my final answer about the "unaceptable name"

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Postby Whitelights » Jun 11, 2009 20:09

I played DaoC on several different servers in Eu and US and i always used the name Panzerfaust.
Never has anyone been disturbt by this not on a roleplay server and not on any other servers.

Altough i regret your point of vieuw about this i have to say that i will have no other choise then to lay down at the Gamemasters judgement about this.


i also regret the fact that these gamemaster are not in to nuance their point of vieuw about my particular name.
As you all know there are classes in game who are being called " Tanks" for example : Mid warrior, thane , Hib hero , champion , Alb Reaver ,paladin...
If i tell you that i am able to kill "Tanks" of this kind with my skald named "Panzerfaust" then what is senseless here?

So far i only see it as a name gamemasters don't like without giving me or the community a "Good" reason for it to be changed.
Never the less i will accept it and try to contact someone in game to give me a new name that i do like, in the hope that it won't be "disliked by gamemasters " once more.

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Postby nixian » Jun 11, 2009 20:11

as said in the other thread

things has to be answered in a PM to staff

stop opening more topics


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