No DAoC in 15+years, returning to Mid
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So as the title says, i haven't played any DAoC in 15±years. A friend has started a few weeks ago in Midgard as a warrior so that realm is fixed. I was mostly Hib and Alb earlier, only have a little bit of Midgard experience on freeshards, so i have a bit of a feeling of Midgard classes jobs in RvR (as i was fighting them) but not really much of an idea about their capability of soloing/farming groups/etc...
Since my friend told me he runs mostly melee groups i want to fit in with those with my mainclass, as he is already warrior this leaves me with (feel free to correct me if i am wrong): -Healer / Shammy / skald / Zerk / Savage / RM I heard Shammy an Skalds are already a dime a dozen, so that leaves me with: Healer / zerk / savage / RM I am also eyeballing on a char that is a good Soloer (RvR and Goldfarming), i am open for everything here, but i from my limited midgardexperience i loved bonedancers with thornfield-RA. So, i want to list my current view on the classes, please add / correct me on this: -Healer: pretty ****** for all solo activities / great and looked for for all group activities -zerk/savage: good/often looked for for groupRvR, no idea how they perform soloFarm / soloRvR / groupFarm and XPing -RM: decently looked for for groupRvR / groupFarm / groupXP, no idea how they perform in all solo categories -BD: great soloFarm & soloXP & soloRvR, no idea how looked for for any group activities -your suggestion? My playtime is about an hour or two a day and binging 7-10hours in a row on weekends. Are two chars feasible at all considering no Buffbots are allowed for levelling (been a long time since i levelled in DAoC...and while it was quite fast after a few years, compared to beta ^ i guess it still doesn't compare to any new MMO) All input appreciated, thanks in advance I almost forgot, how is the economy crafterwise? Is making a crafter worth it besides trinketing? Is a craft for trinketing basically mandatory? PS: i don't want to start a discussion about viability of classes like thanes (just as an example). Despite their usefullness being debatable, its a FACT that a thane will have a harder time finding grps than for example a zerker. And i am not going to reform the population by making my own thanegroup and convincing everyone how useful i am. My time is now limited as i have a house and family to take care off...i am fine being a mainstream fish swimming with the swarm...i WANT to be a class that is easily accepted into various activities |
Analysing your situation I'd like to suggest you to go for a Warrior as you already started one and you are able to solo better compared to my next suggestion. If you are willing to change class, Zerk. Not Savage as I much prefer the Zerk Hammer/LA at this patchlevel rather than Svg, but this is personal, both are getting groups quickly and/or duo with a Shams. As per craft and market... After only 4 months of server there are 100s of Legendary crafters, house marked is evolved, no need to craft, and considering your time won't be worth. I have a similar situation, actually I play much less than you, however as a Runemaster I decided to have just enough metalworking to salvage my own drops. I will never push to legendary as I won't have time neither to farm or craft enough to make a profit. Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
-DAoC- BIT -WoW- Rock n' LoL -Warhammer Online- Warp Legio -DiabloIII- BIT -GW2- XxX |
thanks for your inut miiyomo,
the already started warrior is my friend ![]() i will be starting from zero, currently leaning towards zerk or RM. What do you dislike about your RM, and why would you prefer a Zerk instead? |
I would've played zerk. But I did one 10L in Uthgard 1. I believe is a very important and difficult class in a Mid setup grup and every STEP you walk towards the wrong target is a potential inc lost. My second love is RM, that's why I'm playing it. Grouped yes, but one slot only in 90% of groups. Mostly required suppression spec for exping. Must respec at 50 Good-enough soloer if you have wide spaces to kite Grouped for RVR yes, again 1 slot in most of the groups. Potentially spend most of the fights on the ground, might be frustating. You must be a surgeon and pick and choose when to stop running and nuke at the correct range Downside for me, can't rly lead a group in rvr. Well, it's not advisable to be the 1st target ( Zerk yes! lead as a troll and jump on inc ! ) Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
-DAoC- BIT -WoW- Rock n' LoL -Warhammer Online- Warp Legio -DiabloIII- BIT -GW2- XxX |
With your limited playtime I would stick to one character. Leveling is very slow if you compare to the live servers.
Class all depends on what you want do to. If you are going to group up with your warrior friend most of the time a shaman would be a really good choice. They can also solo well, as long as there is room to kite. But yes, there are loads of shamans. For pve at least. For RvR there doesn't seem to be as many lfg. A lot of zerkers though, always see loads of them lfg at Svasud Faste. Not so many melee dps seems to be lfg for pve, strange enough. An aug healer would also be a good choice. They can solo well since they have really good buffs and get self str/con and dmg add. If you and your warrior friend found a shaman you would already have a really solid base for a good group. But in the end you should really focus on a class that you like, because you will spend a lot of time with it. Fleshcutter the Berserker.
Zergilicious the Shaman. Odyn the Healer. |
If you plan on leveling up together with your warrior friend, either healer or shammy, as they make good duo leveling groups and will be wanted in RvR too. Two melees without a buffing /healing class won't level very well.
Gil DaTroll - Merlin Zerker | MacDeath - Uth1 Armsman | Gil - Uth2 Zerker | Macdeath - Uth2 Armsman
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