How to set ur qbars at Pac Healer (or How to play a pac )

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Postby Morsa » Apr 25, 2010 14:52

Hi all ;-)

Like the topic says , it would be nice if u post some screens of ur pac healer with the qbinds and maybe explain me a bit where should a pac stay in a 8v8 fight how to play him good and how to train it to get better.

My problem at pac is that i am not fast enough i can not decide beetwen some thinks like : should i mezz now ? or should i heal disease ? should i root ?

The Tasks of a pac heal are so many so maybe someone got some tips

See u ;D and thx

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Postby Maidrion » Apr 25, 2010 14:54

Connect to irc, query [A]Karsten and ask him. Best pac healer I know and he'll write you a bigass essay about it :p

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Postby Toblerone » Apr 25, 2010 15:10

That all depends on how well are you at using your keyboard (I know a lot of people who use numbers only 1-5 and qbind or click the rest), how much you click and what's your orientation. I'm left handed so there's a 95% chance my qbinds would look like nonsense to you :P
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Postby Morsa » Apr 25, 2010 15:42

First of all , thx for reply

I never really played pac really long but i wanna try it because that class is in my eyes awesome.

On other classes i play with number 1-4 and i got 2 qbinds on mouse and i like to make some other on T , G .

But it is never enough for a Pac healer , i prefer to play with qbind and try to click to less as possible but i really cant play with click then i am to slow.

On other mezz classes like sorc i put on T demezz , on mouse amnesia ae and singe and ae mezz on 2 ............

But as Pac omg u need to heal/cure disease/demezz/mezz/rezz and more

And that u need so quick as u can

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Postby Liss » Apr 25, 2010 19:59

Qbinds and qbars really depend a lot on play style.

I myself think I use all 3 qbars, 3-5 pages on each, and 9-10 qbinds.
Some qbars have some of the same spells on them, but they are each used for different situations.

Just as an example for roaming, and the initial 3 sec of the fight you need quick access to these spells:
CC: Single instas, Ae instas, Ae castable mez, Ae stun
Heal: Greater heal, DI, Singe insta heal
Utility: Single amn, /face macro, /assist macro, Purge, MoC, Demez

After the initial opening of the fight you will need a different range of spells.
So situation is important.

In general the important stuff is in order:
1. Teamplay with the other supporters
2. Positioning
3. Overview
4. Fight-prediction (as in predict the next moves)
5. Reaction-time and targeting

Just to illustrate how different playstyle people have.
I played with one pac who in an entire week did not open a single fight without using insta CC.
And I also played with another pac who always opened with castable mez, or single insta CC as pure backup.

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Postby Force » Apr 26, 2010 01:46

If you are really unfamiliar with how to map your keyboard I recommend you check out tiesto's daoc fundamentals video.

It covers the very basics of how to control your camera/movement and what the important commands are to have accessible.

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Postby Lynk » Apr 26, 2010 02:30

Q-major heal
G-minor heal
C-aoe mezz
V-single mezz
T-greater heal
R-instant aoe mezz
H-grp heal
3-cure disease
4-aoe stunt
5-debuff heal
shift+T-single instant heal
shift+C-grp instant heal
shift+R-instant aoe stunt

those were my qbinds when i played on uth but as toblerone said maybe it doesnt work for u

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Postby Morsa » Apr 26, 2010 14:42

^Yeah i know i dont want so copy the playstyle of othger pacs i am just try to learn about the other pac a bit to create at the end my own stlye.

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Postby Luydor » Apr 26, 2010 18:00


So that will maybe take a little bit time but i try to explain it a little bit.

Some Basics to play a pac healer.

The Job off the Pac healer

The Pac Healer one of the char in DAoC which have high utility in many different ways. The main ways are Crowd Control, Interrupt, healing and buffing.

Crowd Control:

Mean to keep your enemy in a diffensive position in which they are nearly unable to act.

That is first of all Mezz, Stun, Root. Mezz and Stun are in the pac linie and you get it with high pac skill as single instant, instant ae, single and ae.
Root you just get as single.


Mean to interrupt the enemy supports that they cannot cast. for that you have your CC, some aoes and amnesia as single and aoe.


Alos the Pac Healer is a healer, most times the paci haven´t such big heal like the aug healer but its enough to heal the most time the incoming dmg of groupmate as long you aren´t interrupted.


The Pac Healer is mostimes a secondary buffer because he have lower off then the aug healer, but the Pac healer is the only class in Midgard which have the mana reg buff Pom.

UI Setup:

Your Ui should be setuped to be fast That means much play with the keyboard. That mosttimes better then to play wiht mouse only or just to run with keyboard, because you can click the targets with the mouse and don´t need to move the mouse to the qbar, you just hit a key on the keyboard and you can fast select a other target.
I have something like 20 spells i can cast with the keyboard.
I just change some days ago, so i have to train some spells a little bit, but that is a thing that nearly the same on all my chars. Good setup ups for the keyboard are sometimes only good to play if you train that a little bit.


The Paci as groupleader:

In many groups the pac healer is the groupleader. because he is often the stickleader and a pac have to have a overview over the fight. So its good if you know some tactis and try to command the group a little bit.

Pacis against other Mezzers

The Pacis can be the best Mezzer or the worstes main Mezzer in DAoC if you only look at the spells the different classes have.

The Sourc have a big mezz range 1875, high dex, quickcast.
The Bard have 2 times instant Amnesie, Speed, and 2 instant CC.
The Paci have 4 times instant CC.

So you have much instant CC, but the other main mezzer have more other utility to mezz.

The task of the Pac in fight:


The job is here first of all to be faster then the other mezzer.
Some people nearly always think the paci need to mezz the whole enemy group but that is sometimes not really possible. So the Paci should to interrupt the enemy mezzer. That mean find the Sorc/Bard and make a instant CC and cast AoE Mezz after the instant CC to get Player around the mezzer in mezz. Then try to mezz the other ppl, but you should look at the mainmezzer also at this time, if the mezzer purge try to interrupt him or CC him again, so he cannot demezz. You should communicate here with the tanks also. If the Mezzer get out off CC a Tank should interrupt him. If you are don´t with mezzing all other ppl of the group, maybe only not the tanks, it time for the next task. Get the other supports free. The Tanks will charge them, if charge is off they need to get CCed. So root or mezz them, no stun because most off them have det5 and they only stand 1 or 2 Sec in the Stun you can also debuff the tanks with the hast debuff. If you have time you can go for the next task, interrupt the other supports/casters. For that you have Root, Mezz, Stun and Amnesie. So they cannot cast. Sometimes its better to interrupt with CC so the other caster get a interrupt timer, but against quickscaster and MoC Caster it don´t work so you can make Amnesie, they cannot cast then but they don´t get a interrupt timer.
If the fight take longer, the immunity timer form the enemys of the CC will fade. So you have to do the first task again. Try to mezz/root/stun them.

The point healing is maybe a little bit specially. The Aug Healer is the main healer in the group. So the pac healer don´t need to heal most of the time, but if there is much dmg inc or the aug healer is under interrupt the pac healer need also to heal. That sometimes a little bit difficult to decide, here voicetools helps alot. So you can talk with the aug healer.


So that was a little bit :D, any questions ^^ ?

Greetz Luydor

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Postby Morsa » Apr 26, 2010 19:22

Hehe big thx for the awesome reply , how can get better as pac?

How u can tray the reaction ? the speed?

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Postby Liss » Apr 27, 2010 19:02

Morsa wrote:Hehe big thx for the awesome reply , how can get better as pac?

How u can tray the reaction ? the speed?

Train reaction and speed, is just one way.
Play ! :P

The christmas-race was good for targeting, and overview practise,
but you cant access it anymore :evil:

Best ways to get better as pac is to speak with more experienced players.
Even better, play with them, and get feedback while you play.
Or fraps your play, review it and take out errors, or get feedback on it from other pacs.

There is no such thing as perfection!
The moment you believe you play flawlessly, and can not find something to work on,
you should either quit, or get hit over the head with a fryingpan.
Because you are blinded by your own ego.

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Postby Luydor » Apr 28, 2010 16:26


Liss is in th emost things right, specially at the last point. If you have nothing to do as Paci the enemys are afk or you play bad maybe.

There are someways to train to play better as paci.

1. Know you enemys

Like you should nearly on all classes its good to know what other class can do, how much utility they have.

2. Know the other Mainmezzer

Normaly the first thing you have to do is pickup the main mezzer of the other grp. So if you had a fight, look who is the bard or the sorc, how are they colored.

3. Instant CC

There are alot ways you can win the mezz duel against a other group.
But what is a good way ? That is differnet between the setup of the enemy group and also between the setup of your group.

For example, I often try to get the bard of the enemey group in single instant CC and then to mezz the group wir AoE Mezz called box Mezz.

The Problem is to select the enemy mezzer is most time a little bit slower then to select just on of the group and make AoE instant Mezz.
You also can make AoE instant Stun and make then a box Mezz.

The way how a Paci can handle this, depends much on the skill the Paci have and how the Paci wants to mezz. Its really dangerous for you group if the Paci only want to land box mezzes. Because maybe the bard is then faster with the AoE instant Mezz.

A way to handle some off that here for example:

If you run with a caster group

Be fast, caster groups have a problem with CC, so just try to keep the mezz away from you group.

If you run with a Tank group

Here you have a little bit time to train, tank groups don´t have such a big problem with CC, so try to kick the mezzer of the enemey group and mezz the tanks single or with box Mezz.

Thats also depend on what speed you have an where you have inc and how much range is between you and the other group and which group the saw the other first.
For example one bad thing for a caster grp is to get a AoE Mezz if the enemy group just ran over a hill, so they are very close to you when you see them. I sometimes saw that when we run with a tank group against a caster group. We sometimes then take them down in under 1 minute.

For example were i used maybe a not such a good way. We run in a fun Setup, 3 Runis 1 BD 1 Warrior/Thane 2 Healer 1 Shaman.
I was the group leader and i run from emain to brefine. I know a enemy caster group was out. I run little bit on the hill where the hill ends there is a corner and the way goes a little bit down . At the beginning where the way goes a little bit down the hibs just come up. I select the bard, i think it was Marialea, and make an instant Stun on the bard and make Box mezz but just the half of the group and only 1 Caster or so. The problem was Marialea make in that time a AoE instant Mezz on my whole group. We had a fight before so the most had Purge down. So your group was down in nearly 1 Minute.

So back to the things with CC, if you aren´t so fast atm just try instant AoE mezz first. Then if you train it a little bit try to get the bard or the sorc in target and make instant AoE Mezz. If you are good in this try to make a single instant on the mezzer and make AoE instant Mezz on the other of the group. If you good in this try to get the Mezzer in target make single instant CC, and try to mezz the other off the group with box mezz. If you are good at this, try to make a single instant CC on the mezzer and make a box mezz on the group, while you do this look a the mezzer and interrupt him if the mezzer purge.

Other things to train.

In Midgard are sometimes more then 2 groups in emain, so you if you meet them try to pick out the pac Healer as fast as possible and hit the key for a instant CC. Just for training.

Fraps your fights and see what you can make better is also a good way to get better.

There much more things to get better as Paci i think, but maybe that will take a little bit time, so sometimes its maybe better to just play to have a little bit fun :D.

Greetz Luydor

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Postby Luydor » Apr 29, 2010 11:28


Moved to Midgard Forum.

Greetz Luydor

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Postby Whitelights » Apr 30, 2010 20:31

Thx to my experiances on live,after about 12mio rp on my pac i would say all starts with the way u move in the frontiers.

try to roam the spaces where u are almost or 100% sure about the fact u have a good overvieuw on other roaming groups , zergs etcetc, meaning : don't run in middle canyons stay high and on the sides of the battlefield, PAn ur camera like a maniac while running around in rvr zones , make the right decisions about ingaging or not, don't be gready for realmpoints , think like your enemy would think , try to see where he will go to when he didn't see u first and try to get to know what he will do when he did see you.
React on his moves in the right way, try to get out his Line of sight hoping he will be a worse campanner then you are so u can hit him from the flank or behind.

Try to avoid frontal inc when u can, unless u are higher RR with some RA's ready to pop, mostly frontal confrontation with sorc, bards are with a more negative outcome to the healer. But don't forget u have a castable 2sec amnesia aswell with an awesome range if frontal is unavoidable.

don't forget its not the one who wins the cc , who also wins the fight, as groupleading pac u have the power to move your group into the right position to recover perfectly from a lost mezz, again the use of ur camera will be very important here , know when to kite or when to push on inc, consider ur demezz as extreem important, hold it close to the moc RA.

personaly i always kept my instas free as long as possible, just incase u need to cc extra incoming when ur fight is already going.

Healing ... well i had the luck to play in a FG all the time with my wife as aughealer sitting next to me ,... I only healed occasionaly.

Most succes you will get when you know the terrain better then your enemy use it to trick them into traps where u only get advantage from.
If you know where they will be and roam u have 25% win in ur hands already .
So to be first is not only determined about how much dex, dexcap from ra u have or how ur buttons are situated or if ur a cliccker or Qbinder, but also about how good u manage to be smarter then the others.

level 43 auger leading groups with my grey ae cc in wilton mostly ....QQ .
ready to respec pac for thid tho !

P.S. personaly i don't like to insta stunn , then aemezz due to double immunity on enemys main CC'r after purge.. QQ.

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