How can we farm money now?

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Lion Knight
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Postby holsten-knight » May 25, 2011 22:29

i would suggest increase loot drop rate and worth for mobs in hadrians (and make a decent spot there)... i leveld there with my hunter from 40-43 and the respawn was even too low for 1 hunter.
There all realms can farm without having to pass amg in emain and it would help the level/stealther/small man rvr in this zone.

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Postby Blue » May 25, 2011 23:34

The correct change would be to have live like respawn.
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later.

"It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something
is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure."

Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard"
Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand"

[Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????"
BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..."

Gryphon Knight
Posts: 239
Joined: Nov 24, 2010 21:36

Postby Petitpimousse » May 26, 2011 00:23

if you want to make money to stuff yourself

it s better to find a group with 6 good people who make a run all a loot in tajendi, and better if you know 6 good friend with them you farm your item and sell the no need to buy the item you need

you ll win time, but you need a warrior with a good sc
Goupill, Spidy

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Postby Tuttar » May 26, 2011 00:40

There are (or was, dont looked at them for a long time) 10 blue to 50 frostweavers in Rauma that has a really nice respawn rate. NE corner. Low hp also, was perfect for a summ sm or dark rm.

For some time they dropped loads of salvage but it was fixed, should still be one of the best solo farmspots in mid though if they didn't change their sell loot or coin value drops(~1g per kill). There still was some salvage dropping last time I looked, 5 - 10 arc or neth bars. Runic Embers salvage value was 70g+, but the droprate was really low last time I needed money.

Code: Select all
*** Chat Log Opened: Mon Apr 18 10:01:23 2011

[10:01:23]  To stop logging, type /chatlog again.
[10:01:29] You target [Larsson].
[10:01:29] You examine Larsson. He is friendly and is a merchant.
[10:01:29] @@Larsson says, "Cut down on your travel time, friend!  I have many fine horses that can speed your route to various destinations."
[10:01:32] Larsson gives you 1 gold, 75 silver and 28 copper pieces for the pink sapphire.
[10:01:35] Larsson gives you 2 gold, 7 silver and 56 copper pieces for the alexandrite.
[10:01:36] Larsson gives you 1 gold, 55 silver and 40 copper pieces for the kornerupine.
[10:01:37] Larsson gives you 2 gold and 20 silver pieces for the Twisted Darksteel Bracer.
[10:01:38] Larsson gives you 1 gold, 75 silver and 28 copper pieces for the pink sapphire.
[10:01:38] Larsson gives you 2 gold, 34 silver and 11 copper pieces for the chrysoberyl.
[10:01:39] Larsson gives you 7 gold, 54 silver and 75 copper pieces for the green diamond.
[10:01:40] Larsson gives you 2 gold, 48 silver and 62 copper pieces for the black opal.
[10:01:42] Larsson gives you 1 gold pieces for the frosty leg.
[10:01:43] Larsson gives you 2 gold pieces for the icestrider mandible.
[10:01:44] Larsson gives you 1 gold pieces for the icestrider leg.
[10:01:59] @@Server reboot in 2 hours and 0 min! Reason: normal reboot, bavck in some minutes

*** Chat Log Closed: Mon Apr 18 10:02:01 2011

Edit: And btw, you can salvage/trinket while you are in combat. Although you need a forge for metaltrinkets. Maybe it's intended or this can be added to bugtracker. And frostweavs are neutral, remember them as aggro. Just tried the spot, it's still nice and ppl around to farm there.

Code: Select all
*** Chat Log Opened: Thu May 26 00:52:46 2011

[00:52:46]  To stop logging, type /chatlog again.
[00:52:48] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:52:48] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:52:48] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:52:50] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:52:51] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:52:51] Your spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and hits for 26 damage!
[00:52:51] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 12 damage.
[00:52:51] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:52:52] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:52:53] Your spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and hits for 35 damage!
[00:52:53] Your pet's spell hits the icestrider frostweaver for 37 damage!
[00:52:54] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:52:54] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:52:54] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:52:54] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:52:54] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:52:55] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:52:55] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 24 damage!
[00:52:56] Your spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and hits for 21 damage!
[00:52:56] The icestrider frostweaver resists the effect!
[00:52:56] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:52:57] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:52:57] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:52:57] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:52:57] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:52:58] You begin casting a Spirit's Justification spell!
[00:52:59] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 37 damage.
[00:52:59] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:52:59] You cast a Spirit's Justification spell!
[00:53:00] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 28 damage.
[00:53:00] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:00] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 183 damage!
[00:53:01] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:53:01] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:53:01] The spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and misses!
[00:53:01] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:01] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 35 damage.
[00:53:01] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 20 damage!
[00:53:01] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 128 damage!
[00:53:01] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:01] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 19 damage!
[00:53:01] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 142 damage!
[00:53:02] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:53:02] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:53:02] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:02] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:02] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:02] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 24 damage!
[00:53:02] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 181 damage!
[00:53:03] Your spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and hits for 24 damage!
[00:53:03] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:53:03] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:53:04] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:04] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 18 damage!
[00:53:04] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 164 damage!
[00:53:04] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:04] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:04] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 35 damage.
[00:53:04] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 25 damage!
[00:53:04] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 126 damage!
[00:53:05] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 27 damage.
[00:53:05] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:05] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 127 damage!
[00:53:05] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 27 damage.
[00:53:05] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:05] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 159 damage!
[00:53:05] The icestrider frostweaver is stunned.
[00:53:05] The spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and misses!
[00:53:06] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:53:06] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:53:06] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:53:06] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:07] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:07] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:07] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 29 damage.
[00:53:07] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:07] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 130 damage!
[00:53:08] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:08] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:08] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 186 damage!
[00:53:08] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:08] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:08] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 138 damage!
[00:53:09] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 30 damage.
[00:53:09] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 25 damage!
[00:53:09] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 181 damage!
[00:53:09] The icestrider frostweaver recovers from the stun.
[00:53:10] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:10] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:10] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 127 damage!
[00:53:10] Your spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and hits for 22 damage!
[00:53:11] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:53:11] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:53:11] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:11] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:11] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 132 damage!
[00:53:11] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:11] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 24 damage!
[00:53:11] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 180 damage!
[00:53:11] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:12] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:12] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:12] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 18 damage!
[00:53:12] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 126 damage!
[00:53:12] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 12 damage.
[00:53:12] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:12] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 148 damage!
[00:53:12] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:53:12] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 33 damage.
[00:53:12] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:12] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 180 damage!
[00:53:14] Your spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and hits for 34 damage!
[00:53:14] Your pet's spell hits the icestrider frostweaver for 39 damage!
[00:53:14] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 13 damage.
[00:53:14] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 19 damage!
[00:53:14] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 146 damage!
[00:53:14] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:53:14] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:53:14] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:14] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:15] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:15] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 41 damage.
[00:53:15] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 24 damage!
[00:53:15] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 181 damage!
[00:53:15] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:53:15] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:15] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 20 damage!
[00:53:15] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 181 damage!
[00:53:16] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 41 damage.
[00:53:16] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:16] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 132 damage!
[00:53:16] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 13 damage.
[00:53:16] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 27 damage!
[00:53:16] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 142 damage!
[00:53:16] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 28 damage.
[00:53:16] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 27 damage!
[00:53:16] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 128 damage!
[00:53:16] Your spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and hits for 23 damage!
[00:53:17] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].
[00:53:17] You examine the icestrider frostweaver. It is neutral towards you.
[00:53:17] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:17] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:17] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 181 damage!
[00:53:17] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:17] You command the spirit champion to kill your target!
[00:53:17] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:17] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 25 damage!
[00:53:17] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 161 damage!
[00:53:18] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 28 damage.
[00:53:18] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:18] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 178 damage!
[00:53:18] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 13 damage.
[00:53:18] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 19 damage!
[00:53:18] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 169 damage!
[00:53:18] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:18] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 18 damage!
[00:53:18] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 146 damage!
[00:53:19] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:53:19] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:19] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 23 damage!
[00:53:19] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 136 damage!
[00:53:20] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:20] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 19 damage!
[00:53:20] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 126 damage!
[00:53:20] Your spirit champion attacks the icestrider frostweaver and hits for 21 damage!
[00:53:20] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:53:20] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:20] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:20] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 138 damage!
[00:53:21] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:21] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:21] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 174 damage!
[00:53:21] You command the spirit champion to disengage from combat!
[00:53:21] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 13 damage.
[00:53:21] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 20 damage!
[00:53:21] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 142 damage!
[00:53:22] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:22] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 20 damage!
[00:53:22] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 162 damage!
[00:53:22] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:22] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 18 damage!
[00:53:22] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 162 damage!
[00:53:22] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 34 damage.
[00:53:22] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:22] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 180 damage!
[00:53:23] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:23] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:23] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 176 damage!
[00:53:23] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 26 damage.
[00:53:23] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:23] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 148 damage!
[00:53:23] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:23] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 18 damage!
[00:53:23] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 141 damage!
[00:53:24] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 24 damage.
[00:53:24] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:24] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 146 damage!
[00:53:24] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 30 damage.
[00:53:24] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 20 damage!
[00:53:24] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 159 damage!
[00:53:24] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:24] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 18 damage!
[00:53:24] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 181 damage!
[00:53:25] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 29 damage.
[00:53:25] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 19 damage!
[00:53:25] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 185 damage!
[00:53:25] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:25] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:25] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 157 damage!
[00:53:26] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:26] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 24 damage!
[00:53:26] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 156 damage!
[00:53:26] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 28 damage.
[00:53:26] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 27 damage!
[00:53:26] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 164 damage!
[00:53:27] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 35 damage.
[00:53:27] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 25 damage!
[00:53:27] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 152 damage!
[00:53:27] The icestrider frostweaver fumbled!
[00:53:28] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:28] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:28] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 150 damage!
[00:53:28] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 36 damage.
[00:53:28] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 19 damage!
[00:53:28] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 141 damage!
[00:53:29] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 28 damage.
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 19 damage!
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 141 damage!
[00:53:29] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 20 damage!
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 155 damage!
[00:53:29] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 20 damage!
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 178 damage!
[00:53:29] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 28 damage.
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 184 damage!
[00:53:29] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 33 damage.
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:29] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 159 damage!
[00:53:31] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 31 damage.
[00:53:31] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:31] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 169 damage!
[00:53:31] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 7 damage.
[00:53:31] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 25 damage!
[00:53:31] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 156 damage!
[00:53:32] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 32 damage.
[00:53:32] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 18 damage!
[00:53:32] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 157 damage!
[00:53:32] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 32 damage.
[00:53:32] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:32] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 175 damage!
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 29 damage.
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 18 damage!
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 185 damage!
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver drops an icestrider leg.
[00:53:33] Your guild due(5%) is 4 silver and 20 copper pieces.
[00:53:33] You pick up 79 silver and 81 copper pieces.
[00:53:33] You get an icestrider leg and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:33] You get 28,625,763 experience points.
[00:53:33] You gain 3,435,091 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 20 damage!
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 156 damage!
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 30 damage.
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 24 damage!
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 147 damage!
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:33] Your guild due(5%) is 4 silver and 56 copper pieces.
[00:53:33] You pick up 86 silver and 66 copper pieces.
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:33] You get 24,191,076 experience points.
[00:53:33] You gain 2,902,929 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 34 damage.
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 21 damage!
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 184 damage!
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 31 damage.
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:33] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 167 damage!
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver drops a frosty leg.
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver drops a black opal.
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver drops an icestrider mandible.
[00:53:33] Your guild due(5%) is 4 silver and 58 copper pieces.
[00:53:33] You pick up 87 silver and 12 copper pieces.
[00:53:33] You get a frosty leg and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:33] You get a black opal and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:33] You get an icestrider mandible and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:33] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:33] You get 24,194,065 experience points.
[00:53:33] You gain 2,903,287 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:34] You can't concentrate on holding your Spirit's Justification spell!
[00:53:34] You begin casting a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:53:34] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:53:34] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 32 damage.
[00:53:34] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:34] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:34] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:35] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 31 damage.
[00:53:35] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 24 damage!
[00:53:35] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 35 damage.
[00:53:35] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 24 damage!
[00:53:36] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:36] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:37] You cast a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:53:37] You heal the spirit champion for 282 hit points!
[00:53:37] You begin casting a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:53:37] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:37] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 23 damage!
[00:53:37] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:37] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 22 damage!
[00:53:38] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 12 damage.
[00:53:38] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 23 damage!
[00:53:38] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:38] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:38] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:53:38] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:38] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 27 damage!
[00:53:39] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 33 damage.
[00:53:39] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 26 damage!
[00:53:39] You cast a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:53:39] You heal the spirit champion for 282 hit points!
[00:53:39] You begin casting a Spirit's Justification spell!
[00:53:39] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:39] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 25 damage!
[00:53:40] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:41] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:41] You cast a Spirit's Justification spell!
[00:53:42] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 25 damage.
[00:53:42] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 137 damage!
[00:53:42] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 12 damage.
[00:53:42] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 152 damage!
[00:53:42] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:53:43] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 35 damage.
[00:53:43] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 152 damage!
[00:53:43] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 12 damage.
[00:53:43] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 160 damage!
[00:53:44] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 12 damage.
[00:53:44] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 155 damage!
[00:53:44] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:44] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 135 damage!
[00:53:44] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:44] The icestrider frostweaver drops a large chest.
[00:53:44] Your guild due(5%) is 3 silver and 38 copper pieces.
[00:53:44] You pick up 64 silver and 41 copper pieces.
[00:53:44] Your guild due(5%) is 8 silver and 53 copper pieces.
[00:53:44] You pick up 1 gold, 62 silver and 13 copper pieces.
[00:53:44] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:44] You get 28,777,769 experience points.
[00:53:44] You gain 3,453,332 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:45] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 10 damage.
[00:53:45] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 137 damage!
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:46] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 181 damage!
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver drops an icestrider leg.
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver drops the Shimmering Runic Ember.
[00:53:46] Your guild due(5%) is 4 silver and 91 copper pieces.
[00:53:46] You pick up 93 silver and 42 copper pieces.
[00:53:46] You get an icestrider leg and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:46] You get a Shimmering Runic Ember and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:46] You get 28,621,765 experience points.
[00:53:46] You gain 3,434,611 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:46] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 176 damage!
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver drops a frosty leg.
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver drops a kornerupine.
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver drops the Latticed Shadow Vest.
[00:53:46] Your guild due(5%) is 5 silver and 7 copper pieces.
[00:53:46] You pick up 96 silver and 34 copper pieces.
[00:53:46] You get a frosty leg and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:46] You get a kornerupine and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:46] You get a Latticed Shadow Vest and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:46] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:46] You get 24,138,295 experience points.
[00:53:46] You gain 2,896,595 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:47] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:53:47] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 9 damage.
[00:53:47] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 132 damage!
[00:53:48] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 38 damage.
[00:53:48] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 127 damage!
[00:53:49] The icestrider frostweaver attacks your spirit champion and misses!
[00:53:50] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 8 damage.
[00:53:50] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 180 damage!
[00:53:50] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 23 damage.
[00:53:50] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 178 damage!
[00:53:50] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:50] Your guild due(5%) is 3 silver and 5 copper pieces.
[00:53:50] You pick up 57 silver and 96 copper pieces.
[00:53:50] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:50] You get 24,263,299 experience points.
[00:53:50] You gain 2,911,595 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:52] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 33 damage.
[00:53:52] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 164 damage!
[00:53:52] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:52] Your guild due(5%) is 5 silver and 55 copper pieces.
[00:53:52] You pick up 1 gold, 5 silver and 45 copper pieces.
[00:53:52] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:52] You get 24,196,811 experience points.
[00:53:52] You gain 2,903,617 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:53] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:53] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 180 damage!
[00:53:53] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:53] The icestrider frostweaver drops a green diamond.
[00:53:53] Your guild due(5%) is 3 silver and 36 copper pieces.
[00:53:53] You pick up 63 silver and 87 copper pieces.
[00:53:53] You get a green diamond and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:53] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:53] You get 28,725,444 experience points.
[00:53:53] You gain 3,447,053 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:53:54] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 11 damage.
[00:53:54] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 171 damage!
[00:53:54]  Attempting to self-salvage your Latticed Shadow Vest
[00:53:54] You begin salvaging the Latticed Shadow Vest.
[00:53:58] The icestrider frostweaver hits your spirit champion for 34 damage.
[00:53:58] Your spirit champion hit the icestrider frostweaver for 183 damage!
[00:53:58] The icestrider frostweaver drops a bag of coins.
[00:53:58] The icestrider frostweaver drops the Twisted Darksteel Bracer.
[00:53:58] Your guild due(5%) is 4 silver and 50 copper pieces.
[00:53:58] You pick up 85 silver and 55 copper pieces.
[00:53:58] You get a Twisted Darksteel Bracer and put it in your backpack.
[00:53:58] The icestrider frostweaver dies!
[00:53:58] You get 28,869,775 experience points.
[00:53:58] You gain 3,464,373 bonus experience due to successful activities of your realm in the frontiers
[00:54:09] You get back 15 netherium metal bars after salvaging the Latticed Shadow Vest.
[00:54:12]  Attempting to self-salvage your Shimmering Runic Ember
[00:54:12] You begin salvaging the Shimmering Runic Ember.
[00:54:32] You can't concentrate on holding your Spirit's Justification spell!
[00:54:32] You begin casting a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:54:33] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:33] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:34] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:34] You cast a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:54:34] You heal the spirit champion for 282 hit points!
[00:54:34] You begin casting a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:54:35] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:35] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:35] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:36] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:36] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:36] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:37] You cast a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:54:37] You heal the spirit champion for 282 hit points!
[00:54:37] You begin casting a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:54:37] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:37] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:38] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:38] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[00:54:39] You cast a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:54:39] You heal the spirit champion for 282 hit points!
[00:54:39] You begin casting a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:54:42] You cast a Regenerate Spirit spell!
[00:54:42] You heal the spirit champion for 273 hit points!
[00:54:42] The spirit champion is fully healed.
[00:54:44] You target [the spirit champion].
[00:54:44] You begin casting a Infusion of the Fallen spell!
[00:54:47] You cast a Mystic Crystal Lore Spell!
[00:54:48] You cast a Infusion of the Fallen spell!
[00:54:48] You get back 36 duskwood wooden boards after salvaging the Shimmering Runic Ember.
[00:54:54] You target [the icestrider frostweaver].


[00:56:02] You have died.  Type /release to return to your last bindpoint.
[00:56:02] You lose some experience!
[00:56:04] You will now release automatically in 7 more seconds!
[00:56:12] You release your corpse unto death.
[00:56:12] A grave was erected where you were slain.
[00:56:12] Return to /pray at your grave to regain experience.
[00:56:12] You've lost some constitution, go to a healer to have it restored!
[00:56:12] Your surroundings suddenly change!
[00:56:29] Uthgard Server - Version:
[00:56:35] You have entered Erikstaad.
[00:56:39] You have entered house number 1706.
[00:56:44] You target [Midgard Apprentice Merchant].
[00:56:44] You examine Midgard Apprentice Merchant. He is friendly and is a merchant.
[00:56:45] Midgard Apprentice Merchant gives you 2 gold pieces for 2 icestrider leg.
[00:56:46] Midgard Apprentice Merchant gives you 2 gold pieces for 2 frosty leg.
[00:56:47] Midgard Apprentice Merchant gives you 2 gold, 48 silver and 62 copper pieces for the black opal.
[00:56:48] Midgard Apprentice Merchant gives you 2 gold pieces for the icestrider mandible.
[00:56:50] Midgard Apprentice Merchant gives you 1 gold, 55 silver and 40 copper pieces for the kornerupine.
[00:56:52] Midgard Apprentice Merchant gives you 7 gold, 54 silver and 75 copper pieces for the green diamond.
[00:56:55] Midgard Apprentice Merchant gives you 2 gold and 20 silver pieces for the Twisted Darksteel Bracer.

*** Chat Log Closed: Thu May 26 00:57:06 2011

Respawn time is really insane fast on those 10.

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Postby Astealoth » May 26, 2011 02:51

fremster wrote:
Astealoth wrote:dire wolverines throw out stacks of gems like candy. i'd like to see more spots fixed. i hate seeing people in raumarik. in the days of 10g icestrider legs and insane fenrir droprates you would come on midgard and call for help in rvr zone for an hour. you do /who raumarik and theres 54 people. do a /who emain and theres nothing. the drop rate fix has done nothing but help this server. now raumarik is only 1 or 2 groups there in prime time. raumarik was never meant to be the primary zone so, good work :P

there is more ways to make money than grind in pve zone for hours :/

Lol how stupid can one be. The way to get more people in RVR is to make PVE easier, not harder. Now im not saying do that, I like a challenge, and its why im on Uthgard, not some i50 server. I think the problem is there is no semi decent spots to farm money. The only place is DF which not everyone likes or is able to go for whatever reasons. If you havent noticed there has been an increase of new playerbase in the last few months, and i know for sure the 2 people who said they are finding it hard arent the only ones. I agree some spots are too much, like the old spind mobs, but atleast make some places availible to farm for money!

it was changed mainly because the server was being spammed with plats i think. too much gold in the system. but, from having played long before the money changes, i can say with absolute certainty the opposite of your QQ is what happened. i dont care how bad or slow you play any half baked moron can farm up a 99% temp in this current economy. look at the damn consig merchant. price on everything is in the floor except the most elite drops, which noone needs to temp here anyway. if you refuse to rvr because you dont have 100p for every special skinned item and all the uber charges then... no need for you to play uth anyway :P

i beat 9L7 minst and 11L0 ns in fair 1v1s today on my 6L8 skald who got a half assed 99% temp valued at about 5p. you dont need crap to play well here.

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Postby vangonaj » May 26, 2011 09:53

Now the best way for far money is RvR. Much better than bears and isnt borring.

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Postby Thorberg » May 26, 2011 15:40

Blue wrote: The staff fixed only one spot in every realm yet

In Midgard definitely more than one spot was fixed, bears in Raumarik and crabs in Spindel.


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Postby Gorim » May 26, 2011 15:59

Petitpimousse wrote:if you want to make money to stuff yourself

it s better to find a group with 6 good people who make a run all a loot in tajendi, and better if you know 6 good friend with them you farm your item and sell the no need to buy the item you need

you ll win time, but you need a warrior with a good sc

Is on the fix or nerfplan so it's only a matter of time....

RvR is best fun/moneygain factor if you won't whipe perma and u have no need of using charges/barrels/pots.

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Postby Abydos » May 26, 2011 17:35

Tuttar wrote:
Edit: And btw, you can salvage/trinket while you are in combat. Although you need a forge for metaltrinkets. Maybe it's intended or this can be added to bugtracker. And frostweavs are neutral, remember them as aggro. Just tried the spot, it's still nice and ppl around to farm there.

Not intended, and I believe its already in the tracker. If not I'll add it.


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