Positive hunter response please.

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Postby blackitalian » Jan 30, 2010 14:58

Sorry, more hunter questions. First want to go kolbold or dwarf. Does 20 extra con or dex make a big difference at 50? Both will be nearly at qui cap but dwarf has better con and kolbold better dex not sure of how big of a difference this will make in long run. I'm sure hunter will be in melée plenty.
How about this spec:
32 stealth (does it really matter, stealther will see first)
40 bow (when do we get volley?)
44 spear (will work with others so may get rear chain off, and 2 damage options)
35 beast craft (top 1/3 not worthy of points
some left over points wasted :-(

Idea being hunter will need to be able to both melée and range depending on situation, and understand often both will be used.

Thank you for all the help in advance.

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Postby Methusalem » Jan 30, 2010 15:10

choose valkyn for hunter. mighty +5% to bodyres u need vs stealther and also good stats for ur basedmg. u dont need a bonus to con

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Postby Musikus » Jan 30, 2010 17:03

volley has 4 steps..

volley 1 = level 35 bow (has 3 arrows to fire)
volley 2 = level 40 bow (has 4 arrows to fire)
volley 3 = level 45 bow (has 5 arrows to fire)
volley 4 = level 50 bow (has 6 arrows to fire)

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Postby Toblerone » Jan 30, 2010 18:20

Why does everyone go spear ? It's so bad.

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Postby Seyha » Jan 30, 2010 19:17

blackitalian wrote:Sorry, more hunter questions. First want to go kolbold or dwarf. Does 20 extra con or dex make a big difference at 50? Both will be nearly at qui cap but dwarf has better con and kolbold better dex not sure of how big of a difference this will make in long run. I'm sure hunter will be in melée plenty.
How about this spec:
32 stealth (does it really matter, stealther will see first)
40 bow (when do we get volley?)
44 spear (will work with others so may get rear chain off, and 2 damage options)
35 beast craft (top 1/3 not worthy of points
some left over points wasted :-(

Idea being hunter will need to be able to both melée and range depending on situation, and understand often both will be used.

Thank you for all the help in advance.

Wow, that spec brings back memories! The classic of the classic Hunter specs!

But it won't work very well on Uthgard. Here are some things to consider:

-- Stealthers won't always find you first if you take the MoS RA, and keep your camo up. Uthgard uses NF RAs, so the days of archers being PA food for assassins are gone. That means you should keep your stealth capped if possible.

-- On Volley, this is the big one for archers. It's the only ability that gives high bow spec characters real power in RvR. Musikus, ever helpful, has posted the specs for volley.

-- I'm very skeptical of any spear spec over 39. Sorry, but I don't think Hunters belong in melee except when all other options have failed. If you want to be a melee stealther, roll an SB. If you want decent utility (backstun), go 39 spear and put the rest of your points in other things.

Here is my spec:

35 Stealth
39 Weapon
45 Bow
32 BC

I do good bow damage. As for melee... This is Uthgard. I wish all my melee Hunter friends the best of luck. :(
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Postby Toblerone » Jan 30, 2010 19:36

Did anyone at all try sword spec ?

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Postby hopscotsch » Jan 30, 2010 20:27

If I'm not mistaken I think Seyha is specced sword.

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Postby vangonaj » Jan 30, 2010 20:36

Toblerone wrote:Did anyone at all try sword spec ?

Sword is not bad if your race is norse. But still crap if you compare with ranger or assasins. Scout´s sword is crap too but he has slam (can slam and run XD). And if you use 2hand sword you have the same problem, all evade you.

Seyha wrote:
35 Stealth
39 Weapon
45 Bow
32 BC

I do good bow damage. As for melee... This is Uthgard. I wish all my melee Hunter friends the best of luck. :(

I used this spec but changed to 50bow and 44 spear, because my charges are better than this selfbuffs and pet damage is crap (20 damage or 30 with st/con buff). And really i never saw much casters or suporters for rupt with my pet.

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Postby Toblerone » Jan 30, 2010 20:47

vangonaj wrote:
Toblerone wrote:Did anyone at all try sword spec ?

Sword is not bad if your race is norse.

Why norse ?

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Postby vangonaj » Jan 30, 2010 20:52

Toblerone wrote:
vangonaj wrote:
Toblerone wrote:Did anyone at all try sword spec ?

Sword is not bad if your race is norse.

Why norse ?

Because slash damage is bassed on strength, while spear damage bassed on strength and 1/2 dex, if im not wrong.

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Postby Toblerone » Jan 30, 2010 20:56

This game isn't only about spamming anytimers and pumping damage.

Kobold = more dex = more chance to block = better chances to execute a 7s stun. Even a kobold using sword positionals with a 2h weapon will outdamage spear anytimers. 1h weapons can't be much worse than an already split damage slow 2h weapon such as spear either. Also with uthgard's funny blockrates using a shield increases ones survavibility by a lot.

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Postby vangonaj » Jan 30, 2010 20:59

Toblerone wrote:This game isn't only about spamming anytimers and pumping damage.

Kobold = more dex = more chance to block = better chances to execute a 7s stun. Even a kobold using sword positionals with a 2h weapon will outdamage spear anytimers. 1h weapons can't be much worse than an already split damage slow 2h weapon. Also with uthgard's funny blockrates using a shield increases ones survavibility by a lot.

Maybe you are right but some hunters tried it and said that isn´t enough for kill something.

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Postby Toblerone » Jan 30, 2010 21:18

You're definitely not gonna kill anything using only spear either, so saying sword isn't enough to kill is a moot point.

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Postby vangonaj » Jan 30, 2010 21:22

Toblerone wrote:You're definitely not gonna kill anything using only spear either, so saying sword isn't enough to kill is a moot point.

In all combats all is fine while hunter use bow, when he must use spear or sword all start be bad.

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Postby Toblerone » Jan 30, 2010 21:41

Well then you're better off having bad damage and a shield than just bad damage, no ?


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