A bit late to the party - rerolling in mid possibly

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Postby Byala » May 03, 2017 18:18

I play currently on Alb, have a 50 and plenty of alts 40+. A lot of time invested but I find my self logging on less and less and having less fun every day. I have a lot of time to play but Albion has nothing to offer me it seems. Mostly problems are no PuGs for rvr, very few pve groups because of a lack of paladins and generally a crappy place to solo.

Is the grass any greener? Are there pve groups still on mid, what with their being no necros and a decent supply of endurance for groups? I can get by with solo rvr if there are few PuGs, if I make a class that can solo well and have that hindsight.

Is there any guilds who invite even the new people? Have exp groups who would invite new people? In Alb at the moment it is very exclusive because of how few groups there are so you have to know someone in the groups to get an invite.

Have a lot of plat over there too that could be transferred but not sure of the process of doing that on Uthgard.

Any advice? Is it worth starting again at this point?

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Joined: Feb 11, 2013 00:54

Postby otinanai » May 03, 2017 20:20

I played both realms and the grass is definitely greener in mid. Easy to find xp and rvr groups.

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Postby jfoldno7 » May 04, 2017 15:21

As someone who had a 50 Alb and was facing the same problem that you are facing now I can tell you that the grass really is greener. I have PUGed and soloed my way to 47 so far and it has only been a couple of weeks. It is rarely difficult to find a group. I was stunned to see DF seals are affordable (which makes sense because Mid has DF 90% of the time but it was still a shock coming from Alb), and there is endurance everywhere because Shammies are the most played class in Mid and they are the ones with the endo buff. Compared to the pally situation in Alb it is a stunning to see how easily groups can be formed.

If you are thinking about the move I would say it is worth it. Put in for the 7 day transfer, worst comes to worst you can always go back.

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Joined: Jun 14, 2011 16:12

Postby t-bone » May 08, 2017 08:23

worth if but dont delete, just stick with the timer

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