saw groups wiping because of Aug Healer charing in for cele.

Greetz Luydor

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